6 AUGUST 1921, Page 3

The incident reminds the present writer of certain financial overtures

once made by Abdul Hamid, the Sultan of Turkey, to Lord Cromer. The Sultan, always in money difficulties, was greatly impressed by what he heard of the miraculous results of financial reform in Egypt. Such results would, he felt, suit him exactly. Therefore let an offer of a fabulous salary be made to the great Baring. Let him come to Constantinople and set his spells working. Lord Cromer, amused by the suggestion, and to test its worth, told the Sultan's emissary that he could agree only on condition that the Sultan should be strictly rationed in expenditure. He must abandon absolutely the power of giving orders which would burden the public Treasury. He must resign the right to say " you must " to the Chancellor of the Exchequer. " I heard no more of the scheme ; I knew I shouldn't," was Lord Cromer's comment. Mr. Lloyd George is like the Sultan. He is enthusiastic for economy as long as it involves no sacrifice and no loss of power to the Prime Minister. When saving is found to involve sacrifice, its pleasant savour has fled.