There is considerable anxiety respecting the charter of the new
London University : and we are not surprised at it ; for we see, by paragraphs in the newspapers, that Mr. SPRING RICE is suspected of lending himself to the views of Sir HENRY Haman, Sir BENJAMIN BRODIE, Dr. RoGET, and others, who are opposed to the establishment of a Metropolitan University on a thoroughly liberal basis. Whether this be true or not, Mr. SPRING RICE should know that some of these gentlemen boast of their influence over him in this matter. We agree with the Courier, that " the appearance of the charter will at once set at rest all rumours :" but if the imputations now cast upon Mr. RICE (for they are imputations) should then turn out to be well.founded, that Minister will be neld responsible to the public for all that is faulty and exclusive in the charter.