Memoirs and Travels of Mauritius Augustus, Count de Benyowsky. Edited
by Captain S. Pasfield Oliver. (Kegan Paul, Trench, and Co. 3s. 6d. net.)—This is the fourth volume in the series of " Dryden House Memoirs." The Count Benyowsky crowded into his forty years of life (1746-1786) as much adventure as would fill up more than one passably active life of average length. He saw his first battle when he was fifteen ; what may be called his independent career began some years later. It is quite impossible to epitomise the story within any reasonable space ; and when we have to subtract the necessary discount for the diarist's "personal equation," the book becomes a very difficult one to deal with. On the whole, it will be best to leave it to our readers, with the remark that it is neither wholly edifying nor wholly credible.