6 JANUARY 1844, Page 2


INDEX 7 -1844.




America- Congress - finance. 5 ; tariff 30. 319, 506.513 ; Oregon. 343; Texas, 367. Accident on bosrdthe Princeton, 249, 294. Sentence for aiding a slave to escape, 343. Treaty to annex Texas. 957, 464, 554. 562. Riots in Philadel- phia, 506. 513, 562. 721. 730. Presi- dency. 563, 896; Mr. Polk elected. 1134, 1184. " Army of observation " on frontiers of Texas, 554, 562. Blur- der of Joe Smith. 730.774.944. Strange movement at Rhode Island, 943. Mr. Tyler's case, 1201.

Belgium- Commercial treaty with Ger. man Customs Union, 849. Opening of Chambers. 1015. New tariff. 1015. Brazil-New treaty, 943. China-Supplementary treaty, 5. 319. Seizure of opium-ships, 538. Riots at Canton, 729. 1039. Hole. Mr. Murray killed at Borneo. 730. New negotia. tions. 874. The British treaty, 1087 ; American, 1087, 1159.

Colonies-Canada-lbsignation of Mt- niaters. 1. 5, 9. 30, 56, 178. Dinner to Mr. Wakefield at Beaubarnois. 179. Montreal election, 489. New Ministry, 890, 896. 944. Dissolution of the Par- liament, 986. 993. Elect ioo.1137. Cape of Good Hope-State of Natal, 321. Dutch revolt. 1098. India-Sickness in Scinde, 4, 130. State of the Puujaub, 129, 538, 634, 729, 943. Invasion of Gwalior, 218, 223 ; state of, 318, 634. Mutiny of troops, 318, 416, 440, 1039. Lord Ellenborough, 319; Supper to, 441. Uneasy state, 626. Conference with the Belooches, 721, 729. Mutiny in Scinde, 873 ; slaughter of grass-cut- ters. 873. Railway, 879. Arrival of Sir H. Hardinge and return of Lord El- lenborongh,943. Disturbances in Mah- rants, 1063 ; iu Kolapore. 1159. Re. venue, 1159. New South Wales-Le- gislative Council, 1016. New Zealand -The conflict at Wairau, 5.31. Con- duct of Governor Fitzroy. 893. Nora Scotia-" Responsible government," 897. South Australia-Revival, 489. West Indies-Negro disturbances. 649. Coolie immigration, 1111. Want of labour, 1230.

Egypt-Pretended abdication of Mehemet Ali, 769, '774. 776. 798. 817, 322. 873. France--Proceediugs in the Chambers. 30, 56. 80. 97, 105, 293, 318, 367, 393, 916, 441.512, 538, 585. 610. 656, 682, 705. Seizure of Tahiti, 177. 194, 200, 202. 218, 224. 343, 362, 895. Algeria. 343. 798. 817, 822, 825, 1039. 1062. Prince De Joinville ou the Navy. 464, 981. 489, 505. 514. Morocco. 538, 562, 585; war with, 609, 633. 674, f82, 683, 705, 755. 774, 801, 817. 848, 875: born- bardmeut of Tangier, 776.793. 796, 872. 922; of Mogador. 821. 825, 873; peace, 895, 898, 921, 923, 942, .11e3geL1610,4, Dotation. 633.. WV:affair *Itithiti,• 721. 746, 756, sz./,

and the Ecole Poattec nique, 793, 799. Louis Philippe on war, 921. Marriage of the Duc D'Aumale, 1158. Opening of the Chambers-King's Speech. 1229. Admiral Tbouars on his Tahiti ex- ploits, 1229. Greece-New constitution. 178, 274, 275, 294, 338, 342. New Ministry, 418. Attempt to assassinate the Kies, 729. Opening of the Chambers, 942; strange proceedings. 1158. Hayti-New constitution, 178. Insurrec- tion, 441. 464. Anarchy, 610,756. Italy-Disturbed state of, 249, 299, 318, 395,705.707,774. 873, 890, 896. In- surrection in Calabria, 634, 657. Inun- dations. 1087, 1110. Jersey-Mr. Wilson's case. 1110. Peru-Misunderstanding at Arica. 1230. Piedmont - Dutch Minister's daughter kept in a convent. 1087. Portugal -Opening of the Cortes, 30 ; meeting, 968. 1015. 1158. Revolt, 154, 178, 200, 224, 249, 343, 367, 434. 464. Government coup d'etat to obtain taxes without their being voted, 610. Des- potic measures, 799, 823. Prorogation of the Cortes,1230.

Prussia-Commercial relations with Eng- land, 539. Attempt to assassinate the King, 729.732,774. Constitution, 1206. Spain - Suspension of the Cortes, 4. Strange proceedings of the Ministry, 30. Insurrection at Aileen', 131, 156. 178, 201. 224, 249, 274, 318. Return of Queen Christina, 295, 318. New minis- try. 941. Conference of ministers at Barcelona, 611, 633, 657. Dissolution of Cortes. 6n. Pretended conspiracy, 756, 799. Revolutionary threateniugs, 373. Carliat movements. 895, 921. Opening of Cortes. 992, 1015; the con- stitution, 1015.1110. Marriage of Chris- tina. 1015, 1038. Ministerial projects. 1017. Disorders, 1038, 1135. Pretended conspiracies, 1069. 1065, 1087, 1110, 1112. Zuebxtio's insurrection, 1110, 1135, 1158, 1183, 1206. Death of El Pastor, 1230.

Sweden-Death of Bernadotte, 273. Re- form-bill agitation, 799, 921. Corona- tion. 992. Switzerland-Disturbances in the Valais, 989, 513; Lucerne. 1206, 1230. Tahiti-Seizure of the British Consul by the French, 710, 755, 776, 802. Battles, S43, 968. 993, 1135. Another insult to England. 968, 993. Pruceedings, 116L 1183,1207.

Turkey- Punishment for change of reli- gion. 318, 386. New Foreign Miuister, 1129, ENGLAND.

Death of Prince Albert's father, 130, 292, 338. Royal Visits to the Queen, 316, 513, 535, 560, 583, 756, 775, 799, 824. 874. Illness of the Queen Dowager, 419. Birth of a Prince, 753. 770, 850. Queen's Visit to Scotland, 849, 866, 872, 938. Visit of Louis Philippe. 962. 969, 996. Qncen at 'sleet Wight, 987,1010; at Burghley. 1082. Death of the Princess Sophia, 1137, 1154, 1178. Mr. Alderman Gibbs's conduct, 2, 50, 101, 316. Auuual meetings, 26, 415, 938, 463. 466. 536. 560, 1202. Will- feries, 26.74. 101. 199.972. 320,338, 364.390, 416, 417, 490. Duke of Bor- deaux in England, 31. Anti-Corn-Law League. 74, 198, 221, 272.292, 369, 390, 415, 439, 462, 508, 583, 631, 754. 1179. The Fawcett and blunro duel, 152, 249, 367, 442. 490. Society for Protection of British Agriculture, 175, 247. O'Connell at the Anti-Corn-Law League. 175. House of Lords' judgment on Irish Presbyterian marriages, 180.195. Crim. Cun.-Paget v. Cardigan, 199. Customs frauds, 199, 222. " Anti-League De- monstration." 222, 247. Murders,

