6 JANUARY 1844, Page 12



On the 22d December. at Button Park, near Ludlow, the Lady of Wilms' SMITH, of a daughter.

the 25th. at Spike Island, the Wife of Lieuteuant-Colonel BURTON, Royal Marines, of a daughter.

On the 25th, at Moore House, Torringtou, the Lady of GEORGE BRAOINTON, Esq., of a daughter.

On the 28th, at Upper Milton, the Lady of H. I. Nienorz, Esq., D.C.L., of a son, who died in the course of the same day.

On the 29th, in Harley Street, the Ludy of Sir Dims La MARCHANT. Bart., of a son. On the 29th, at Empiugham Vicarage. Rutland, Mrs. LOVICIE COOPER, of a son. On the 29th, at Sheldon Lodge, near Deal, the Lady of EDWARD BANKS. Esq., of a son. On the 30th, at the Temple. Lancashire. the Lady of HUGH BEAVER, Esq., of Glyn- garth, Anglesey. of a son.

On the let January, at Leasam House. Mrs. EDWARD CURTELS, of a daughter. On the 3d, in Arlington Street, Lady MARY STEPHENSON, of a son. On the 3d at Stone house, Berko, the Lady of ROBERT Houses, Esq.. of a daughter. On the 3d, at Foley House, near Maidstone, the Lady of Fitiovels Datum. TYSICZe, ER., of a daughter. 0,n the 5th, the Lady of Colonel J. Hotsnow, of the Bengal Army, of a son. MARRIAGES'.

On the 27th December, at St. Philip's Church. Liverpool. CHARLES MELHUISH, Esq., to EMILY MARTHA, second daughter of the Rev. EDWARD HULL, M.A. On the 27th, at Longhope. Gloucestershire. WI/.meat CAMERON hernia, Esq., of Christ's Hospital, to MARIA ELIZABETH. youngest daughter of the late Rev. WILLIAM °WYNNE, Rector of Denton and St. Michael's. Sussex.

- On the 28th, at Axmiuster, the Res. WILLIAM BRUCK, Rector of St. Nicholas, third son of J. BRUCE NITS, Esq., of Duffryn, Glamorgaushire, to MARY ELIZABETH, only daughter of the Rev. W. D. CONYBEARE, Vicar of Axminster.

On the 28th, at St. Helier's. Jersey, the Rev. CHARLES ROBINSON, to Anus hose. eldest daughter of HENRY P. BIMINI'S, Esq. On the Slat, at St. Pancras, WILLIAM BIRICKYRE, Esq., South Down, to Maitetsrr Jerre 'traumata, second daughter of JOHN Waixole, Esq., of Walsheston House, county Cork.

Oa the 24 Jaauary, at St. John's, Pa34i4ton, THOMAS E4aDagy Vumor, eldest son of Sir THOMAS W. Bcoutirtirui, Bart., to GEORGINA LOUISA. third daughter of Lieutenant. General Sir PEREGRINE MAITLAND.

On the 2d, at Cambridge, the Rev. S. N. Kiwonos, B.D., Fellow of Sidney Smelt College. eldest son of the Rev. T. H. Klugdon, M,A.. Rector of Pyworthy, Devon, to Erase ANNE, daughter of Major- General Jens/wren' NAPIER. of the Madras Army. On the 2d, at Newington Green Chapel, the Rev. J. R. M'Kxx, of Tavistock, Devon, to Louisa Cattoura, daughter of the late Rev. Joule JEITERY, of Billinghurst, Sussex.

On the 3d, at Stratford-ou-Avon; the Rev-. J. R. Outman, M.A., Head Master of the Western Grammar School. Brompton. Middlesex, to Haaluirr Wanseao, youngest daughter of the late ROBERT HOBBSS, Esq.. of Stratford-onAvon. On the 4th, at Christ Church, St. Mar)leboue, FREDERICK WILLIAM. second son of R. C. KIRBY. Esq., of Blaudford Square, to Jetta Mrwros, daughter of Sir DAVID CIINTSGRANS, Bart., of Milncraig,


On the 19th July, at Wellington, New Zealand, GEORGE Houten, Esq., Mayor of that settlement, late merchant of London.

On the 234 August. drowned iu the China Sea. Captain JOHN STOWE, of the barque Cynthia. of Kincardine; in his 32d year. He lost his life iu the generous attempt to. sale that of one of his crew who bad fallen overboard, when both perished before a. boat could he sent to their assistance.

On the 14th December, at Polmaise, Mn. MURRAY, Wife of William Murray,. Esq., of Polinaise, eldest daughter of Sir William Maxwell, of Monseith.. On the 25th, at Bath. the Rev. RICHARD POLLARD, M.A., 611y-three years. Perpetual Curate of Parson Drove ; in his 82d y ear. This curacy has been held 163 years by three- successive clergymen.

On the 25th. in Moorgate Street. Lieutenant BENJAMIN WILLIAM VAUGHAN, of the- Thirty second Regiment Madras Nettie lufautry, third son of Archdeacon Vaughan, of Madras, and %erasion House, Devonshire; in his 23d year. On the 26th. at Whitchurch, Shropshire, HANNAH. relict of the late WILLIAM Timm Esq.. of the Brades. Staffordshire; iu her 99th year. Ou the 26th, at Greenfield Place. Dundee, Miss NASMYTH. On the 27th, at Sydney Lodge. near Southampton. URANIA ANN, Dowager Marchioness of CLANRiCARDE, only sister of the late Marquis of Winchester; in her 77th year. Ou the 28th, at Brixton Rise, Surrey, ROBERT WILLIAMS. Esq. He was the senior founder of the Royal Thames Yacht Club, and many years the treasurer.

On the 28th. at Hurst-per-Poiut. Sussex, Mrs. Maar Foasrea; in her 93d year. On the 29th, at Hastings. the Lady 'Comminute.

On the 29th, at the Rectory, Templemore, the Rev. Dr. Hoorn, Chancellor of Cashel, &c.

On the 30th. at Lindfield, Sussex, WILLIAM ALLEN, F.R S.; in his 74th year.

On the 31st. at Promenade Terrace. Cheltenham, Lieuteuant-Colonel CYPRTAN BRIDGE. on the retired full-pay of the Royal Regiment of Artillery; in his 60th year. Ou the 31st. at Chelsea. Mrs. JUDITH WHITTEN ; in her 93,1 year.

On the 1st January, at Calks Abbey, Derbyshire, Sir GEuaot HARPER CREWE. Bart.; in his 49th year. A woman died lately in Corsica, at the age of 110 years. Notwithstanding this great age, she was proceeding on business to Vescovato, when the ass which she rode came against another, both going at a smart trot, and caused her to lose her seat. The fall was so violent, that she died shortly after. A man has just died at Lostanges (Cor- reze), aged 107.