It is very difficult to understand the tone of Count
von Bismarck towards Great Britain. He is, to begin with, very angry because we export horses, coals, and cartridges to France, and demands that we put a stop to those breaches of neutrality. Coals we cannot stop, as they are protected by treaty ; but we have stopped their departure in English storeships, declaring them in that case contraband of war. Cartridges we can stop, though only by prero- gative, and we hope we shall ; and horses we cannot stop at all. We might as well stop sheep because mutton helps to make French
/soldiers capable of endurance. All this is very natural, as belli- gerents always think neutrals secret enemies ; but what does Count von Bismarck think to gain by calling Englishmen old women, taunting us with cowardice, and prophesying our subjugation, all which things he does in the Correspondenz ? Does he think Englishmen are Continentals, to be driven into a duel by a few bard words? If he does, he totally mistakes the character of the mational pride. If the whole world abuses us, we shall tranquilly -condemn the stupidity of the whole world. Or is he preparing a -state of feeling in Germany which will enable him when the war is over to set England at defiance?