317, 339, 365, 415, 439, 463. 509. 536, 561, 584, 609, Dinner to O'Counell at Covent Garden Theatre. 247; repeal meeting. 247. State of the New Zea- land Company, 250, 295, 418 ; meetings, 394, 706, 726, 771. Fires, 317, 339, 594. Accident at the Bricklayers' Arms ter- minus, 339. Chauges caused by the death of Lord Abiuger„ 367. Sir II. Han:Huge Governor-General of India, 418, 441. 486. Mr. Humphrey 'e charges against the Duke of Marlboro.rgh. 439. West India meeting, 497. North American Colonial Association of Ire- land and the Times, 487. Claim of Sir Augustus D'Este to the Duke- dom of Sussex, 487, 561, 608, 654. Case of Running Rein, 514, 536, 632. Anti-Slavery Society meeting-Slave- grown sugar, 536. Sunday meeting at the Carlton. 583, 614. 638. Death of Campbell, 585. 634. Joint-stock Bank deputation to Sir R. Peel, 586. Loss of the Manchester steamer, 586, 611. Baron de Bode's claims, 608. Re- trenchments in the Royal household, 611. Respite of Dolmas, 633,680, 754. Death of Mr. Scholefield, 634. Forma- tion of an Irish Society. 654. Mg.. Sombre's lunacy. 680, 754. Acctleutt, at Blackfriars pier,;704 Talliti4rmeetierofihmatiesienerf 070' Eep• fad& 'Company's 627iirttd.Str R. Sale, 771. Trial of IBetahey for poisoning his wife, 794. City Chamberjainshili, 818, 847, 846, 890,. lepay:Ina,janse 815, House of Fraud it the Bank of England, 867, 1089. 1155. 1203. Gibbs Lord Mayor, 890, 914, 938, 945, 1058, 1082. Charge of Slave-trading, 891. Alderman Sa- lemons rejected by the Court of Alder- men, 988, 1010. Public baths and viash-houses„9133. Fire at New Cross station. 989. Opening of the Royal Exchange, 1010, 1017, 1034, 1058. For- gery of bank-notes. 1011, 1040. Hea- table v. State of Illinois, 1083, Action against Captain Denman-slave-trade suppression, 1093. Steam-explosion at Blackwell. 1084. 1107. Eveuiug sit- tings at Central Criminal Court, 1106. Puseyism at Tottenham, 1106. Rob- bery at Rogers's. 1130, 1155, 1180. Lay petition for increasing the efficacy of the Church, 1159. Reform in Guern- sey, 1160. Dinner to Sir H. Pottinger, 1178. Railway accident near Brick- layers' Arms, 1180, 1203. Death of Miss Webster by burning, 1203. Col- lision on river at Greenwich, 1203, 1226. Election of Common Councilmen, 1226. Meeting for repeal of window.dety,1226. Corn-law meetings, 2, 27, 75, 102, 126. 177, 199, 222. 248. 317. Oxford Uni- versity-WM(111ml v. Hampden, 3. ..Trial of Rebecca rioters. 3, 272. League meetings, 27.50, 91, 101, 127, 152. 199, 248, 341, 440. 1017,1112. Incendiary fires, 28,102. 131, 416, 609. 633, 868, 967. Mr. Hill on the treatment of ju. venue offenders, 50. Murders. 51, 77, 102, 272, 293. 342, 416. 537, 609, 656, 728, 772. 795, 915. Elections, 75, 126, 152. 272, 293, 317, 368, 391, 416, 440, 963, 488. 491, 509, 655, 658. 630, 728. 754. 867, 1180. Bishop of Exeter on pews, 76. Dr. Hook's proposed changes -In Leeds, 76. Ten-hours bill agitation, 200. 298, 293, 390. 345, 366, 392, 704. -.O'Connell meeting at Birmingham, 222. Mr. Dickens's _speech at Birming- ham on Education, 222 O'Connell' at Coventry, 272. Colliers' strikes, 341, 655, 704, 728. 772, 795, 1156. Agricul- tural college, 392. Fires, 463, 419, 537. Times oo the Suffolk fires, 561, 584, 609. 728, 923. Meetings of Wiltehize labourers, 584, 655, 704. 916. 990, 1041, 1130. Oxford commemoration, 584. • Ldrds &silt •Slim.gra)'s case. :/kallea re octit , -866. 938. 1178.

Trials for incendiarism. 681, 704, 728, 754. Warner's destructive power. 682, 705. Meeting of the Royal Agricultural Society at Southampton. 703. Acci- dent at an execution at Nottingham. 754, 758. 772. Dinner at Birkenhead ou the passing of the dock-bill. 732; foundation, 1013, 1037. Horse-racing trials. 754. Bishop of Gloucester's charge, 794. The League and the ,-..._registrat on. 819. Mr. Disraeli at Shrewsbury, 826. Birmingham Athe- uic Institution. 847. Manchester parks, 867. 892, 916. Festivities on the majority of the Marquis of Chau- dos, 867. Sir W. Nott in Wales, 867, 875. Archreological Society meeting. 867, 892. Agricultural Associations, 891. 915, 9:9, 964. 999, 1011. 1037,

1059, 1156. British Association at York, 923,940. Lord Wharneliffe on the education grant, 923. Colliery ex- plosions, 941, 967. 993, 1014, 1157. Manchester Athenteum festival, 945, 965, 1013. Oxford Vice-Chancellor- ship. 964. Railway accidents. 1133, 1157. Allotments - festival at Bineley.. 989. Game laws, 990, 1013. -Lord Radnor and allotments, 1060. Fall of

mill at Oldham, 1060. Ecclesiastical disputes-Puseyism, 1084, 1155, 1160, 1180. 1203, 1207. Diocese of Exeter- the Rubric. 1107. 1130. Birmingham baths, 1107. Entertainments to work- people, 1107. Accidents on Midland Counties Railway, 1112, 1131, 1137, 1156, 1185, 1204. Lord Ellenborough at Kidmore, 1136. Oxford Iluiversity and Mr. Ward's book, 1203. Dinner to Sir II. Pottinger at Liverpool, 1203; at Manchester, 1227. The Bishop of Exeter, Church observances, and the clergy, 1226. Charges by the Bishop of Worcester and the Bishop of bury, 124. Cotton-duty, 1228.


Repeal Associatiou, 3, 29, 105, 154, 177, 200, 223. 273. 317, 366, 463, 512. 537. 551. 633, 773, 795, 820. 848, 868, 892, 918, 1061, 1085, 1134,1157, _182. Arms act. 3, 8. 55. The State prosecution.

9, 28, 51, 57.77, 81.102, 107. J 127 131, 152, 367, 392, 394. 416,419. 440; ude- meet. 510. Repeal meetings, 29, n, 55, 79. O'Connell's addresses for tran- quillity, 154. Elections. 159, 609,656. Murders. 154, 223. 249. 273, 317. 342„ 367. 609. 773, 931. 1038, 1061, 1087. 1157, 1183, 1205, 1::03. Presbyterian marriages, 248, 295, 342. Government and the National system of educa- tion, 273. 293. O'Connell at Cork, 342. Imprisonment of O'Connell, 53i, 561, 563. 585. Retirement of

• •rurl De Grey, 585, 681. Refusal of 7,1`21.rs. to become repeaters, 633, 681, :.7651 Lord Heytesbury Lord-Lieute- nant, 658, 718. Sir R. Peel on Irish education.704. Irish " savages." 773. Irish Agricultural Society, 773, 795. Archbishop of Team on the Charitable Bequests act, 796; 0' Conuell's " opi- nion" on, 820. Reversal of the judgment against O'Connell, 850. 868, 871, 875. National banquet to O'Connell. 898, 918. Dublin Corporation-Dr. Mann- set l's motion, 916. Protest against the Charitable Bequests act. 919, 1037, 1061, 1086. Entertainment to Mr. Naper by his labourers, 919. Lord Hey tesbury 's Fogey, 941. Death of Lady Heytesbney, 967. Federalism, 991, 1014, 1103. 1060, 1085, 1108; Mr. Crawford on. 1086,1108; Mr. Porter's pamphlet, 1181. Father Mathew's debts, 1038, 1061. Marquis of Lou- donderry ou politics, 1109; dinner to, 1182. Catholic Commissioners under the Bequests Act, 1112, 1133, 1205. O'Connell at Limerick, 1112. The Bequests Act, 1157, 1160, 1181, 1207. Rescript from the Pope to the clergy, 1185. O'Connell at Waterford, 1205. Dr. Murray's Pastoral Address on the Bequests act, 1228. Disgusting conduct at the Earl of Limerick's funeral, 1229. Lord Loudouderry and the Dublin Pro- testant Operative Society, 1229.


