The villains
The British show no signs as yet Of ever getting out of debt, Nor can the Americans contain The erosion of their dollar drain.
In France unpatriotic sharks Yearn to exchange their francs for marks.
Such crooks as these, the gnomes exclaim, Deserve their moderate dose of blame.
But all agree the sternest sermons Must be directed to the Germans.
True, they produce, but what's the use?
They won't consume what they produce.
They work all night, they work all day, And then invest their surplus pay.
They keep whatever hours they like.
The brutes won't even go on strike.
What's worse by far, they even try To sell things people want to buy,
And—what might make the angels weep—
Not only sell but sell it cheap.
The wonder is these frightful bores Somehow contrive to lose their wars.
At least they are the sort of chaps That make economies collapse.