The Revenue accounts, for the year and quarter ending on
the 5th instant, are published this morning ; and on the whole they are not unsatisfactory. The usual attempts are made to prove a good deal out of them ; but there is in the details so much balancing of " increase " and " decrease" that the opposite parties contrive to get up very opposite appearances. In almost all branches an increase on the year is set against a decrease on the quarter, or vice versa. The Excise- is an exception, for while it has made a trifling advance on the quarter,, it has advanced 387,0001. on the year.; indicative, of course, of an im- proved condition of the people. The greatest quarterly increase is in the Customs-552,00a; but then there is a little decrease on the year, whence some interpreters of these things mayconclude that trade has been stationary. Miscellaneous has a large increase on the year-1,055,000/. and the Income-tax still does its work, showing an increase on the quarter of 197,000L, and of 4,678,0001. on the year. The result is, that the net increase on the quarter is 725,000/. ; on the year, 5,742,0001.: a better state of the national accounts, whatever the state of the nation itself,