6 AUGUST 1921, Page 14


[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] you grant me a little space to correct an accidental error in your reviewer's notice of my new book, Far to Seek? From a glance at my foreword, he seems to have gathered the impression that I have " transposed an outbreak, which really took place elsewhere, to the city of Lahore "—a liberty I would not dream of taking with historical events of the first importance. My sole aim in touching such a difficult subject was to tell the truth (so far as one can gather it from the records of witnesses) about events that have been too little realized in this country. The riots I have described took place at Lahore on the dates I have given, and precisely as I have recorded them. All I said in the foreword was that no serious British casualties occurred at Lahore, though there were many elsewhere. But I had imagined one, for the purposes of my story : a trivial detail, only mentioned because in all other details I had taken particular pains to be exact. I shall be very grateful if you can find room for this short letter in ell interests of the truth about India, that never more urgently needed telling than at this moment.—I am, Sir, &c.,