6 JANUARY 1844, Page 24


OFFICE or ORDNANCE, Dec. 29.-Royal Artillery-Gent. Cadet H. A. Smyth to be Sec. Lieut. vice Calder, promoted; Gent. Cadet P. W. Phillipps tube Sec. Lieut. vice Pol- lock, promoted; Gent. Cadet E. Moubray to be Sec. Lieut. vice Neville, promoted ; Gent. Cadet F. H. Chancellor to be Sec. Lieut. vice Strange, promoted ; Gent. Cadet R. H. Carlyon to be Second Lieut. vice Willett, promoted; Gent. Cadet H. S. Eliot to be Second Lieut. vice Fortescue, promoted; Gent. Cadet C. Waller to be Sec. Limit. vice Cox, promoted ; Gent. Cadet R. K. Freeth to be Second Lieut. vice O'Connell, promoted ; Gent. Cadet C. W. Grey to be Second Lieut. vice King, promoted ; Gent. Cadet F. M. M. Ommanoey to be Second Lieut. lice Neill. promoted ; Geut. Cadet E. Palmer to be Second Lieut. vice Clifford, promoted ; Gent. Cadet 0. H Gilbert to be Second Lieut. vice Brettingham. promoted ; Gent. Cadet F. Vansiltart to be Second Lieut. vice Du Plat. promoted ; Gent. Cadet L. G. Paget to be Second Lieut. vice Adye, promoted ; Gent. Cadet R. Menus to be Second Lieut. vice M'Queen. promoted ; Gent. Cadet H. Mercer to be Second Lieut. vice Franklin, promoted; Gent. Cadet H. A. R. Fitzgerald to be Second Lieut. vice Hawkins. promoted.

Royal Engineers-Gent. Cadet C. S. Hutchinson to be Second Lieut. vice Cowper, promoted ; Gent. Cadet H. Wray to be Second Lieut. vice Gibb, promoted ; Gent. Cadet C. Palley to be Second Lieut. vice Napier, promoted ; Gent. Cadet J. Stokes to be Second Lieut. vice Burtchaell, dec.; Gent. Cadet W. R. G. Hickey to be Second Lieut. vice Blake, dec.

ADMIRALTY, Dec. 26.-Royal Marines-Gent. Cadets J. Crotchet and H. N. Gell to be Second Lieuts.

WAR.Onocz, Jan. 5.-9th Regt. Light Drags.-Paymaster F. E. Leech, from the 13th Light Drags. to be Faymaster. vice H. Kniget, who retires upnu half-pay. 1st Foot, Gen. the Right Hon. Sir G. Murray, G.C.B. from the 42d Foot, to he Colonel, vice Gen. Lord Lynedoch. G.C.B. dec. lOth Foot-E. Dashweod. Gent. to be Ensign, by pur- chase, vice Singleton, promoted. 15th Foot-C. Sayers, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Portal, whose appointment has been cancelled. 41st Foot-J. E. Good- wyn, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Rawlins, promoted. 60th Foot-H. E. Warren, Gent. to be Sec Lieut. by purchase. vice Forman, promoted in the 7th Foot. 66th Foot-NV. H. Herrick, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Downman, pro- moted. 77th Foot-Lieut. A. Aitkeu, from the 28th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Herbert, promoted. 93d Foot-G. A. Thompson, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Camp- bell, appointed to the 724 Foot.

Memorandum -The half-pay of Lieut. T. H. R. Canty, of the Bourbon Regiment, has been cancelled from the 5th Jan.1844, he having been granted a commuted allowance.