Friday's papers contain a most interesting official state- ment from
Cairo. On Wednesday Toussoum, a post near the middle of the Suez Canal, was attacked at 3 a.m. by the Turks, and a determined attempt was made to cross the Canal by means of pontoons and rafts. At daybreak the Turkish guns fired on Touesoum and Serapeum, and were answered by our artillery and our ships in the Canal. After a certain amount of fighting the enemy retired at 3.90 p.m. During the action nearly three hundred prisoners were made, and a large number of dead were left lying in front of our position. H.M.S. 'Hardiage' was twice hit by shells and ten men were wounded. Oar other losses were two officers and thirteen men killed and fifty-eight wounded. Four of the casualties, it is interesting to note, were in the Egyptian Field Artillery, which gave valuable assistance.