6 DECEMBER 1957, Page 18


SIR,—I notice with interest that Pharos has joined the many writers in high-class journils who complain that in ITV's 'advertising magazines' advertisements are 'masquerading as programme material.' Without wishing in any way to defend the ITV practice, I do find the attack rather odd, in view of pots and kettles, and motes and beams. What, but advertise- ments masquerading as editorial material, are those supplements we now continually find in high-class journals on, say, wine or travel or banking, where purportedly spontaneous editorial matter on wine and travel and banking is flanked by advertisements' only for wine-merchants and travel agencies and banks?—Yours faithfully, MARGHANITA LASKI Capo di Monte, Windmill Hill, NW3 [This letter is referred to in 'A Spectator's Note- book.'—Editor, Spectator.]