6 JANUARY 1849, Page 15


Abstract of the Net Produce of the Revenue of Great Britain, in the Years and Quarters ended 5th January 1848 and 1849, showing the Increase or De- crease thereof.

YEARS ENDED 5th JANUARY 1618. 1849. Increase. Decrease.

Customs 18,015,298

18,929,360: 914,062

Excise 11,730,746 12,832,140' 1,101,391

Stamps .6,959,546 6,110,848,

848,698 Taxes 4,334,561 4,314,704

19,857 Property Tax 5,450,801 1,347,165.

103,436 Post-office 864,000 776,000 .

88,000 Crown Lands 77,000 81,000 4,000

Miwuqhmeous 184,926 101,166

83,760 Total Ordinary Revenue 47,616,878 48,492,583 2,019,456 1,143,751 China Money.. .

539,305 639,305

Imprest and other Monies . 216,642' 485,384 209,742

-Repayraents of Advances . ...... 561,046 414,251

148,795 Total Income 48,397,566 49,931,523 2,827,503 1,293,516 Deduct Decrease 1,293,516

Inerameen the Year 1,533,957


1818. 1849. Increase. Decrease.

Customs 4,111,862 4,682,395 570,513

Excise 3,246,883 3,253,162 6,379

Stamps 1,564,855 1,472,598

92,257 Taxes 1,914,783 1,921,013 6,220

Property Tax 462,567 424,434

38,133 Post-office 208,000 198,000

10,000 Crown Lands 40,000 30,000 .

10,000 Miscellaneous. 11,746 21,709 9,963

Total Ordinary Revenue 11,560,696 12,003,311 593,005 150.390 China Money

84,281 84,084

Imprest and other Monies 30,614



Repayments of Advances 74,048 110,695 86,617-

Total Income 11,665,358 12,352,1135 837,217 150,390 Deduct Decrease 150,390

Increase on the Quarter


Income and Charge on the Consolidated Fund, in the Quarters ended 5th January 1848 and 1849.

QUARTERS ENDED 5th Ass usux INCOME. 1849.

Customs Excise Stamps.

Taxes Property Tax Post-Mace Crown Lands Miscellaneous China Money /raprest and other Monies Produce of the Sale of old Naval Stores, the Repayments of Advances To Cash to this account the final instalment of loan of8,000,0001.. _£4,111,862 £1,602,392 3,256,460 3,262,138 1,564,1155 1,472,598 1,911,783 1,921,013 462,567 424,434 208,000 198,000 40,000 30,000 11,746 21,709 - 84,284 80,614 35,261 - 86,634 74,048 I40,695 11 674,955 12,361,161 575,774


12,361,101 Qusursue swar.z 5th Jairosar 1849. alL1/4110/11.

Permanent Debt Terminable.Annulties Interest on ExehequerEilla lamed tomeet theChargeon the Con- solidated Fund Sinking Found Civil List Other Charges on the Consolidated Feud For Advances Total Oharge Surplus £5,406,718 £5,801,737 079,706 575,675 - 1,032 98,567 93,893 381,801 184,380 340,830 379,236 7,207,632 7,044,953 5,043,097 5,316,208 12,250,729 The amount of Exchequer Rills issued to meet the charge on the Consolidated Fund for the Quarter ended 10th October 1848. and paid off out of the growing produce of that Fund for the QURY- ler ended 4th January 1849 The amount issued in the Quarter ended 5th January 1849, in p of the sums granted by Parliament out of the Consolidated Fun for Supply Services The Surplus of the Consolidated Fund, Quartet ended 5th Ien.18411

The Surplus Revenue, after providing for theklagggen on-the Con sOUdated Fund and for the pap:minter -SupplyEervicea in Gres

BMW; In the Quarter endedithaarinalff - • 1,562,007 3,193,658 5,110,218 2,122,550