Anti-Corn-law meetings, 32, 55.79. Non- intrusion rioting. 32. 55, 225. Corn- law meetings. 79. 177. Storms in the Highlands. 318. Edinburgh Anti. Corn- law Association meeting, 393; reply of the Edinburgh members. 464. Meeting of the General Assembly, 489, 512; of the Free Church, 489, 512. Elections, 489, 512. Public baths, 656, 705. 728. 796, 1110, 1158. Political creed of fu- ture members for Edinburgh, 705. Burns festival at Ayr. 709, 755. High- land Society meeting, 773. Formation of an Agricultural School, 796. The Queen's visit, 866. 872, 894. 920, 942: 969; Sir A.Agnew's epistle, 895. Wreck of the Windsor Castle, 942, 968. Wel- lington statue at Glasgow, 968. Cur- rency movement. 968, 1038, 1109. Lie- big at Glasgow, 991, 995. Behaviour of the Dundee people to the Queen, 991.


Opening of the Session, 98.

Addresa..93,,122 ; on the birth of a Prince, 796. Agricultural incendiarism, 560 statistics, 363. Alicant, alleged British inhumanity at, 438. Alien-law, 723,

American crime, the, 221. Appellate jurisdiction, 246. Art-Unions. 679. Bank Charter and banking reform, 439, 482, 606, 611. 659. Betters, protection for, 150, 174. 196. Bishropricks of St. Asaph and Bangor, 656, 607, 628, 652. Brazil. commercial relations with, 218.. Brothels, 563, 607, 653. Brougham (Lord) and the railway company, 485. Bridget. 410. Business of the Session, 629, 750.

Canada, government of, 506. Catholic penal acts. 700. 723, 748 ; priests, be- quests to, 607. Charitable nests, 69). Charities, 486. China and Sir Henry Pottinger, 315, Chinese treaty, 125. Civil and corporate offices, 679. Coal- duties, 532. Coffee, 965. Colonial affairs, 490. Commercial marine, 535; treaties, 389. Commons, enclosure of, 196. 244. 534. Complete Suffrage, 461. Coopera, distress of, 725. Corn from the South-eastern Colonies, 291. corn- laws, 602; effects of protection ou work- ing agriculturists, 242. Criminal ap- peals. 315, 914, 508: law, Codification of. 459. Currency. 535, 559. Customs ametalment bill, 532.

Danish claims, 653. Debt, imprisonment for, 701, 732. Debtor and creditor, law of, 36-1, 413, 585, 748. Dissenters' chapels, 417, 438. 533. 585, 611, 676. Divett grievance, the. 125. Dog-steal- iug, 653. Don Carlos, 195, 560. Dro- mere deanery. 175. fuelling, 195. 244. Ecclesiastical courts, 271, 315, 386. 515: endowments, 679; legislation, 329. Edu- cation, 508. Ellenborough (Lord), re- call of, 394, 412, 435.

Factories, 123, 250, 266, 275. 290, 295, 363. 386. 894. 417. 442, 438. 484. 515, 53-1. Fees of justices' clerks, 296. Fer- rand (Mr.) and Sir J. Graham, 386, 394; Field-gardens. 653. Fine Arts, national encouragement of, 702. Foreign Policy of Ministers, 750. France and Morocco. 607, 698, 846 ; and Algiers, 653. Free- trade and reciprocity. 270. Gaming laws, 123, 652. 683, 702. Gilbert unions, 491. Guernsey disturbances,535- Hampstead Heath. 534. Harbours of re- fuge, 195,679. Heathcote (Mr. ). dis- missal of, 726. Honours for military uchievements, 363; payment for. 486. Import-duties. 270. 295, 558. Inceudia- rism, 560, 583, 682. India-Ameers of Sciude, 124 ; thanks to the Made army, 150. Ireland, 146, 155, 170, 179, 196 ; Clontarf proclamation, 199; Go- vernment reporters, 292 ; appointment of magistrates in. 362; Landlord and Tenant commission, 220 ; railway and canal across. 196. Irish appointments, 438; charitable bequests, 676,7n, 731, 747 ; charities, 221; Church, 271.554; educatiou,747 ; Lord-Lieutenancy,abo- lition of, 437; marriages, 295 ; minis- ters-money, 629 ; Parliamentary and Municipal franchise. 314. 363; party processions. 706; poor-laws, 462, 607 ; registration, 629 : State trials, 106, 674, 683; Spy system, 461 ; unlawful oaths, 629, 675. Irishmen, patronage for, 362. Joint Stock companies, 315. 631. 652. 699. League, hypothetical prosecution of the, 175. Levant justice, 486. Libel law, 635. Lunacy law reform, 700.

Marsh (Rev. Mr.) and his Diocesan, 246, 250. Master and servant, law of. 414. • Mayuooth College, 244. Medical re- form, 748. Metropolis improvements, 151, 195, 679 ; police of, 221. Middle- sex, administration of justice in, 659. Midnight legislation, 220. Mines, fe- male labour iu, 291. Morocco, 560. Naval officers,superannuated state of.461. Navy, 315, 635, 749. Newspaper re- ports, 150. New Zealand, 315, 414. O'Connell Writ of Error, the, 632, 654, 842. O'Driscoll the Irish magistrate, 674,702.

Parliament Houses, 465. Paupers, reli- gious instruction of. 196. Penuefather, Chief Justice: morals of counsel. 437. Petitions. 106. Poor-law, amendment of; 150, 629, 658. 676, 699. 746; Commis- sion, 362. Post-office espionage, 563, 583, 604, 611, 6226. 678.799. Prison dis- cipline, 362, 630, 635. Private bill committees, voting in, 607. Private bills law, 751. Privy Council appellate jurisdiction, 225. Probate duty on real property. 243. Public edifices, popular admission to, 363.

Railways, 122, 220, 246. 414.438, 660. 679, 699, 731, 748. Right of search, 125. Roebuck (Mr.) and Mr. Smythe, 394. Royal debts, reported, 122. Sanatory condition of the poor, 125, 706; regulations: "Modern Athens," 414. Savings-banks, 414. 725. Scotch uni- versities, oaths in, 413. Scotland, pau- perism and lunacy in, 725. Scottish Judicature, 195; parishes bill, 589. Sculpture galleries. 725. Seamen, pen- sions for, 751. Secret service, 362. Session, review of the, 757. Settle- ment, law of, M. Six Clerks office, compensation to the. 460, 465. Slave- trade, 677, 701. Stamp-duties. 465. Stanley's (Lord) removal to the Upper House. 846. Sudbury disfranchisement, 652, 699. Sugar-duties, 410, 530, 557, 563, 585, 606, 628; Ministerial explana- tion, 578. Supplies, stopping the, 123. Supply : Grievances, 194, 202, 220, 226, 315, 862, 368, 683.

Tahiti, 724, 846. Texas, 465. Thames mbankatent, 725. Three-and-a-half er cents, mut-fusion of. 225, e71. urkey, commercial relations with. 315. versifies. 486.

'ra meetings in churches. 582. Victoria irk. 271.

.sley (Mr.) and Mr. Wodehosse, 679, Earner's iiirentions, 724, 7.i2, 751.

Welsh grievances. 315; turupikes, 607. Wool, 443. 465, 532.

awe of the Session. 846.

livisions, 300, 320, 465, 588.-Electiou vammiltee, 221. - Railway bill. 657.- 'ost-office Inquiry, 751.


ion, the Trade of, 1066.

gime Oratory, 709 ; Dinners, Em- era and Labourers at, 973. 'a-Melodrama on a Grand Scale, can Crime, the, 204; The Door of .ape from Anti-Slavery Embarrass- nt.s. 542.

eel (an) in Parliament, 420. Aber Revolutionary Movement. 61. atipodes. Eloquence from the, 85. imospherie Railways. 591. ntoerat's Visit, the, 445.

Jest Evidence. the, 781.

Birkenhead Docks Bill: Commercial Na- vigation-, 590. Birmingham against Brummagem Bens. filet° the Working Classei, 853. Blackfriars Drownings, 708. Blackguardism no essential part of Gentle Education, 324.

British and Foreign Institute " H. speaks, yet he says nothing," 1117. Burdett. Sir Francis, 84. itc•Bus, the Top of the, 349. Buttons, 635. ade (John, Esq..) of Ashford, Political Opinions of, 299.

Cheapest Nation (the) in the World, 372. Chkistian Islam, 1234.

City Etiquette. 1045, Civilization, 1188.

Civilized Men and Savages. 734.

Civil Wars, Portuguese and British, 446. Coals, Exporadety en, 540. Cold Winter's Virtue. 1162.

