6 DECEMBER 1856, Page 8



The English Market has been steady, with a fair amount of business do- ing. The Bank of England yesterday announced a reduction from 7 to 6} per cent on discounts and loans upon securities ; they also determined to make advances on bills having six months to run at the same rate, instead of three months as formerly. Consols have fluctuated between 94k and 941. The notification of the Bank Directors yesterday caused a rapid advance to 941; being an improvement of1 per cent on the opening prices. The failure of a dealer in the " House," who had been speculating very largely for a fall, assisted greatly to maintain the firmness of the market. The present price is a shade lower-941k. Exchequer Bills have been negotiated at an improvement of 48. during the week. Other Stocks firm, without alteration. Foreign Securities have been more active this week, at a slight advance. Russian Five per Cents are now quoted at 107 9, and the Four-and-a-half per Cents at 95 7; Spanish Three per Cents, 424 3f. Spanish Certificates opened this morning at 51 4, and are now 51 61. The Turkish Six per Cent Stock has chiefly occupied the attention a dealers, and there is a further rise of on the price of last Saturday : the Four per Cent Stock has been active today at an advance of 1 per cent. Prices have been well sustained in the Railway Share Market, but with a limited business passing. The tendency has been towards a gradual rise in most descriptions of heavy Shares, with the exception of Great Northerns, which continue depressed on account of the expectation that the extent of the late frauds will prove more serious than was at first anticipated. The following are the latest quotations in some of the leading Stocks. London and North-Western, 1061 ; London and South-Western, 541 I; Great Northern, 701 f; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 971 2; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 1100 11}; Midland, 821 I ; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 54 56; Caledonian, 291 30; South-Eastern and Dover, 221 I. In the Foreign Railway Market, French Shares have continued to im- prove, and an average rise of fully I/. per share has been established. Paris and Lyons, 54 f ; Northern of France, 38} 9 ; Great Central, 51 #Lyons and Geneva, 10} to llf. Indian Shares have also been in good demand, and are quoted better. Bombay and Baroda, 1 to lk premium ; East Indian, 221 to 3 ; Great Indian Peninsular, 211 to 2.


The Bank return of last night gives an increase of 513,7761. in the stock of bullion. The Markets opened quietly but firm : Consols are 94 1 ex div. The Foreign and Railway Markets present no new feature, and prices are generally without alteration. Bristol and Exeter, 94; Caledonian, 591; South-Eastern and Dover, 74; Midland, 821; London and North-Western, 106.


There is no alteration whatever in the prices of the English Stocks ; Con- sols are as at the opening 94 k ex div. Foreign Stocks are quiet. Spanish Certificates. 61 1, showing a further improvement oft per cent. The prices of Railway Shares, both English and Foreign, remain station- ary, the markets have been steady all the morning, with little or no business doing; the following are the latest bargains—Ambergate, Notts, Boston, and Eastern Junction, 41; Bristol and Exeter, 93 ; Caledonian, 591; Chea- ter and Holyhead, 40; East Anglian, 20; Eastern Counties, 91 ; Edin- burgh, Perth, and Dundee, 36 ; Great Northern, 91; Ditto A Stock, 77 ; Great Western, 701; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 97}; London, Brighton, and South Coast, Ill ; London and North-Western, 106 ; Ditto Eighths, ; London and South-Western, 108} ; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lin- colnabire, 35; Midland, 821; North-Eastern—Berwick, 86; Ditto Exten- sion, 191; Ditto G. N. E. Purchase, 21 din. ; Oxford, Worcester, and Wol- verhampton, 291 ; South-Eastern, 74 ; South Wales, 801; Vale of Meath, 19} ; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 10/. 6 per Cent, 1071 ; Namur and Liege, (with interest,) ; Royal Swedish, 11. Miscellaneous

—Berlin Water Works, .5i; Canada July, 113}; Peninsular and Oriental

3 per Cent Consols • shut. Ditto for Account 94 1 . 3 per Cent Reduced 931 i New 3 per Cents 94- } Long Annuities 18-16 i Bank Stock 215 17 Exchequer Bills 4 8

Goiernment 6 per Cent January and Steam, 72.

Dutch n per Cents

Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 3 per Cents

-Peruvian 41 per Cents Portuguese 3 per Cents 1853 441572964046526668168

Ditto 3 per Cents Russian 5 per Cents India Stock 225 9 Ditto 44, per Cents

Austrian 5 per Cents 86 9 Spanish 3 per Cents

Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 41 per Cents 99 101 957 ex d. Ditto Deferred Sardinian 5 per Cents


8890 x d.

83975 e d

Chilian 6 per Cents 101 5

Swedish 4- per Cents

Danish 5 per Cents 102 4 Turkish 6 per Cents

Ditto 3 per Cents 83 5 Ditto 4 per Cents Guaranteed.

0 6i 11

Mr. Bonamy Dobree junior was on Wednesday last elected a Director of the London and Westminster Bank, in place of Mr. Alderman Farncomb, resigned. It is understood that Mr. Bonamf .bobree will be the next Deputy-Go. vernor of the Bank of England.

The Unity Bank have resolved not to open any more branches at present. Mr. Benjamin Bower has been added to the Board of Directors.

Last week the proprietors of the Eastern Counties Railway filled up the vacancy in the Direction caused by the retirement of Mr. Waddington. The candidates were Mr. Love who was Chairman of the Committee of Investi- gation, and Mr. W. Malls. At the meeting, the show of hands was in favour of Mr. Love : a poll followed. On Monday this week the result was declared—Mr. Love had a majority in the amount of stock and the number of votes, Mr. Mains had the greater number of voters : Mr. Love was de- clared duly elected. The proprietors then ventilated the misdoings of four of the Directors and Mr. Owen the Secretary, in accepting allotments of shares in the Tilbury line from the contractors, at a time when they were at a premium-1091 shares in all, the premium being 21. 108. Nothing prac- tical came of the discussion.

Plans and sections of no fewer than one hundred and seventy-seven rail- ways and other public works were deposited with the proper officers before eight o'clock on Saturday night, preparatory to the forthcoming Parliament- ary campaign. The railways number one hundred and nine. Against the hundred and seventy-seven schemes of this year, there were only one hun- dred and twenty-two last year.

The sanction of the home Government has been given to the arrange- ments with the Ceylon Railway Company, under which the Company are to receive a guarantee on the revenues of that island of 6 per cent for a capital of 800,0001., and of 5 per cent on a further sum of 400,0001. in case it should be required.

A junction has been formed between the Cunard Company and the Eu- ropean and Australian. Royal Mail Company. The Cunard steamers will perform the Mediterranean service, to commence from Southampton in Fe- bruary ; while the Australian Company's vessels will run between Suez and Melbourne.