The arrival of English Wheat this week has been very moderate, but of Foreign we have had a good supply ; and although Monday's prices are fully realized for prime samples, the trade on the whole is dull. Barley is certainly cheaper, more particularly for the middling and inferior descriptions which are not fit for malting. Beans and Peas scarcely support Monday's prices ; and the same may be said of Oats, which meet an extremely dull sale. In other articles no variation worth notice.
Return Price of Grain on board ship, as under :-
S. S• S. S. S. S.
Wheat,EssexRed,5S to 64 Fine, ...... . 40 to 42 Ticks, old, 38 to 42 Fine, .......... 66 - 68 Malt,........ .... 58 - 68 Ticks, new 33 35 White, new.... 58 - 70 Fine, .. 70 - 74 Oats, Feed, 19 = 23
Fine, • • • .a. • • • 72 - 75 Peas, Hog, .• ... 38 -41 Fine, 25 28 SuperfinEW..... 76 - 78 Maple, .. 41- 42 Polands, 20 - 24
Old, ...... 75 - 86 White .. 36 - 40 Fine, .... 26 - 29 Rye,... . - 40 Boilers .42 - 46 Potato, 30 - 32 Barley 30 35 Beans, small, .... 40 -49 Fine, ..... ...32 - 33 GENERAL AVERAGE PRICE of BRITISH CORN,_ For the Week ending Nov. 28, 1828, made up from the Returns of the Inspectors in the Maritime Cities and Towns in England and Wales.
Wheat, 74s. 4d. 1 Oats 25s. 81. 1 Beans, 40s.11d.
Barley, ..... ... 40 2 1 Rye, .... ..... ... 42 5 1 Peas, .43 2 AGGREGATE AVERAGE OF THE LAST SIX WEEKS.
Wheat, .. 75s. Od. 1 Oats, ..... ..... 26s. 5d.1 Beans, . 41s.4d. Barley,.. ..... . 40 4 1 Rye ..........41 5 1 Peas, ......... 43 6 DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN.
Wheat Is. Od.1 Oats .. ... ... 7s. 9d. Beans ...... ... 8s. Od.
Barley 1 10 1 Rye .... ..... 8s. 0 1 Peas .. . 5 0
Sold in this Market during the week ending Tuesday, Nov. 25th, from the Returns to the Inspector by the Corn Factors.-Imperial Measure. Quays. Aver. Quars. Aver. Quars. Aver.
Wheat .. 5556 .. 74e.10d. 1 Oats ... 19345 .. 27s. Od.l ' Beans.... 2403 40s. Id. Barley .. 7336 .. 41 3 1 Rye ....40..39 9 I Peas ... . 1338 - 43 4
GRAIN arrived from Nov. 24, to Nov.29, both inclusive. English-Rape,.. - qrs. Foreign-Beans, 180 qrs. Brank,.. - Peas, 1343 Mustard,. - Rape, . - Seeds, 143 Tares, .. . ...
Flour, ... .. 9465 sks. Flour, . .. 60 his. Foreign-Wheat39813qrs. Irish-Wheat, .. 1161 qrs.
Barley, 2873 Oats, 16536 Oats, 3201 Flour, 643 sks.
The highest price of Bread in the Metropolis is I2d. for the 415. Loaf. There are others who sell from a halfpenny to three halfpence below that rate.
The average price of brown or Muscovado Sugar, computed from the returns made in the week ending Dec. 2, is 31s. 41d. per cwt. exclusive of the Duties of Cus- toms paid or pavable thereon on the importation thereof into Great Britain.
Town Tallow, per 112th 45s. 03. Yellow Soap, per 11216 74s. Od.
Yellow Russia ... 41 0 Mottled 80 0
White.... 41 0 Curd .. ............. ...... 84 0 Soap ditto ............... 39 0 Graves ..... ....... ........ 20 0 Melting Stuff .... 3ti 0 Good Dregs . 5 0
Ditto Rough ..... ........... 24 0 SMITHFIELD, Fa DAY, DECEMBER 5. Our trade to-day is scarcely so good as on Monday, the weather being less favour- able. We quote Beef at 4s. 4d. for the best Mutton, however, realizes 2d. per stone more than last market, upon very choice descriptions, the sale being rather free.
Veal barely maintains our Monday's figure of -Id., and the sale is dull. Choice Pigs realize 5s. 8d. To sink the offal-per stone of Slbs.
Beef 3s. 2d. to Is. 8d. to 48. 43. 1 Veal .. ...Ss. 83. to 4s. Sd. to Sc. 4d.
Mutton.- 3s. 8d. to 4s. 2d. to 4s. 8d. 1 Pork 4s. Od. to 5s. (1d. to 5s. 8d.
Head of Cattle this day 1 Beasts, 446 1 Sheep, 4410 1 Calves, 188 1 Pigs ,130 Head of Cattle on Monday. 1 Beasts, 2957 1 Sheep, 15940 1 Calves, 125 1 Pigs, 154 NEWGATE and LEADENHALL-By the Carcase.
Beef, .. 2s. • Sd. to 35. Sd. 1 Veal,...... • 3s. 8d. to 4s. 8d.
Mutton,- .2s. 3d. to 3s.10d. 1 Pork,.... . fis. 43. to 5s. 4d.
SMITHFIELD.-Hay, 70s. to 80s. Od.-Inferior and new, 42s. to 65s.-Clover, 90s. Od. to 100s.-Inferior and new, Os. to 85s.-Straw, 28s. to 34s.
Wu urecuarEL.-Clover, SOs. to 108s.-Hay,55s. to 90s.-Straw, 30s. to 36s.
ST. JAMES'S.-Superior and prime Upland Meadow Hay, from Ms. to 84s.-In- ferior ditto and coarse Lowland Hay, 40s. to 50s. ; new 50s. to 115s.-Clover, 65s. to S5s. ; new, -s. to -s.-Wheat Straw, 32s. to 36s.-Oat, 28s. to 32s.- Barley,-s. to -s.-Rye, -s. to -s.; per load of 36 trusses.-Good supply and a dull trade.
Ships at Market. Ships sold. Prices. 1078 Newcastle.... . ....... . 30s. Oil. to 39s. Od.
408 Sunderland .... 218 ..... ....... 34s. Od. to 39s. 3d. English-Wheat 4004 qrs.
Barley, .. 5453 Malt, ... 3291 Oats, ....... 12143 Rye, .• Beans, . 2383
Peas,) 1546 Tares, ........ -