6 AUGUST 1892, Page 17


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTA11011.1 SIE,—Nearly all the villages and esbahs in Egypt possess large pigeon-houses, the birds being encouraged for the sake of their guano, though their depredations among the crops have been estimated to largely counterbalance their value, and cause a heavy annual loss.

I should like to point out that "Fair Play" is mistaken in thinking all pigeons are the property of the fellaheen ; there are large flocks of "blue rocks," called by the natives "God's birds," belonging to no one, dispersed over the cultivated tracks that line the Nile, affording excellent sport. I have recently returned from the Fayoum, where thousands fly about, and on more than one occasion the leading villagers have acted as guides, and I, and others I know of, have been thanked for saving the dhourra, or wheat, from further loss. Of course every care should be taken not to tread down the crops, never to shoot doves or fire near a village ; a good shikarri is needed, and the fellaheen should be treated fairly. When these rules are observed, no friction ever arises, and much excellent sport can be obtained.—I am, Sir, &c.,
