6 DECEMBER 1975, Page 5


Sir: It is to be supposed that Mr Hebblethwait3's Choice of possibles for the successor to Cardinal Heenan at Westminster (November 15) was based on his assumption that his views were shared by most kright-minded Catholics. However, I question whether has been entirely objective in his first choice: that Al the Auxiliary Bishop of Northampton, the Rt Revd en Clark, whom he describes as having "learned the drt of dialogue by actually engaging in it." Are we to understand that the bishop's recent role as Bailiff of thC Tridentine Priest at Downham Market is to be seen as furthur evidence of this virtue? Could it be that the -rapturous reception" of this alringent anti-mediaevalist, at the Anglican Synod in tu74, was indeed occasioned by that worthy body of Frelates joyfully beholding in him the miraculous and °rig-awaited reincarnation of the author of the BCP? May I respectfully suggest that in this particular se the question is not about 'Westminster' — but k-anterbury.'

44 London Street, Swaffham, Norfolk

V. M. Wick