6 DECEMBER 1969, Page 21

Shorter notices

A Cell of Good Living: The Life, Works and Opinions of Eric Gill Donald Attwater (Geoffrey Chapman 45s). A pious but in- formed biography of Eric Gill (stonecarver, typographer and draughtsman) by a close friend and disciple. Mr Attwater deals effec- tively with the religious side of Gill's nature but is unduly reticent about the urgent streak of sexuality which played such a major part in his life and work. Gill's archaically romanesque touch with stone now often seems a trifle dated but his typo- graphic work met with immediate and con- tinuing respect, and there are still many admirers of his deft drawings of nudes, The Price of My Soul Bernadette Devlin (Deutsch 25s). `So, by a majority of 4,211, muggins got elected and dumped into Par- liament'—Miss Devlin's story is racily told, with a distinct hum from the tape recorder audible now and then. The title (she tells us) refers not to the price at which she would sell her soul, but the price one must pay to preserve its integrity.

We regret that the full title of Jock Has- well's 'The Respectable Spy: The Life and Times of Colquhoun Grant' (Hamish Hamilton 45s) was omitted from our re• view on 15 November.