6 AUGUST 1892, Page 1

The news from the "roof of the world" is very

likely exaggerated, but if authentic, it may prove serious. Accord- ing to the Simla and St. Petersburg correspondents of the Times, telegraphing on Tuesday and Wednesday, detachments of Russian troops, under Colonel Yanoff, are reported to have occupied the Pamirs right up to the Hindoo Boosh, thus holding the country from which Captain Yanoff retired last year. Possibly some more military exploring has been ordered ; but we do not believe that Russia, with the cholera and the remains of a famine on her hands, with the Bourses shut against her, and with her army not yet fully armed with the new gun, is going to adopt a forward policy. Meantime, it is satisfactory to note that the Ameer will probably agree to receive a deputation headed by Lord Roberts, appointed to confer with him in regard to his Border policy, and to hear what he has to say in its defence. Less satisfactory is the news of Friday, that there has been a collision between the Afghans and Russians on the frontier, in which five Russians were killed and sixteen taken prisoners. It would be the greatest of ills if Mr. Gladstone were to be confronted with another Penjdeh incident.