We perceive with pleasure, from letters in the papers of
this morn- ing, that Members who voted in the majority on the Address, but wl:oie names were omitted yesterday in the published lists, are anxious to have the credit of supporting Ministers ; and that others, who were prevented from attending by illness or accident, are equally desirous that the real cause of their absence should be made known. The Standard last night asserted, that of the absentees three-fourths were Tories ; but the Morning Chronicle supplies a list of 56 Re- formers and only 51 Tories who were absent—which, with the Tellers and Pairs, accounts for 650 Members. Six new writs have been moved for ; but of these, two only are fur Tory vacancies ; one of them (for Devizes), about to be filled by a Liberal; the other four were Liberal vacancies. It thus appears, that had the House been full, the Liberal majority would have reached fifty, instead of being reduced according to the Tory assertions.