The BRAVO Ministry seem determined to show how far they
can humiliate the Spanish Cortes, by a kind of burlesque on Cstom- vmes brusque behaviour : they suspend the sittings of the Cortes, While they carry by edict measures which they know the Cortes would refuse; and then they mean to demand an act of indemnity, and, on refusal, to dissolve the Parliament. There is an unscru- pulous audacity in the project, approaching to genius—it is such statesmanship as the Premier's namesake, "the Bravo of Venice," achieved when he bullied the republic and its assassins. But what must be the feelings of the real statesmen of Madrid—if there are any deserving the title—to see their senatorial halls and ancient palaces made the scene of this melodramatic foolery ? to have exiled palaces chased away poor OLOZAGA—have shelved even LOPEZ and CORTINA—in order that RAMON NARVAEZ, the barrack- bully and traitor, and GONZALEZ BRAVO, the ex-editor of a scur- rilous journal and "Mohawk," may turn the proud country to an unlicensed theatre, and play for their own benefit a trumpery drama, with Europe for an audience ?