Snt.,—Yoti were good enough to insert in your columns some months ago a letter from us appealing for funds to enable the National Trust to. carry through the purchase of certain areas in the Lake District as a Memorial. to Canon Rawneley, the late Honorary Secretary of the Trust. We are happy to be able to inform the public that the response to that appeal has been so prompt and so generous that the whole amount asked for (X2,300) has been subscribed before the time allowed for the expiration of the option. An opportunity of adding to the Property thus acquired has presented itself, and we venture to ask those who have hot already sent a subscription to the Memorial Fund to assist us in making the whole scheme one which will be worthy of a man who never spared himself in preserving places of natural beauty for the benefit of others. Friars Crag, Lord's Island, and part of Scarf Close Bay are already sure of preservation. The land which it is now proposed to acquire is a further strip in Scarf Close Bay. It commands views of greet beauty and represents such an important addition to what has already been obtained that we have felt bound to make an effort to secure it. The sum required is small—only .M75—but the option of purchase extends cn!y to September 24th, and it is therefore desirable that all who wish to contribute should communicate at once with the Secretaiy of the National Trust, S. H. Earner, at 25 Victoria Street, S.W. 1.—We are, Sir, &c.,
PLYMOUTH, Chairman of Executive Committee; ULLSWATER, Vice-President; REIN BAILEY, Vice- Chairman of Executive Committee.