The meeting of the Liberal Unionist Council convened by Mr.
Chamberlain was held at the Westminster Palace Hotel on Wednesday afternoon, and attended by eighty-six members out of a total number of a hundred and twenty-three, the Free-trade Unionists, with a few exceptions, absenting them- selves from the meeting. Two resolutions were passed, with only three dissentients :—(1) "That in the opinion of the meeting the existence and activity of the Central Liberal Unionist Association should be maintained." (2) "That the officers of the Association be instructed to assist, as heretofore, all Liberal Unionist candidates and Liberal Unionist Associa- tions who are prepared to support the Unionist Government, without regard to their personal opinions upon the question of fiscal reform." Taken by themselves, these resolutions appear to be of the most innocuous character. But Mr. Chamberlain in his opening speech left no shadow of a doubt as to what supporting the Unionist Government means.