Co6peratire Principle, the : The Sana- torium, 541. Cora-Laws, the-Buckler Lethbridge, the .,Egis of the Corn-law, 109; the Pro- Corn-Law League, I81; The Tenant- Farmers and tire, 253.

Correctional Discipline, the New Reform in, 61.

Counting-out and Ringing-in, 661. Cover your Bird, 804.

r Credit : the Old World and the New, 33. Criminal injustice. 1211.

Crockford, (Mr.,) the Late, 5/8 Currency, Regulation of the, 60; Adjust- , meat of the Circulation, 444, Customhouse, Miseries of the, 950. Customhouse Fizads and their Preven- Rola 493.

Customs Department, Corrupt State of the, 804.

Death from Starvation, 1043. Derby-Day andMiseries of Office, 494. Discussion, 1044.

Dissent versus Dissenters. 540.

Duel (the) and its Lessen, 34; A Law Impossible to Obey, 204; Colonel Fawcett's Widow : a Word for Women, 254.

East India Company, Powers of, 419. Easter. 323.

Eccentric Party Idovements, 1164. Education: the New Department of State, 947.

Employments - How People are Em- ployed. 1069.

Enclosure of Commons, a Couple of Thoughts on, 9; Amendment of Lord Worsley's Enclosure-bill. 347.

English Court (the) in Fasllion, 781. English Tolerance in the Nineteenth Century, 733, Eton Montem, 518.

Exchange, the New-Raising of the Grass- hopper, 12; Opening of, 1019; Public Festivities; the Day After, 1042.

Factory Labour-Legislative Interference with the Hours of Labour, 276; Mr. Senior's Golden Tooth, 27'7; A Second Inspection of Mr. Senior's Golden Tooth. 297; "Tire Last Two Hours" Controversy, 323; Classical Authority for a Short-time Bill, 323 ; The New Faith, 346; The Bigotry of Laissez- faire, and the Law of Competition, 370; The Helpless Classes, 396.

Fair Trial, a, 278.

Family Festivals, 878. Finance, Normal Schools of. 1068. Fire,Hints suggested by the late, 398. First Duty of Man, the, 349. Foreign Policy, 1020. France, Savings-hanks in, 1091; How to make a Peerage go Furthest, 1141. France and England, Growth of Friend- ship between. 948. French Colonization, 828; Journals on English Topics, 1091. French (the) in North Africa, 707; North African Politics, 828. Gambling, 158 ; Debate on the Gambling Bill, 182; The Ro1ey-Poky Martyrs, 494 ; Gaming and Gambling, 566. Game-Laws, the, 803.

Geneva-A Real Casus Belli. 278. " Get thee to a Nunnery," 1092,

-Giving Things a Colour, 325. Government, the New System of, 661. lest, Health, and Humanities, 614. -louse of Commons-Lex Talionie. 229

Beau. Mag. in, 395 ; Persoualities, 686. Humanity, 60. Ice. Accidents on the. 1187.

Income-Tax, False Economy of the Pre- sent, 323.

India. Banquet to New Governor Gene- ral of. 492-; Respect of Persons, 949. In Short, 134.

Interests. 660.

Ireland, 157; Tenures in : Land canted more than Law.I33; Moral of the Irish Debate, 203: What Ireland is to gain by Repeal, VS ; Irish Romance of " The Spy," 228; The New Irish Pres- byterian Agitation, 253; The Question of Ireland's Greatness, 396; The Irish Vice-royalty, 445; Is Lying the best thing to Serve Ireland? 708 ; Irish Landlord Mot emeut to Raise Wages, 828; Real ludependence for Ireland, 924; The Saxon or the Savage, 1063.

Juvenile /Esthetics. 34.

Late Ministers, the, 760.

Latent Republicanism, 372. Law Reform, 468.

Legal Evasion of the Law, 1020.

Legal Remedy, the. 613.

Legal Right Moral Wrong, 1115. Liverpool-The City of Fires, 277. Lodging (a) for the Illustrious Dead Wanted, 829.

Lord Mayors of London : the Crowning Honour, 1066.

Lordly Bickerings, 661.

Losers by Extortion and Annoyance to Travellers, 901.

Louis Philippe at Windsor, 972 ; and Lord Ellenborough-Perverse Distri- bution of Fortune's Favours. 996.

Lunar Eclipse : Who is Meant by it ? 518.

Lunatics. Protection for, 950, Macaulay, Mr., 182.

Malta, the Government Plunder of, 900 ; Police Interference with the Press in, 1210.

Manchester Park, 878; Atheneum, 972. Manufacturing Districts, Arcadia of, 445. Martyrs, 901.

Mehemet Ali, 780.

Military Decorations, 371. Missions, the Secularity of. 780. Murder. Man's Revenge against, =4. Music, the Charities of, 13.

New and Old Superstitions, 806. New Plea (a) for the Old Bailey, 183. Newspapers-The Mirror of the Age, 420. New Zealand Inquiry : Judgment against Lord Stanley, 733; New Zealand Jus- tice. 900; New Zealand Inquiry. 1186. Niger "Model Farm" Speculation. Wind. up of the, 159; Renewed Intercourse with the Niger, 494.

November, 1090.

O'Connell, A Friendly Suggestion for,926. O'Connell and the Roman Catholic l're- tales, 1234.

O'Connell's Case-The House of Lords as a Court of Appeal, 852; Conserva- tiveness of the Supreme Court of Ap- peal, 878.

Odium Theologicum, 109.

Ojibbeway Indians, the, 205.

Old Heatlicock, the, 638.

Orators Have Mercy 1108 ; " Whither hath fled Youth's graceful diffidence ?" 132.

Otaheite, 759.

Parliament-Another Session almost Thrown Away, 564; Past Session, 778. Peel and Guizot. 997.

Parricide A Good Cause may be III Argued. 1235.

Peel Government, What People Say of the, 589.

Penny P,.stage. National Acknowledg- ment for the, 348.

Poetry and Railways, 1187. 1207. Political Judges, 371; "Consistency," 469; Economy, Mysteries of, 589. Politicians of Passion, the, 1043.

Poor (the) and their Friends, 133; and their Special Friends, 1067.

Portuguese War: Revival of Classical Heroism, 254.

Post-office, Diplomacy of the, 12: Es. pMnage. 589; Work for the Post-office Committee,637; Letter-opening at, 759. Post-office Loudon Directory. 1165. Priesthoods and Education, 973. Privateeriug, 827; A Second Chapter on, 852; Letters of Marque. 925. Protestant Principle, a, 517.

Public Opinion, 299.

Queen (the) Among the Pigs,1210. Queen's (the) Route to Blair, 877; Breach of the Queen's Peace at Blair, 926 ; Escape from Scotland, 949.

Railways "fur the Million," 397; Rail- way Legislation, 660 ; Scotch Railroads, 1021; Railway Business for Next Ses- sion, 1091; The Railway Raid, 1115; Railroad Slaughter, 1140; Railway Business in Parliameut; Railways in the South of Scotlaud, 1163.

Relentings of the War-factions, 1163. Religion as a Political Element. 1209, Retribution not Discipline, 1235. Right of Search. Aberdeen on the. ]32. Riots, European and American. 733. Royal Visiters, the, 542; A Glimpse of

Fairy-Lund, 566; Solitude, 899. Royal Concord, 1234.

Ruuoing Rein : the Turf and the Bar, 637. Buthven, George, the late, 325.

Sanatory Police for the Metropolis, 11. Scotch Revels, 591; Trial by Jury, 638 ; Agriculture: Pauperism, 1098.

•• Sent For." " Peusees Dominantes " on the subject of being, 613.

Servant'. English and Irish, 1165. Session, the Coming, 83.

Sheridau's Mantle,254. Shell's Speech in Dublin State Trials, 10i. Slave-Trade Suppression Treaties, 614, 684.

Social Doubts, 1116, Spain„.1091. Spanish Politics, 229; Constitution, tba Reformed, 1044.

Spanish Celebration of Christmas. 1235. Speaking Animals: Chasing Tails, 203. Spring Fancies. 299.

Steam Field-sports, 446.

Suez, Travelling by the Isthmus of: Ship. canal or Railway ? 1139.

