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WAR DEPARTMENT, Pall Mall, Dec. 5.—Cavalry--5th Regt. of Drag. Guards- Lieut. A. T. Frederick, from the 18th Foot, to be Lieut. paying the difference, vice FitzGerald, who exchanges, receiving the difference; Cornet T. Duffield, from the 16th Light Drags. to be Cornet, vice Ferguson, promoted.
Infantry—Coldstream legt. of Foot Guards—Capt. and Lieut.-Col. and Brevet- Col. W. S. Newton to be Major, without purchase, vice Brevet-Col. G. Drummond, dec. • Lieut. and Capt. and Brevet-Major J. Halkett Le Contour to be Capt. and Lieut.-CoL without purchase, vice Newton.
7th Regt. of Foot—Ensign F. J. Foster to be Lieut. without purchase, vice the Hon. H. Morton, dec.
17th Foot—Ensign St. Aubin B. Lennard has been permitted to resign his com- mission.
18th Foot—Lieut. H. E. Fitzgerald, from the 5th Drags. to be Lieut. vice Frede- rick, who exchanges.
50th Foot—W. R. White, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Conran, pro- moted in the 86th Foot.
54th Foot—F. A. Campbell, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Hughes, promoted.
77th Foot—Ensign F. D. Mant to be Lieut. without purchase, vice S. Smith, dec. 81st Foot—W. H. M. Jackson, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Evans, deceased.
1st West India Regiment—Sergt.-Major D. Gardiner, from the 22d Foot, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Samson, promoted ; R. Brew, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Bourke, whose appointment on the 13th Nov. 1856, has been cancelled ; Staff-Surg. of the Second Class W. F. Daniell, M.D. to be Surg. vice Cole, placed upon half-pay.
Gold Coast Corps—W. Cumming, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Gatehouse, promoted.
Military Train—Assist.-Surg. S. P. Woodfull to be Assist.-Surg. vice Dew, whose appointment on the 31st Oct. 1856, has been cancelled.
Depot Battalion—Quartermaster P. Higgins, from half-pay British German Le- gion, to be Quartermaster.
Staff—Lieut.-Col. C. Sillery, upon half-pay of a Dipot Battalion, to be Deputy Quartermaster-Gen. to the Troops serving in New Zealand, vice Brevet-Col. W. A. M'Cleverty, whose period of Staff service has expired.
Hospital Staff—Dispenser of Medicines J. Andrews to be Apothecary to the Forces, vice J. W. Simpson, placed upon half-pay.
The undermentioned Acting Assistant-Surgeons have ceased to do duty, there be- ing no longer occasion for their services—e. R. B!ackett, R. Modlin, P. J. Mul- larky, and J. L. Lizars.
Brevet.—Brevet-Col. J. Alves, on the retired full-pay of a D6pot Battalion, to be Major-Gen. in the Army, the rank being honorary only.
The undermentioned promotions to take place in the East India Company's Army, consequent on the death of Lieut.-Gen. R. West, Madras Infantry, on lath Sept. 1856, and Major-Gen. W. J. Butterworth, C.B. Madras Infantry, on 4th Nov. 1856 —Major-Gen. T. Fiddes, Bengal Infantry, to be Lieut.-Gen. To be Major-Generals —Col. R. Stewart, Bengal Infantry ; Col. E. Pettingall, Bengal Infantry. The undermentioned officers of the East India Company's ,pervice, retired upon full-pay, to have a step of honorary rank as follows—To be Major-General—Col. Day, Bengal Artillery. Lieutenant-Colonels to be Colonels—D. F. Evans, Bengal Infantry ; J. C. Plowden, Bengal Infantry ; E. G. Austin, Bengal Artillery ; H. Foquett, Bengal Infantry ; N. H. Fishe, Madras Artillery; F. K. Duncan, Ben- gal Artillery ; J. Ramsay, Bombay Infantry ; J. R. Western, Bengal Engineers ; S. S. Trevor, Madras Artillery; W. C. Hicks, Bengal Infantry. Majors to be Lieut.- Cols.—W. C. Stather, Bombay Infantry ; IL W. Wood, Madras Infantry ; W. V. Milford, Bengal Light Cavalry ; C. E. Goad, Bengal Infantry; C. A. Kitson, Ben Cavalry ; P. Ogilvie, Madras Infantry ; G. H. Fagan, Bengal Engineers ; D. Brewster, Bengal Infantry.
Erratum in the Gazette of Nov. 21, 1856—For Major-General Sir James Outram, K.C.B. of the Bombay Army, to have the local rank of Lieutenant-General in the East Indies, while employed upon a particular service—Read, Major-General Sir James Outram' K.C.B. to have the temporary rank of Lieutenant-General while employed on aparticular service.
Brevet.—Memoranda.—In pursuance of a memorandum, dated Oct. 1854, the Queen has beea pleased to confer upon R. Cannon, Esquire, a Ferik in the service
of his Majesty the Sultan, the equivalent honorary_npik of Lieut.-General, such honorary rank, however, to confer no privilege as a British General Officer on Lieut-General Cannon.
In pursuance of a memorandum, dated Oct. 1854, the Queen has been pleased to confer upon Lieut. and BreveteCaptain C. _T. E. Made, of the 65th Bengal Native Infantry and Lieut.-Col. in the service of his Majesty the Sultan, the equivalent honorary rank of Lieut.-Col. such honorary rank, however, to confer no privilege as a British Lieut.-Col. on that officer.