6 FEBRUARY 1953, Page 18

Women in the Ministry

Sut,—In the Spectator of January 16th Lady Pakenham describes " backward areas where anti-feminism still lurks," but she entirely omits equal ministry in the Church of England and some other Churches. It might interest your readers to know that the Society for the Equal Ministry of Men and Women in the Church is doing valiant pioneer work to rouse public opinion on this matter. The society is interdenominational, and includes representatives of all the Free Churches, as well as of the Church of England, with affiliations in Scotland. Its Joint Presidents are the Rev. Canon C. E. Raven, D.D., F.B.A. (C. of E.) and the Rev. G. E. Hickman Johnson (Methodist). A wider membership is urgently needed, together with groups in all parts of the country, for the prime need is education on the subject and to think out anew the theological implications of

sex and vocation.—Yours faithfully, C. S. WILKINSON, (Hon. Secretary.) Society for the Equal Ministry of Men and Women in the Church, 42 Crutched Friars, E.C.3.