The Washington Post, General Harrison's organ, printed on Tuesday a
long article charging Mr. Blaine with having tricked the President with regard to the Chilian dispute. The Secretary of State, it alleges, has persistently represented himself as friendly to Chili, and as restraining the Govern- ment from violent action. At a dinner given by Senator Hale, M. Blaine is alleged to have spoken with extraordinary frank. nese. "Ha denounced the idea that Chili should be treated harshly. He said that, although the Valparaiso affair was pothing more than a dF114kel?- scim/1?121e in a disreputable slam, signifying nothing, the Chilian. Government had already apologised for it many times more than the United States had apologised to Italy for the brutal and barbarous massacre of Italians at New Orleans. He characterised in severe terms the disposition to exact any further concessions from Chili, and this at a time when the President had notoriously resolved to do that very thing. He declared emphatically that if the Government adopted such a policy, he wished to be understood as repudiating it." It is possible that all this may be a mere invention, but it certainly bears out the persistent rumours that the President and his Secretary of State have been at daggers-drawn over the Chilian business. It is no doubt published at this moment to prevent Mr. Blaine's nomination at the next Republican Convention.