Sugar-Duties, the, 227; The Sugar Qua'. Jima 492; The Sugar-trade. 517; Sugar and Slavery, 565; Black View of the Sugar Question. 781. Taking Titles, 829.

Tangier, Bombardment of-Professional Criticism, 806; Noli me Tangier! 926. Taxation of Non-Heraldic Devices, 372. Taxes, 420.

Texan Diplomacy, 949.

Thief-Hunting. 1141.

niers -An Overgrown Schoolboy, 938. Thirty Years of Peace, 851.

The Three Graceless Graces, 132. ades Unions, 1209.

Twelfth Night-not by Shakspere. 62. United States, the-Debts of-Junathan in his Cups. 85; Ameude to Mr. Web- ster, 251; Moral Prospects of, 469 ; Pa- nic in: Terrible Doings of the Anti- Corn-law League, 1044; Parties and Polities in : Election of President, 1139.

" Vauxhall, Farewell to," 974.

War, 803 ; Substitutes for, 926.

Warner's Loug Range," Something be- yond, 734. Washing for the Million, 853; Washing and Lodging. 997; Public Baths and Wash-houses. 1043.

Waterloo Banquet, the. 530.

Warerley Quadrille, the, and other Monu- mental Mutters, 662.

Westminster Almonry, 684.

Will-Forgers:: Criminal Couspiracy,370. Willoughby De Eresby (Lord) ou the Condition of England Question. 1114, 1188.

Woes of the War-Factious, 899.

Words, Words, Words 1998.

Yankee Meditatious on European War, 974.


Mr. Hill's •• State and Prospects of Penny Postage," 81 ; Vestige testimo- nial. 777 ; Death of Tharivaldsen, 319 ; Times ou Lord Campbell's Criminal Appeals bill, 320; Death of Lord Abin- ger, 343 ; Tables of mortality, 706 ; Ex- ecution of Colonel Storldert and Cap- tain Conully in Bukhara, 731, 801; de- tention of Dr. Wolff. 776.825, 993, 995, 1064; escape. 1088; New law of Impri- sonmeut for Debt, 775, 800, 824; War between the Times and Standard, 800 ; Stade-duties, 800 ; Game laws. 800; Mr. Warner's inventions, 800 ; Metallic Capsules, 826; Queen Pomare and the missionaries, 874, 922; Who liberated O'Connell ? 875; The Siècle on Lord Palmerston's movements, 9.2 ; Es. partero's address, 969 ; The Suullou er discovery. 969 ; Rumoured treaty with Brazil, 994; Death of Mrs. Henry Sid- dons, 1040, 1061; Lay of the Labour- er, 1040; Rumoured ministerial changes. 1063; Move towards Rome, 1063; Surnames, 1064; Lord Stanley's " fixity of tenure," 1111 ; Sugar from Venezuela, 1136, 1137, 1119, 1207 ; Dis- allowance of Guiana immigration


ounces, 1136; Miss Martineau's cure by mesmerism, 1136 ; The coming Ses- sion,1137 ; " C." ou Sir R. Peel, 1161; Morning Chroniclean Governor Fitzroy's vagaries, 1185 ; Falkland Islands two- shilling notes, 1207 ; Currency at Caps Coast. 1207.


Abyssinia, Johnston's Travels ha 615. Adair's (Sir Robert) Memoirs of his alio. sloe to Vienna, 398.

/Ethiopia, Harris's Highlands of. 15, Ainseorth's Travels in the Track of the Ten Thousand, 1003.

Algeria. Mr. Blofeld's, 1169.

Allanston the Infidel, 88.

America, Godley's Letters from, 55. Annuals, a Leash of, 1093.

Ansted's (Mr.) Geology, 953. Anti-Coningsby, 1170.

Antigua and the Autignans, 112. Arnold's; Life and Correspondence. 543. Barbary, Western, Mr. Hay's, 544. Barsett's (Miss) Poems, 809.• tlarr's March from Delhi to Cabral, 471. Boyars (T. IL) Songs and Ballads, 135. Beale's (Miss) Vale of the Towey, 762. Bell (Dr.), Sonthey's Life of. 1022. Bell's Anatomy of Expression., 328. Births, Deaths, and Marriages, Registrar- General's Report of, 354.

Sorter's Journey to Mount Sinai and Jo. rturalem, 1237.

Bray's (Mrs.) Courtenay of Walreddon, 423.

Bremer's (Fredrika) Sketches of Every- Day Life, 69; H- Family, &c.,545. Brougham's Political Philosophy, 616. Brown's (Frances) Poems, 1095. Brown's Poems, 472.

Bruromell, Jesse's Life of. 421. Buckingham's (Mr. L. S. F.) Memoirs of Mary Queen of Scots, 62. Banbury's (Miss) Rides in the Pyrenees, 1025.

Cardinal De'Retz, 326.

Ceylon, Selkirk's Recollections of, 160. Chinese War, Onchterlony's, 184. Churchill's Poems, Tooke's Edition, 953. Collier's (Mr.) Shakespeare, 206, Constance D'Oyley, 665. Cooper's Miles Walliugford, 567; Lacy Hardinge. 977. Mee. Costello's (Miss) Memoirs of Elaine, Englishwomen. 230; legendary To• to the Country of Henri Quatre, 422. Creation, Vestiges of the Natural Mae.' of, 1072.

Crock of Gold, the,136.

Cunyngliame's Recollections of Service; 857.

D'Arlincourt's Three Kingdoms, 226. Daunou Cours d'Etudes Historiques, 1118.

Diet, Parry on. 1121.

Dickens's Chimes, 1215.

Disraeli's Couiugsby. 519. Domestic Economy, lincyclopeedia of,735. Durbin's Observations in Europe, 711. East Indian Rambles and Recollections, Colonel Sleeman's, 1070.

Eldon, Twiss's Life of, 662.

Ellen Middletou, 472.

Emerson's Essays. 1122.

Enchanted Rose, 737.

Eutheu. or Traces of Travel, 809. Falconer on the Boundary Questions of the United States, 1142.

Faust. Mr. Gurney's Translation, 40. Featherstoullaugh s Excursion through the Slave States-of America, 495, Forester's Daughter, the, 302. Fortunes of the Falconers, 207. Foster's Contributions to the Eclectic Re- view, 496.

Fraser's Dark Falcon, 1001.

Gaston De Foie, 302.

Geology, Reverend J. Watson's, 510. Gore's (Mrs.) Popular Member, 855. Grant (Mrs.) of Laggan, 183. Grant's Impressions of Irelaud and the Irish', 1047, 1074.

Gray's (Mrs.) history of Etrwria. 1143. Gravedigger, the, 64.

Gregg's Commerce of the Prairies, 735: Hildebrand, or the Days of Queen Eliza- beth, 616.

HotIgkinson's Australia from Port Mac- quark to Moreton Bay. 1214. Hodgson's Notes on Northern Africa, 1169.

Heel Morran, 472.

Holland (Dr. C.) on Diseases of Bic Lungs from Mechanical Causes, 87. Homer, Braudreth on the Metre of, 400. Horne's New Spirit of the Age, 3U3. Houston's (Mrs.) Yacht Voyage to Tex 760.

Howitt's German Experiences, 568. India-Susequeler's Handbook of- Indian Empire. 232. Inhalations, Maddock on Medical, 11 Ireland and Its Rulers sieve 879 ; Dr. James Johnsou'sTou. James's Agincoul a 1119. Jesse's Courdre Life, 252; Note. 401. Jonathan Slick's High Life in New Tor. 712.

King Alfred, a Poem, 375.

Kohl's Scotlaud, 641.

Kordofan, Pallme's. 591.

Laing's Chronicle of Kings of Norway,927. Laird-s (Mr. Macgregor) Proposed Alter-

ation of the Sugar-duties, 303. Lajitchuikoff's Heretic, 185.

Landscape Painting, an Oxford Graduate on Modern and Auciect. 1167. Lawrence's Adventures of as Officer in the Service of %Inject Singh, 1237. Lefevre' so (Sir G.) Apology fur the Nerves, 1142.

Leigh Hunt's Imagination and Faye 1120.

Lever's Tom Burke, 1073.

Life iu the Sick Room, 63.

