6 FEBRUARY 1948, Page 11


By SATEYNDRA NATH DUTTA (translated by Annapurna Multherji) Oh you whimsical man, you are burning candles in broad day- light—and writing rubbish. In the streets crowds are shouting : Gandhiji ! Gandhiji ! Stand near your window, and a new star has arisen. Millions of crowds are eager to see the new moon—Gandhiji Look at the driver who is driving the chariot of God, and carrying the banner of heaven. Men and women are anxiously waiting to see him.

He is collecting funds for the poor, and the public are pouring their wealth into his bag.

Hindus and Moslems in numbers are following, this great man.

The statesmen, the Councillors and the coolies arc embracing each other in brotherly affection under his banner.

The proud Military are blowing their bugles. But Gandhiji's soft voice is rising above the bugles. He worships Mira Bai, the Goddess of Learning of Chitore who did not give up worshipping truth.even at the command of the King. People of Transvaal and the Fiji Islands think that Gandhiji is one of their dear and near ones.

Look at Gandhiji—he. s the Garur, the great bird of the frail cage—Gandhiji.