OXFORD, December 4.—This day the nomination of the following gentlemen to the office of select preacher was respectively approved in convocation :—The Rev. Philip Wynter, D.P. President of St. John's ; the Rev. William Jocelyn Palmer, B.D. of limennose ; the ltev. William Mills, B.D. Fellow of Magdalen ; the Rev. John Neble, M.A. Fellow of Oriel; the Rev. Joseph Loscombe Richards, M.A. Fellow of Exeter.
At the same time the following degrees were conferred. Masters of Arts—Rev. John Still, St. Mary Hall; Rev. Edward Lutwyche Davies, Jesus ; alarwoad Tacker, Scholar of Balliol; Rev. Wm. Compton, Trinity. Bachelors of Arts— David Pugh, Balliol,- Grand Compounder; Wm. Williams, Queen's, John Wil- liamson, Balliol; Joseph Esmond Riddle, St. Edmund Hall; 151 organ Jones, Jesus; Richard Walker Thomlinson, Scholar of University ; Richard Palairet, Worcester; Rowland Smith, St. John's; Henry Samuel Sayer, Pembroke; Wm. Turbitt, Townsend's exhibitioner, Pembroke ; Henry Teush Hecker, 'trinity; Robert Martyn Ashe, Trinity ; Francis Warre, Oriel; John Henry Philipps, Oriel; Charles Buchanan Pearson, Oriel.
On the 29th ult. Mr. Herman Merivale, B.A. and Scholar of Trinity College, was elected Fellow of Balliol. At the same time Mr. W. Churton, Mr. E. Wilmot, and 31r. Herbert, were elected to scholarships on the same society, open to general cone- petition; and Messrs. Wickham and Wentworth were elected to exhibitions re- peetively limited to the county of Somerset, and the city and comity of Oxford.
On Tuesday last, six young men went up for public examination in the Schools at: Oxford, and only one obtained a lestuutur front the Examiners ; a slaughter this without precedent in the annals of the University.
CAMBRIDGE, December -1.—At a congregation on Tuesday last, the degree of Doctor in Divinity was conferred on the Rev. Gilbert Ainsiey, master of Pembroke: College. and Vice Chancellor, in compliance with the King's letters mandatory.
At the congregation on Wednesday last the following degrees were conferred:. Doctor in Dirinity—Rev. John Brasse, late Fellow of Trinity College. HOMY aSSO9 Master of Arts—Henry Thomas Hope, Trinity College. Master of Arts—Henry Courtney, Queen's College. Bachelors in Civil Law—Alexander Edmund Conk- burn, Fellow of Trinity Hall ; ltev. George Rankin, Christ College; Rev. Joseph Charles But teley, C. C. C. Dlle.belett. of Physic—Henry Charles buckle, Quetas College. BacIselors of A rts—I■lartin John Lloyd, St. John's College ; John Snotv.den, • St. John's; Charles Mackie, St. John's 5 Henry 'Malthus, Trinity ; Charles Stan- nard Eust ace, Trinity ; John lleadley Mooney, Queen's College. On Tuesday last„ John Collyer, Esq. M.A. of Clare Hall, Barrister-at-law, was elected Fellow of that society, ou Mr. Borage% foundation. craven Scholarship—An examination of candidates for a scholarship upon this, fon tidation, lately held by Mr. Martin, of Trinity College, will commeuce on Monday.- the 26th of next month.