A Parisian pamphleteer has proposed to place young Napoleon on
the Greek throne as an independent monarch ! The specula- tion is not quite so wild as that of a German enthusiast, who has set himself to prove that Hussein Pacha is no less a personage than the identical Napoleon, Emperor of the French, restored from St. Helena and the clutches of Sir Hudson Lowe.
The price of bread in Paris has risen to 191 sous for the 41b. loaf. The magistrates have taken measures to supply the poor, and families who are not in easy circumstances, with bread at 16 sous.
A commission has been formed to inquire into the existing restraints on French trade, and the means of improvement. Ad- dresses and projects from many of the manufacturing and com- mercial districts have been encouraged.
The death of Don Miguel has been reported, for newspaper uses. Recent accounts, from the British Consul at Lisbon, seem to in- dicate that he is recovering.