[To THE EDITOR 07 THE " spicTATos."] SIR,—It was scarcely necessary for the Chairman of the East Wilts Liberal Association to ask what the Spectator thinks of one of the misleading posters issued on behalf of Mr. Long. But it is a comparatively small matter what statements are put forward by supporters of either Mr. Long or Mr. Hob- house. The really deplorable thing is when candidates them- selves degrade the character of the House of Commons by grossly deceiving voters whose ignorance is equal to their credulity.
I have before me a copy of the Marlborough Times of July 2nd, in which there is a correspondence between Mr.
Hobhouse and Mr. Long, and in which Mr. Hobhouse admits the correctness of a speech of his in which the following words occur:—" If they wanted the price of bread to go back to 3s. or 4s. a gallon, let them go and vote for the Tory Party."
Comment is needless ; epithets superfluous. Is it possible that any man, of any shade of politics, not blinded by party spirit, can approve of such language, addressed to "a large audience of labourers from a waggonette" P—I am, Sir, &c.,