6 DECEMBER 1856, Page 7


On the 24th November, in the Esplanade, Plymouth, the Hon. Mrs. D. Hay, of a daughter. On the 25th, at the Royal Hospital, Dublin, the Wife of Colonel Robert Wood, of a daughter. On the 27th, at Ealing, the Wife of Henry Blackett, Esq., of Great Marlborough Street, of a son.

On the 27th, in Grosvenor Square, the Hon. Mrs. Creswell, of a son. On the 27th, in Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, the Wife of Colonel Burn, Royal Artillery, of a son. On the 29th, in Warwick Villas, Paddington, the Wife of Lieutenant-Colonel H. Stamford, of a daughter. On the 29th, at Chorleywood, Herts, the Wife of William Longman, Esq., of a son.


On the 23d October, at Poona, Lieutenant Henry St. Clair Wilkins, Executive En- gineer of Aden, Presidency of Bombay, and son of the Ven. George Wilkins, D.D., Archdeacon of Nottingham, to Eliza Violet, only daughter of Major Colin McIntyre, of the Seventy-eighth Highlanders.

On the 27th November, at Cuaton, Kent, the Rev. Harry Lancelot Wingfield, Fellow of New College, Oxford, second son of John Musloe Wingfield, Esq., of Tickencote, Rutland, to Sophia Anna, eldest daughter of the Rev. Robert William Shaw, M.A., Rector of Caxton, and Hon. Canon of Rochester. On the 2d December, at St. Alphage's, Greenwich, the Ven. Archdeacon Robin- son, D.D., Master of the Temple, to Mary, the second daughter of Lieutenant Bed- ford, R.N., of Greenwich Hospital. On the 2d, at St. John's, Notting Hill, Thomas Learmonth jun., Esq., Wimpole Street, to Louisa Martha Burer, youngest daughter of the late Major-General Sir Thomas Valiant, K.C.B. and K.H.

On the 2d, at Wraxall, Somerset, George Edward Adams, Esq., youngest son of the late William Adams, LL.D., and the Hon. Mary Anne Adams, of Thorpe, Surrey, to Mary Dorothea, daughter of the late George Henry Gibbs, Esq., of Bedford Square, London, and Aldenham House, Herts.

On the 3d, at Holmwood Church, near Dorking, William Alexander Ellerman, Knight of the Royal Guelphic Order, and his Hanoverian Majesty's Consul at Ant- werp, to Louisa, second daughter of Baron de Hochepied Larpent, of Holmwood 'lease, Surrey.


On the 21st November, at Genoa, the Rev. Wm. Wellwood Stoddart, M.A., Vicar of Charlbury, Oxon, late Fellow of St. John's College, Oxford, and only surviving son of the late Sir John Stoddart. On the 25th, at Rearsby, Leicestershire, the Rev. Nathaniel Morgan, Rector of that place and Rural Dean. On the 27th, at Wastdale Hall, Cumberland, Stansfield Rawson, Esq.; in his 78th


On the 28th, in Upper Grosvenor Street, General Sir Henry John Cumming, H.C.H., Colonel of the Twelfth Royal Lancers ; in his 85th year.

On the 28th, in Porchester Square, Major-General Stephen Moody, H.E.I.C.'s Service.

On the 28th, at Bolton, West Brompton, Catharine, relict of the late Lieutenant- Colonel bales, K H and F.R.S., formerly of the Fourth or King's Own Regiment ; in her 93d year.

On the 29th, at Thornton-le-Street, Think, Isabel, the only daughter of Lord and Lady Greenock ; in her 5th year. On the 29th, in Gower Street, Bedford Square, Mrs. Boott ; in her 91st year. On the 29th, at Upper Tooting, Surrey, Jane Gaitskell, widow of the late Thomas Oaitskell, Esq. ; in her 91st year.

On the 29th, in Westbourne Crescent, Rear-Admiral Frederick Beechey,

F.R.S., President of the Royal Geographical Society, &c.

On the 30th, at Bishop Wearmouth, Durham, Anne, widow of the late William Masterman, Esq. ; in her 95th year.

On the 1st December, Charles Montgomerie Lamb, Esq., only son of Sir Charles M. Lamb, Bart., of Beauport, Sussex ; in his 40th year.

On the 3d, in Cambridge Terrace, Hyde Park, John Matthew Bulkeley, Esq.; in his 90th year.