War-Office, December 1.
7th Reg. of Foot—Lieut. Hon. Samuel Hay, to be Adj. vice Orr, who resigns tile Adjutantcy only. 111th Fout—Henry St. John Mildmay, Gent. to be Ens. by purchase, vice White, who retires.
11th Foot—Capt. Jeremiah Robinson, from the half-pay, to be Capt. vice Arch ibald Smith, who exchanges. 70th Foot—Lieut. George B. Mathew, from the Rifle Brigade, to be Lieut. vice Egerton, who exchanges. 77th Foot—Lieut.-Col. George Paris Bradshaw, from the half-pay, to be Lieut.- Col. vice Maclaine, dec. SSth Foot—Capt. George John Crosbie, from the half-pay, to be Capt. vice Tho- mas Baynes, who exchanges. Rifle Brigade—Lieut. Charles Du Pre Egerton, from the 70th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Mathew, who exchanges. Garrisons—Gen. George Moncrieff, to be Governor of Carrickfergus, vice Gen. Sir Baldwin Leighton, dec.
Mir-Olice, December 4.
1st Regiment of Life Guards—Cor. and Sub-Lieut. Sir Edward Blackett, Bart. to be Lieut. by pur. vice Baynard, who retires ; Sydney Parry, gent. to be Cur. and Sub-Lieut. by pur. vice Sir Edward Blackett.
Royal Reg. of Horse Guards—Lieut. Edwin Dashwood, to be Capt. by purchase, vice zooms, prompted; Cm. Lord Charles Wellesley, to be loimst. by pur. Ties Dashwood ; William Murray, gent. to he Coe. by pnr. vice Lord Charles Wellesley ; Corp. William Emmett, to be Quartermaster, vice Latchford, deceased.
Hospital Staff-Dr. Alexander Broadfoot, from the half-pay, to be Deputy Inspec- tor of Hospitals, vice Hennen, deceased.