6 FEBRUARY 1841, Page 11



. Money has become scarcer ; and this circumstance, in conjunction with the unsatisfactory state of politics both at home and abroad, has depressed the prices of all Government Securities. The state of the Exchanges, which are declining, has evidently alarmed the Bank Directors, and measures are in pro- gress for contracting the circulation ; at least the recent sales of Stock by the Bank Broker are so interpreted. A gloom has thus been thrown over the Money-market for the last few days ; which was materially increased by the receipt this morning of the unpleasant correspondence that has taken place be- tween our Ambassador at Washington and Mr. FORSYTH, the American Se- cretary of State for Foreign Affairs, on the subject of the liberation of Mr. APLEou, one of the persons accused of being concerned in the destruction of the steamer Caroline during the recent disturbances on our Canadian frontier. The decline in the price of the English Funds has been about and they almost all close to-day at the lowest quotations. It was very generally reported on Monday that the Chancellor of the Exchequer would give immediate notice of a loan of 5,000,000/. ; but it is now stated that this operation will be de- layed till after Easter. The passing of the bill for the fortification of' Paris has contributed something to the depression of our Funds ; as, independently of the effect of this measure upon our relations with France, it is quite evident that the large sum required must be raised by way of loan, and that a consi- derable portion of it will be supplied by our capitalists. The anticipation of a funding has tended to keep up the price of Exchequer Bills, which are only Is. below our last quotation. Bank Stock has declined 2 per cent., and was yes- terday done et 164. India Stock has fallen 1 per cent., and is to-day at 247. The last advices received from the United States were very unfavourable to the holders of the United States Bank Shares. It appearing that during the last six months the interest paid on loans and sacrifices made to keep up the credit of the Bank have caused the expenses to exceed the profits by 500,000 dollars, or more than 100,000/. The shareholders must consequently abandon all hope of a speedy resumption of dividends. The price of the Shares before the lust arrival was 13/. We cannot note any transactions in them, as like most of the American Securities, they are at present totally unsaleable ; the recent appearance of a demand for these Securities, occasioned by the election of General HAnnison to the Presidency having completely died away. The Chilian Bonds are in continued demand ; have been done at 63, an improve- ment of 3 per cent. upon our last price ; and are now quoted at 63 65. The other South American Bonds were heavy, with but little doing till this morn- ing. An impulse has, however, been given to them generally, by the purchase of 10,000 Peruvian, at 17, and 10,000 Mexican, at 28,b y an eminent broker. The markets are consequently firmer, notwithstanding the decline of the English Funds. Portuguese Bonds are without material variation, but are heavy at the current quotations. The long-expected decree upon the subject of capi- talizing the over-due Coupons on the Spanish Active Bonds, has made its ap- pearance, by which it is proposed to convert them into Active Stock bearing an anterest of 3 per cent. per annum ; which new Stock is to be received in pay- ment for the national property. This decree has not been received as was an- ticipated; a capitalist, who has been long known as an influential supporter of Spanish credit, having sold all the Stock he held, to the extent of 120,000/. The market has since been heavy, and has to-day declined to 24, without any immediate appearance of improvement.

The Railway Shares generally are heavy, in consequence of the decline of Consols. The current varieties are all lower. Brighton, which had improved, have gone back the whole of the late advance.

3 her Cent. Consols 831 i Belgian 5 per Cents 98 9 Ditto for Account 88; 9 Columbian 6 per Cents 228 3 3 i er Cent. Reduced 891 4 Danish 3 per Cents 78 9 3} per Cent. Ditto 98 Dutch 21 per Cents 491 50 New 31 per Cents 971

Mexican 5 per Cents. Consd. 274 8

Bank Stock 164 6 Portuguese Regency ft per Cm. 314 2 Exchequer Bills 3 5pm. Ditto 3 per Cents 191 204 India Stook for Account' 296 8 Russian 5 per Cents 114 Brazilian 5 per Cents 721 Spanish (Active) 23; 24


The intelligence by the Indian mail has produced a further depression in the English Funds. Consols for Account, which closed yesterday afternoon at 88{ 89, have been as low as 884, and there were for a short time sellers at that price : an improvement has, however, since occurred, and the 'price is now 884 89 for Money: the price has been as low as 88if for Money, but is now 88a .4. The other English Funds, after experiencing a similar decline as Consols, have recovered in the same degree. Exchequer Bills are unchanged, viz. 3s. to 5s. premium. Most of the Foreign Stocks are at yesterday's quotations, with but little business doing. The South American are, however, firm, and there are buyers of Buenos Ayres at 22, of Peruvian at 16i, and Columbian at 22i. Spanish Active is lower, viz. 23i 24. The usual monthly statement of the liabilities and assets of the Bank of England has been published this morning; as compared with the last, there is an increase of 118,000/. in the Circulation, of 316,000/. in the Deposits, of 233,000/. in the Securities, and of 259,000/. in the Bullion.

SATURDAY, Fora o'Cumx.

A purchase of Consols for Account at 89 has occurred in the course of the afternoon, and this is the only transaction worthy notice. The market, in con- sequence of the above bargain, closes firmly at the morning's quotation. In the Foreign Market, prices are generally the same, and we cannot quote any transactions of moment.