The accounts from Alexandria to the 23d of January bring
the intel- ligence of the departure of the Turkish fleet for Marmorice, under the orders of Admiral Walker. The British steamer Stromboli, and the Egyptian steamer Nile, had been continuously employed during the 19th, 20th, and 21st of January, in towing them outside the bar The greatest activity and cooperation prevailed in the work, inso- much that the fleet was under sail in ten days after the firman was read for its restoration. Six vessels sailed out on the first day ; after which, Mazloum Bey, the new Turkish Commissioner, delivered to the Pasha a letter from the Grand Vizier, (received by the Sultan's steamer Tahiri Bahri two days before,) stating that the Porte had granted the _request made by its Allies to confirm Mehemet Ali in the hereditary Pashalic of Egypt as suttee as the fleet had been delivered. On the evening of the 21st of January, the Cairo telegraph and an overland courier had both announced to Mehemet All that " Ibrahim Pasha and his army had arrived at Burnley, near Gem." A large transport was loaded that night with provisions for the troops, which were stated to he in great destitution and disorder. Commodore Napier remained at Alexandria, waiting further orders.