Louis Philippe, Wright's Life of. 999. Maginn's (Dr.) John Manesty, 832. Matron's (Lord) History of England, 47C alalmesbury Cerrespoudeuce, the, 686. Marryat's Settlers in Canada, 883. M'Carthy's (Mr.) Free Lance, b82. M'Cullocles Dictionary of Commerce,21 Mexico, Mr. Mayer's. 353.

Mill's Essays on somelTusettled Quaint of Political Economy, 810. Milnes's Palm Leaves, 256.

Monmouth, Roberts's Life of, 1212. Midler ou Mythology, 617. Mysterious Man, the, 533.

Napier's Conquest of Scinde. 1213. Navlor's (Mr.) Metrical Translation Ileynard the Fox. 1191.

Nelson's Despatches and Letters, 1046. New South Wales, Mrs. Meredith Sketches of, 975.

North British Review. 443.

O'Connell, " Demonstration " touchily 354.

Old Dower House, tire, 231.

Oregon Territory. 639. Palliser, (Sir Hugh.) Life of, eq. Patmore's Poems, 593.

Peake's (Mr.) Cartouche, 497. Peregrine Pultunev. 280.

Pickering's (Miss) Graurifeiheraf:92. Physioglyphies, Mr. Uptua's; 882. Prairie-Bird, the, 159.

Railway Register, the, 1192. Reid's illustrations of Ventilation, 281 Richard the Third, Caroline Halsted 710.

Rove of Tistelon. Emilie Carlen's, 399 Roweroft's Mau Without a Profeseion, Sam Slick in Eugland, 1073. Santa Fe Expedition, Kendall's. 374. Schiller's Poems and Ballads. 350. Sermons, Parochial, Old Windsor, Club. 833.

Shakespeare, Reverend J. Hauter's N Illustrations of, 785.

Shelley 's (Mrs.) Rambles in Germ and Italq 782.

Shipping Interest, Bayley's Tablesof Shoberl's Popish Persecutions, 8117, Siracoe's Military Journal during the American Revolution, 139.

Side and Afghanistan. Dr. Baist's Out- line of Operations in, 83. Slave-Vessel. Fifty Data on Board a, 86. Smith the Geologist, Memoirs of, 110. Smyth's ( Captain) Cycle of Celestial Ob- jed•.s, 1096.

Smythe's Historic Fancies, 783. Spain, Haverty's Wanderings in, 230; and the Spaniards iu 1843, Widdriugton's, 951. • Spalding Club Publications - Britane's Distemper, 540 ; Brieffe Narration, 854. St. Lucia, Mr. Breen's, 831. Swedeli, Fryzell's History of, 1048. Symbols, the Book of, 906.

Syrians, the Modern, 929. Taylor (William) of Norwich, Robberds's Memoirs of, 37.

Theologian, the, 689. Thom's Rhs Mee and Recollections. 0. Thomson's (Mrs.) White Mask, 257; Che- valier. 1190.

Thornton's History of British Empire in India, 373 ; History of China, 592. Townsend's Memoirs of the House of Cora. mous. 976.

Tupper's ( Mr.) Tales, 32.7.

Tytler's History of Scotland, 18. Vaughan's Witch of Ender. 761. Walpole's Letters to Sir Horace Mann. 447 Memoirs of the Reign of George the Third. 1236.

Wellington's Indian Dispatches, 902. Wigan's (Dr.) Duality of the Mind, 1166. Wilberforce's (Archdeacon) Sermons, 736. Wilkinson's Modern Egypt and Thebes, 113.

Wilson's (Professor)Coutinuation of Mill's British India, 1189.

Yates's (Mrs. A.) Winter in Italy, W30. Young Widow, the, 784.

Zulueta (Pedro De) Prosecution of, on a Charge of Slave-trading, 208; Note,234.


Abbotsford Waverlev, 330. 1004. Africa, Voice from North. 1074. Agathonia, 329. Age of the World. 955. Agricul- tural Improvement Society of Ireland, 956. Akelman's Coins, 19, 949; New Testament, 570. Albanian. 89. Al- fieri's Philip, 401. Algebra, Thom- son's. 689 ; Young's. 1193. Almanacks, 42. 187. 1056. 1075. 1093, 1145. Al- paca, 738. Alphabet, &c.. Key's, 835; Note, 1123. Ambrose Ward, 65. Ame- rican Criminal Trials. 545. Amy Her- bert, 210. Annuals. 1004. Anti-State- Church Conference. 689. Apel's Ger- man Grammar, 786. Architecture. Lem "-see on. 473. Arithmetic, 618; of dies. 1144. Artistic Information, . Atlas Essay. 713. Ayrshire

reach, 65. Aytouu's Poems, 305. saber, Life of. 1145. Baptismal Fonts. 947. Barnes's Poems. 594. Bartlett's Jerusalem, 473. Beads from a Rosary, 41. Beeston's Old Testament Proper Names, 907. Bell's Crustacea, 1145. Betrothed Lovers, 1216. 'Backwater, the, 665. Blair's Chronological Tables, 473. Blanche Cressingliam, 209. Blind Man and his Guide, 858. Bonaventure's Life of our Saviour, 401. Bunn Uni- versity, 1193. Border Wardens. 1170. Botany. Re. of the Voyage of the Sul- phur, 66. 330. Buds of Thought. 401. Burus's Works. 1051. Butler's (Mrs.) Poems. 713.

Jabluet of Poetry, 1075. Canada. Views of, 1216. Carpenter's Songs, 979. Ca- techism, Use of, 89. Chapmen's Mi- nerals. 901. Chemistry. Balmain's, 19; Fownes's, 642. Child's Picture- Book. 20. China, Points and Pickings of Information about, 1004. Choral Service of the Church. 137. Chroni- cles of Missile. 19; Gretna Green. 19. Church Needlework, 377; Restorers. 1145. Cistercian Saints, 258. Claims of Labour, 786. Clarke's Silent Vil- lage, 210. Cleveland. 114. Cobham. Life of Lord, 19. Coghlau's Hand- book for Europe. 618. Colloquies, 594. Colour Music, 974. Comic Album. 42. Confessions of a Whitefoot. 186. Cookes- ley's Sermons. 907. Cornwall's Songs, 401. Court-Partial, 1170. Currencies, 763.

Dante, Parsons's, 113. Decrease of Dis- ease, 666. Der Blauhart, 376. Diary of Lady Willoughby, 429. Dick Be- quest, 493. Doyle's Two Destinies, 570. Dunfermline, Account of. 594. Ds ce on Collier's and Knight's Shakspere, 424. Dyce's Theory of the Fine Arts. 786. celesiastical Architecture, 449; History, 955. Echoes of Mind, 642. Edward

the First. 546. Emigrants, Guide to, 437. Emily's Reward. 907. English Fireside. 5e2; Revolution, 618. Epis- tles of Barnabas. Re.. 161. Erastus on Excommunication, 596. Et•chenburg's Giassivwn literature. 931. Eton Latin Cram-: Sr, Commentary on. 1097. Evenings of a Working Man, 713. ?arm, Die iouary of the, 522. Farming for Ladies. 449. Ferns, 618. First Ideas for Children, 738. Flower, &c. Pieces, 1170. Flowers of Many Hues, 570. FlowsresCharnmar, 931. Foreign Library. 1193. Forfarshire I tlustrated, 138. Fouque's Tales, 907. Frederick III. of Prussia, Religious Lire of, 401. inealogical Chart of English Sovereigns, 20. Geneva, Religion in, 329. Geo- logy, Austed's, 138. German Language, 596; Interpreter. 835. Germany, Lite. rature of, 233. 306. Glasgow, Vital Statistics of, 669. Glossology, 91. Gos-

belore the Age, 498. Graefenbeig, 65. Grahame Family, 835. Grape-

rues, 835, Gravesend Guide, 7sr7.

Great Country's (a) Little Wars, 522. Greenwich Guide, 522. Griselda, 91. Guide to Service. 399.

