Botswana's vodka
Sir: Jeffrey Bernard (Low life 4 June) expresses surprise that anyone in Botswana reads The Spectator. Actually, there are four of us. Five, if you count the University of Botswana, which also has a subscription. I know because not long ago I received everyone's copy in my mail box. The plastic wrappings somehow had got stuck together, so the workers at the post office simply shoved the lot into my box, my copy being the only one whose mailing label was visible. I put one of the copies in an envelope and sent it to its subscriber in Lobatse, whose address I seem to remem- ber as being a school of some sort. He may have been the one who wrote to Jeffrey Bernard. If his wife really is the best cook in the country, I wouldn't mind a dinner invitation for my trouble.
I think Jeffrey should seriously consider a visit to Botswana. My wife and I would be happy to put him up in the spare bedroom for a night or two, and I'm sure the couple in Lobatse would be willing to do the same. British Airways operate two direct fights a week from London to Gaborone, and an excursion ticket costs about £600. No need to stock up on vodka at the duty-free shop in Gatwick. Bots- wana has almost no tax on booze, so you can buy a bottle of Smirnoff, or better yet, Stolichnaya, for about 12 pula (around £4). Chip Krakoff
Private Bag 00117, Gaborone, Botswana