6 AUGUST 1892, Page 26

We have received the first volume of what promises to

be a monumental work, The Memorial History of the City of New York, edited by James Grant Wilson (New York History Company). The editor proposes to give the history of the great city" from its first settlement to the year 1892." In this first volume he carries it as far as the end of the seventeenth century. The contributors to the volume are the Rev. B. F. de Casts, C. M. Ruttenber, the Rev. D. Van Pelt, the Rev. Ashbel G. liermilye, W. L. Stone, Marcus Benjamin, C. B. Todd, R. L. Fowler, and C. De Hildeburn (the last furnishing a chapter on "Printing in New York in the Seventeenth Century ").—Together with this we may mention Collections of the Masrichusetts Historical Society, Sixth Series, Vol. V. (published by the Society, Boston, U.S.A..) The volume contains "The Winthrop Papers, Part VI.," and is chiefly devoted to the correspondence of Wait Winthrop (1642-43-1717), and to the litigation which followed his death.—The History of the Corry Family of Castle Goole, by the Earl of Belmore (Longmans). The Corry family belonged to the great emigration which came in the seventeenth century from Scotland to Ireland.