Hattie elts Dictionary of Archaic Words. 1e50. Handbooks, 89. Hankioson's Sermons. 1145. Harper's Illuminated Bible, 66. Harris's South African Wild Sports, 690. Harry Mowbray, 233. Hay don's Lectures on Painting. 1004, Heathen Gods, 233. Hedderwick's Poems, 1026. Henri de Clermont, 786. Hints on Life, 1239. His- toriau's Commonplace Book, 839. Holyday Library, 595. Holy Commu- nion, 786. llulsoake's Grammar, 522.

Home Treasury. 90. 499, 690. Home- opathy Unmasked, 473; Domestic, 570.

Horace. Classical Student's Transla- Hsu, 1171. Howitt's (Mrs.) My Uncle the Clock maker. 979. Human Nature, M. Hussey's Bible, 429. Hutton's Arithmetic. 305. Hyperion, 998.

Ice-book . 1074. Idiomntical Sentences in English, Hindostanee, &c. 595. Infant Salvation. 329. Inset veuts, Law of. 907. Institution of Civil Engineers, 3S9. In- stitutions of Popular Education. 1145. 1phigenia in Tauris, 233. Ireland, •• Monster" Misery of, 114; Smyth's, 162; Smiles's History, 424; Industrial Resources of, 738. Irish Question, 305. Italy. Trip to t;42.

Jack of the Mill. 42. James of the Hill, 89. James's Rose D'Albret, 521; Works, 642. Jameson 's (Mrs.) Galle- ries of Art, 449. Johnes on the Origin of the Human Race, 258. Johnston's Chemical Lectures, 569. Journal of William Dowsing, 594. Judge Adro. cates, the Duties of, 1239. Jurors, Pe- remptory Challenge of. 233. King's (Lord) Speeches. 449. Klauer's German Conversation, 618. Knight's Weekly Volume. 618, 642. 666, 1026, 1239 ; Library for the Times, 1075. Kohl's Engleud, 763. Kilhner's Greek Grammar. 595.

Lachrynne Ecclesite, 858. Lamb's Spe- cimens, 1074. Languages, Discovery of Science of, 376. Latin, Guide for Writing, 66 ; First Steps to, 66; Made Easy, 835; Composition Exereises,1193. Lawyers in Love, 1193. Leaves from the Book of Nature. 42. Leigh Hunt's Poems, 282. Letters to a Sou, 546. Li- brary of Travel, 425. Life, 473 ; Con- tingencies, 763. Light. Reeearches on, 376. Liver, Musgrove on the, 401. Lives of English Smuts, 473, 979. Lo- gic. Elements of, 1098; Leechman's,

1171. Lundres, Dr. Bureautt-Rio- frey's, 1193. Lover's (Mrs.) Lives of Eminent Females, 66. Low's inquiry, 89.

Macgregor's Commercial Statistics. 521. Mange's Lectures, 258. Maid of Ho- nour, 1026. Mantel l's Medals of Crea- tion, 618. Manures. Ecouomy of, 377. Maps, 259, 618. 642. 666. Margaret, 2u9. Mathews's (Mrs.) Anecdotes of Actors. 424. Maunuers's Treasury of History, 233. Maxwell's Irish Rebel- lion. 19. Meditations of Antouiuus.210. Memoirs of a Muscovite, 498. Mero- vingian Era, 1050. Mesmerism. 329. Metropolitan Charities. 89. Michelet's History of France, 1145. Moore, (Sir G..) Memoir of. 449. Mural Freedom, 161. Mosaic Workers. 1026. Mother's Primer, 907. Murray's Colonial sad Hume Library, 738, 1171. My Souse. nir, 282.

Narrien's Astronomy, 1193. Natiou,Voice of the, 376. Natural Buundai ies of Em- pires. 1050. Night-Voices, 401. Note on Arghanistau Discoveries, 1097. Nur- sery Rhymes, 1098.

Old Church Clock, 377. Opera, Beauties from the, 1075. Organic Chemistry. 19. O'Sullivan. 233. Our Actresses, 569. Outline of Social Systems, 570. Owen's British Fossil Mammatia. 138.

Parker's Collections in Popular Litera- ture, 546,713. Parliament, May's Trea- tise on, 5a. Parliaments of England, 258. Puton's " Prometheus Unbound," 499. Pearl of Peristan. 233. Percy's Reliques, 377, 666. Periodicals, 19, 42. (6, 162, 330, 377. 449, 522, 907. 1146. Perran-Zabulue. 10e4. Phonic Reading Books, 618. Pictorial Sunday Book, 20 ; Natural History, 1145. Predmon- tese Envoy, 498. Pilgrim's Progress, Godwin's, 498. Piudari Carmiva, 858. Pinnocles Latin Grammar, 907. Poe. meta Lyrics, 186. Pular Sea, Vou Wrangell's Expedition to, 949. Police Isst, 955. Political Economy, Logic

of, 186; Dictionary. 1171. Poole's Christmas Festivities and Comic Mis- cellany 1216. Poole's (Rev. G.) His- tory of England, 10.6. Popular Li- brary of Modern Authors, 1d1. Port Phillip. Present State of, 1216. Pont' office Directory, 1098. Prayer-Souk a Safe Guide, 89. Print Collector. 34. Promessi Spun (I), 1098. Punch's Publications, 1238. Punctuation, 162. Punishments and Prisons, Kiug of Swe- den on, 1216. Py croft's Latin and Greek Grammar Practice, 569.

Rapport sur l'Estlavage des Colonies, 834. Rebellion iu the Cevennes, 1216. Reformers before the Reformation, 1171, Reid's Dictionary, 931. Religio Me- dici. 233. Remedies for the Evils of the Nation. 46. Richelieu in Love, 258. Roberts's Holy Laud, 42, 401, 1098. Holub on Emigration, 642, Russe's (Lord) Telescopes. 1026. Royal Dictionary. 424, 835 ; Exchange, 1000. Russian's (a) Reply to the Marquis De Custiue, 258. Rustic Bower, :177, Sandwich Islands, 114. Saul and other Poems, me. Savings-Banks Accounts. 931. Schism and.Repent- ance. 37. Scientific Phenomena of Domestic Life. 713. School-books of the Scottish School-book Association, 786. Scotland. Geology of, 858. Scrip- ture Prints, 522. Self-Sacrifice, 282. Serpents, Essay on. 41. Shakspere, Concordance to. 570. Sheep, the, 594. Siude, 162. Sintram, Illus- trations of, 787. Skurray's Sermons, 522. Social Life in England and France, 979. Songs for the Nursery. 522. Star of the Court, 1004. Sterne. Letters of, 738. Stewart's Blackstone, 545. Story of a Feather, 473. Sydney Morcom, 546.

Tales of a Lay Brother, 498; clamp and Cabinet, 786 ; of the North American Indians. 1238. Talfourda Tragedies, 113. Tate's Counting house Guide, 931. Taylor's Philip Van Artevelde, 113. Theogony, 210. Thermal Com- fort, 114. Thirty Years from Home, 65. Thorutou's Indian Gazetteer, 449. Thoughts en Habit and Discipline, 569. Toner's on the Bank Charter, 474. Tractarianism, 1074. Tree-Lifter, 161. Trees, 377. True at Last, 376.

Uncle Peter's Fairy Tales, 1026. United States, 65, 161. 377. lire's Recent Im- provements in Arts. 11:e.„ 1097. Vigil of Faith, 162. Virgin Martyr, 1216. Visit to my Fatherland, 473. Vizier All Khan, 161. Voice from Palace' Yard, 401. Vollstindige Grammatik der Eoglischen Sprache, 979. Walter Clay tou, 689. Walton's Draw- ing-Book. 42. Wallon's (I.) Angler, 931. Waterton's Essays, 666. Wea- ving, Gilroy's Art of, 12-8. Web- ster's Speeches, 186. Wellington's Despatches, 424,763. Western Africa. 233. White Lady, 618. Whittier's Poems, 1004. WIlde's Narrative of a Voyage, 738. Windsor, 835. Young Composer, 330; Husbaud, 907. Zareefa, 282.

GLEANINCis, 15, 159, 183.


Adelphi-Judith of Geneva, 107 • Christ- mas Carol, 134 ; Ulrica, 227 ; The Wizard of the North, 467 ; Opening- Mother and Sun, 996 ; Caesar de Ba- zan-Telemachus, 995; Mysterious Stranger, 1042 ; Sidouia de Molina, 1162 ; The Chimes, 1208. Astley's- Invasion of England. 350; Chi- nese War, 564 ; Equestrian Specticle, 1090.

