The examination of FIESCHI and his co-conspirators, PEPIN, MORRY, BOIREAU,
and BESCHER, was brought to a close in the French Court of Peers on Tuesday ; and the examination of NINA LASSAVE, one of FIESCHI'S three mistresses, was commenced. FIESCHI, who boasts of his own guilt, and who acts and talks like a madman in the Court, has given evidence against his brother prisoners, which they declare to be false : it remains to be seen how far it will be corroborated by other witnesses. At pre- sent it is supposed that FIESCHI was the tool of MOREY, who was the chief plotter. This is the man who attempted to starve him- self in prison. As far as the evidence furnished by the accused themselves goes, we see no reason to conclude that any men of note or. .influence among either Carlists or Republicans were cog- nizant or instigators of the conspiracy. M. Govist was to introduce a bill for the reduction of the Five per Cents. into the Chamber of Deputies on Thursday. It would probably be supported by the majority ; and unless a compromise ensues, the Duc DE BROGLIE and the Doctrinaires are expected to resign.