George Calderon. By Percy Lubbock. (Grant Richards. 14s. net.)—George Calderon
is fortunate in his memorialist. Or rather, we are fortunate in being allowed to gaze upon such a monument, for he to whom it has been erected has " outsoared the shadow of our night," and his present fortunes are beyond our making or marring. George Calderon, journalist, play- wright, actor, lawyer, artist, traveller, linguist, and soldier, was killed in a Turkish trench in June, 1915, in his forty-seventh year. With a most delicate touch, with unfailing insight and sympathy, and in a sketch rather than a biography, Mr. Lubbock presents his friend to the world—not what he did, but what lie WM- In this case pre-eminently the achievement was not the measure of the man, although his output was actually such as would have shamed many a more apparently fruitful worker. But in all his varied activities and unfinished undertakings, those who knew him most intimately were acutely conscious of 00110 purpose, running through all, uniting all, and making of a hie seemingly too greatly swayed by widely differing impulses a Perfect whole. Mr. Lubbock's sketch is in itself a wonderfully complete and life-like portrait ; but the excellent photographs which are bound up with it and the extracts from George Calderon's letters from Gallipoli with which the book closes have their own value, and further illuminate an inspired and inspiring tribute.