Christmas Pieces and Pantomimes. 1233. Clarke's Lectures on the Subordinate

Characters of Shaksrere's Plays, 398. Covent Garden-Bal Masque, as]. Drury Lane-Richard HI.. 82; Beauty

of Ghent, 180 ; Lady Henrietta. 369 ; Opeurng-Corsair, 946 ; The Queen's visit, 10e9.

Haymarket-Merry Vices of Windsor, 33 ; Used Up, 134 ; Grist to the Mill, 181 ; Marriage of Reason-Josephine, 226; Der Nacht Teufel, 227 ; Taming of the Shrew, 278; Drama at Home, 350; Return of Mr. Ferrets. 397 ; Prize Comedy, 492; Quid pro Quo. 586; Seamstress. 516 ; School for Scandal, 684; Closing. 758; Opening-Confede- racy, 946; Thimblerig, 947, 971 ; Match for a King, 995 ; Old Heads and Young Hearts. 1113: Somebody Else- Young England, 1162.

Kemble's (Mr.) Shaksperiau Readings, 467, 540, 659. Lyceum-Henry the Fourth, 107; Mr. Adams's Lectures on Astronomy. 205; ()peeing by Mrs. Keeley, 350; Three Wives of Madrid, 398 ; Three Diavolos, 564; Momentous Question, 587; Mar- tin Chuzzlewit. 659 ; Aladdin, 758 ; Seven Castles of the Passions. 1019; Trip to Kiseingen, 1090; Home Again, 1133.

Military Theatricals. 350. Olympic-Opeuing of. 1090. Preparations for the Winter Season, 899, Princess's-General Tom Thumb, 181 ; Young Scamp, 205; Wonderful Lamp, 659 ; Omar de Hazen, 971; Enchanted Bell, 1090.

Sadler's Wells-Opening by Mr. Phelps and Mrs. Warner, 516,540, 659; Bridal, 899.

Seyton's (Miss) Lecture on Comedy, 492. Shakspere in Paris, 1019, 1042.

St. James's - Opening of the French Plays - Achard, 82, 107, 205, 227; L' Ilene, 156; Madame Albert, 252, 279, 296, 398; Herr Diibler, 398, 467 ; Voles's. 444; Marriage of Figaro. 466; Mademoiselle Pleasy. 540; Mademoi- selle Dejaset, 564, 587, 612 ; Levassur, 612.

Straud- Martin Chuzzlewit. 899; The Knight and the Sprite, 1090. Webster (Clara), Death of, 1209.


Datido's Quartet Concerts, 547.

Distiu (Mr.) and his four Sons, 1239. Drury Lane- Dupree, 226. 252. 296; Brides of Venice, 397; Syreu, 996, 1018 ; Daughter of St. Mark, 1138. Gloucester Musical Festival, 980. Flanders Anthems. 425.

Hebrew Melodies. 66, Instrumental Part-Music, 883.

Italian Opera - Opening- Adelia, 252; Ballet. 252, 349, 369. 944. 991, 588, 612, 684, 709, 758; Ramp*, 278. 467; La Cenerentola, 296; Puritaui, 349; Semiramide, 369; Don Giovanni, 397; 11 Matrimonid Segreto, 991 ; Don Car- los, 587; Lucia di Lammermoor, 612;

Anna Boleti,, NO; Don Pasquale Lucretia Borgia. 734; Corrado d mura, 778; the Opera Season for 806.

Lover's Irish Evenings, 275, 994. Macfarren and Davison's Chambe reels, 419O Marra Morning Concert, 570, Melophonic Society, 162. Mendelssohn's Choruses of Sophccle Antigone, 1026. Moacheles and Ernst's Morning Cone 547.

National Melody and its Represen 90.

New Musical Publications, 43, 18;

234, 499, 690, 811. 1098.1193, 12' Orgaeo-Harmonica, the, 162. Organ-playing in Churches, Lout Philharmonic Concerts, 1497, , a

466, 522. 570, 618, 666.

Princess's Theatre-Reappearanc and Mrs. Wood, 58; Madame 443; Lucia di Lammermoor, ren, 996; Castle of Aymon, 11. Purcell Commemoration, 836. Quartet and Chamber Music, 136 690.

Sacred Harmonic Society, 210, 619, 1 Sivori's Morning Conceit, 378. Society of British Musicians, 43. Taylor's Lecture on Milton, 1136. Thalberg's Concert, 523.

Wilson's Entertainimeut, 444.


Amateur's (the) Portfolio of Sketches,' Art-Unions, Prohibition of. 403 ; D -

ing of the Picture Lotteries, 787 ; '

Midden of Art-Union Prizes, 932. British Institution, 138 ; Works of th .

Old Masters, 571. Calico% (Sir Augustus,) Death of, 1145. Cartoons by Correggio, 1099.

Cartoons, Prize, 211 ; in Miniature,. 1027. Chantrey's Equestrian Statue of George the Fourth, 20.

Christmas Entertainments, 1233. Deacon's Drawing Models, 522. Diorama, the, 321.

Durer's (Albert) Passion of Christ, 907. Fiuden's Gallery of British Art, 9a6. Free Exhibition, Plan for, 1051.

Graphic Society, Meeting of, 1194. Resist-Building. Progress of, 812. Humorous Designers, 335.

Illuminated Calendar, the. 1194. Institute of the Fare Arts,90, 210. Knight's •• Peninsular Heroes." 187. Lithographic Sketches. Recent, 787. New Prints, 66, 233, 283, 450. 666. New Water-Colour Society. 402.

Ord society of Water-Colour l'ainterM42.51, Old Temeraire, the-, 788.

Panorama of Hong-kong. 294; Baalbec, 612.

Parish Patronage of Painting, 932. ty of Nature, 685.

Poisons and their Antidotes, 1066. Proteoscope and Physioscope, 932. Raffaelle 'tapestries. the, 355. Royal Academy Exhibition, 450, 474 Case of the. 714.

Royal Commission of Fine Arts-Forth. coming Exhibition of Decorative Art, 259; The Exhibition, 402; Frescoes and Statues at Westminster Hall. 642; Results of the Fresco Competition, 690. Royal Exchange, Sculpture fur the, 114; and its Decorations, 1217.

School of Desigu.714.

Selous's (Mr.) Designs fur the Pilgrim's Progress. 43.

Shiphard's (Mr.) Lecture on Ancient America, 908.

Society of British Artists, 306. Wellington. the City Statue of, 595. Westminster, the New Palace at, 858. William Wynn. New Medal by, 787. Wilkie, Mr. Joseph's Statue of, 93. Wyatt's Wellington, 211.


Agricultural Labourers, State of, by Up and Be Doing, 13.

American News : Errors of the Press. 970. Animal Magnetism: Prevision, by S., 59. Architectural Designs, Open Competi- tion for, by lEstheticus, 321.

Banking System (the) and Employment, by a Liberal Elector, 35. Catattactics, Problems in, by a Membe of the Political Economy Club, 58. Catullus's Address to the Peninsula of Sirmi°, by Suynfen Jervis, 492. Cold-Bathing, by J. E. Gray, 1021. " Currency ' in the • mask of Laissex- faire," by G. T., 322. Duelling, Checks upon, by P. G., 227. .

Factory System, the. as affordieg em- ployment to the labouring popuiation, by a Liberal Elector, 14; The Gist of the Ten-hour Bill, by J. C. Symons, 470, 516.

Rolland, late Ex-King of, by Senex, 13. Italian Singers at Oratorio Festivals, 812. " Knowledge is Pleasure," by T. Noel, 998.

Mines, Inspection of, by J. C. Symons, 951,

Opera, How to Nationalize, in England, 876. Overs (J.), Death of, byT. C. Newby,97 Pictures for the Public, by T. Neel, 475.. Polynesian Orthoepy, 802.

Poor (the), Peony Postage, and Public Kitchens, by G. A.. 10,0. Privateering, by T., 679.

Taxation and Represeutation,by A.B. C 1066. West Indies, Slate of the, by a Reside Proprietor, 778.