RAYNER, having got his unlucky theatre on his bands again,
opened it himself this week, in a right spirit of defiance to the Deputy Cham- berlain. He evades the prohibition, by giving a medley sort of enter- tainment, such as YATES used to purvey on the holy nights of Lent; consisting of a monopolylogue, recitations, posturing, &c.
RAYNER opened with an address, in which he complained loudly of injustice, and hinted at prejudice in a courtly quarter. However that may be, he has been nigh ruined, and his wife driven mad by the treat- ment he has met with. These are injuries of too serious, a nature to be lessened in public sympathy by the exaggerated phrase in which actors are given to proclaim their joys and sorrows to the world. RAYNER has been unfairly dealt by, and should have redress.