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ADMIRALTY, Dec. 1.—Vice-Admiral of the Blue the lion. G. A. Crofton has been appointed to receive a pension of 1501. a year, as provided for by her Majesty's Order in Council of the 25th June 1851, vacant by the death of Admiral F. Watkins, and the name of Vice-Admiral the Hon. G. A. Crofton has been removed to the re- served half-pay list accordingly; and, in consequence of this removal, the following promotions, dated the 12th ultimo, have this day taken place—Rear-Admiral Sir D. Dunn, K.C.H. on the reserved half-pay list, to be Vice-Admiral on the same list; Rear-Admiral of the Red Sir F. Moresby, K.C.B. to be Vice-Admiral of the Blue; Rear-Admiral of the White W. F. Martin to be Rear-Admiral of the Red ; Rear- Admiral of the Blue T. Bennett to be Rear-Admiral of the White ; Captain the Hon. G. Grey to be Rear-Admiral of the Blue. Captain W. T. Dance has also been- promoted to be a Retired Rear-Admiral, on the terms proposed in the London Ga- zette of the 1st September 1846, but without increase of pay.