A new- star has suddenly appeared in the constellation Auriga,
in the Milky Way. The star differs somewhat in aspect from the other stars in the field, " being slightly fuzzy, and its light not so piercing." Whether this new-comer of the universe has only sailed into the astronomers' ken for a time, and will be visible only while traversing that por- tion of its path in space which is open to view from the earth, or whether it has come to stop, is not known. The new star's appearance is, however, a vivid reminder of the terrific possi- bilities of space. It is conceivable that some day a new phenomenon of the heavens as realisable to ordinary vision as the sun or moon may come into being, and that what we are apt to consider the• primal conditions of life may suffer revolution. If a suffibiently large and bright star appeared opposite the sun, a sort of daylight might become perpetual.