6 JANUARY 1849, Page 2

a:Y-1 INDEX 1849. v,



Africa, Western-Slave-trade, 77. Mis- sion to Dahomey, 338. Expedition up the Gambia, 678.

America-Slavery, 6, 31, 126, 316, 773. California, 6.31. 78, 126, 221, 269, 654, 843, 941, 987. 1129. Postal treaty, 78. Inauguration of President Taylor, 269. Mr. Bancroft's conduct., 316. Theatri- cal riots at New York, 506. Calamities, 533. 556. 580. Cholera, 678, 701, 724, 796, 820. British interference at Pa- nama, 796, 1015. Cuba expedition, 820, 893, 913. 941. Dispute with France, 940,. 987. Changes on the repeal of British Navigation.law, 1035. Congress, 1202, 1225. Disputes at Honduras, 1225. Austria-War in Hungary, 5, 31, 32, 54, 56, 341, 366, 607, 629, 653, 701, 724, 726, 747, 772 ; Russian intervention, 315, 461, 486, 866; successes of Magyars, 411, 436, 580, 750; Ilaynau'a proclamation, 724; surrender of Gfirgey and submission of Hungary, 794, 819, 842, 912; capitula- tion of Comorn, 939, 963; Austrian atrocities, 963, 986, 1010, 1154. Rela- tions with the Pope, 5. Assembly at Krenisier, 54, 126, 243. Italian affairs, 222. Imperial "constitution," 243. ,De- flapc,e,ef the Frsn'sfa. t Assembly,' 365. *Protest agaitst Central Pasitatikait, rrts.: Sesvsav iosurrecsiois 1224: ' Borneo-a-Governor Brooke's proceedings, 717. Slaughter of Dyaks, 1083., , Buenos Ayres-Treaty, 484 Uerievoni157: China-Internal discontent, 701i of Mr. Summers by Port ugeese, 796: Assassination of Governor of Macao, 1012, 1034, 1105. English operations against pirates, 1202.

Colonies-Canada-Opening of Parlia- ment, 127 rebellion losses, 269, 316, 318, 366, 412, 461,532, 556; prorogation, 580. Burning of Parliament House, 461, 494. British League, 532, 773, 796, 1130. Orange conflicts, 724. Letter from Montreal-annexation, 725. Ar- rests and riot at Montreal, 843, 894. Lord Elgin's tour, 914, 987. Riot at Bytown, 987. Declaration for annexa- tion, 1035, 1057, 1083, 1130. Removal of seat of government, 1057, 1083, 1105. Cape of Good Hope-Opposition to the reception of convicts, 583, 678, 750, 772, 867, 891, 1010, 1037; arrival of convicts, 1105, 1129 excitement and refusal of supplies to Government, 1154, 1179, 1224. Discovery of a great lake, 1224. Ceylon -Discontent, 173. India-War in the Punjaub, 6, 105, 268 battle of Ram- nuggur, 56, 77; fall of 3foultan, 173, 268; battle of Chillianwallah, 196, 219, 293; battle of Goojerat, 315, 366; fur- ther successes, 411, 483 annexation of the Punjauh, 983, 531; trials ter mur- der of Agnew and Anderson, 531, 795, 820. Financial affairs of the Nizam, 795. Calticua police, 939. Fortress of Moulton washed away, 1034. Arrest of rebel chiefs, 1104. Revenue, 1104. Io- nian Islands-Outbreaks in Cephalonia, 867, 896, 913, 939, 943, 1011. 1034, 1057; amnesty, 1104; opening or Legislative Assembly, 1108. Malta-Repulse of re- fugees, 750, 773, 798 Colonel Jones's humane treatment, 941. New South Wales-Opposition to renewed trans- portation, 913. New Zealand- Death of Colonel Wakefield, 77, 127. Ar- rangement of differences between the Company and sestlers, 80. Earthquake, 269. Oppositisn to transportation, 943. Port Phillip-Arrival of convicts, 1179. West Indies-Bermuda-Outbreak of convicts, 701,795. Dominica-Absence of Governor, 913. Guiana-Difficulties, 31, 244, 316, 338, 412, 484, 532, 747, 793, 913; franchise, 701, 1224. 31r. Stan- ley's visit, 1130, 1155. Jamaica-Dis- putes between the Governor and Assem- bly, 31, 77, 127. 244, 295, 337,747. Elec- tion, 795, 843, 913; opening of Assem- bly, 939; retrenchment-prorogation, 1010 import-duties, 1037, 1083; re- trenchment, 1224. St. Lucia- Riots, 338, 701. Peculations in Treasury, 747, 795, 1011, 1155. Trinidad-Retrench- ments, 940. Disturbances, 1037.

Denmark-Schleswig-Holstein dispute, 5, 337, 653; peace, 678.

Egypt-Death of Mehemet Ali, 797. France-Ministerial changes, 4. National Assembly-Attack on Le'on de Male- ville, 30; proposed dissolution, 30, 32.53. 56, 150; election of French Vice-Presi- dent, 77; clubs, 104, 106, 267, 293; Bugeaud's speeches, 149 Italy, 172, 315,365. 435, 482; President's expenses, 242; police at elections, 336 Faucher's resignation, 460; Hungary, 482 ; charge against Ministers, 486, 505 ; close of the Assembly, 505. Letter from Normandy, 13. Expected insurrection in Paris, 104, 106. Ministerial crisis, 126. Pre- sident's soirlie, 149. State of Paris, 242. Political trials, 268, 315. London visit- ors, 337, 340. Elections, 463, 482, 505. Legislative Assembly, 505, 381; Presi- dent's message, 531; Rome, 555, 746; proposition to impeach the President, 856; foreign affairs, 606; press, 701; finances, 746, 749; reassembling, 938; Rome, 986, 989, 1009 return of Bour- bons, 1009; ministerial policy, 1057;

financial scheme, 1092 Pierre Bona- parte, 1104, 1108, 1129. Modification of Ministry, 531. Excitement about Rome -intended insurrection, 556, 559, 588. Cholera, 557. Du Faure on clubs, 606. President's tours, 700,723, 772, 842, 866. Peace Congress, 793,799, 818, 846. Fau- cher's speech at Limoges. 820. Depart- mental Councils, 842. Rome-President's letter to Rey, 848, 866. Illness of Fal- lout. 890. Councils-General, 890. Trials at Versailles, 963, 986, 1082, 1085. Dis- missal of the Barrot Ministry. 1031; new Ministry, 1037, 1104. Installing the Judges, 1056. Pardon of insurgents, 1082. African blockade, 1133. Libera- tion of June insurgents, 1154. Circular to the gensdarmerie, 1178. President's measures, 1178. Passports, 1181, 1224. Germany-Frankfort Assembly-Austrian question, 54, 943, 246; Prussia on the Central Power. 105; declaration of the Austrian Government, 1.50; resignation of Archduke John, 315; proceedings, 436, 461, 531; proclamation to the Ger- man People, 500; removal of a fraction to Stuttgardt, 531, 580. Flight of the King of Wirtemberg, 390. Insurrection in Dresden, 436 Disturbances, 461, 550, 607, 629 Hecker, 915. Movement of the crowned heads, 865. Central Power, 965, 1010, 1224.. Prineql.einvwn's me- j14. •• • " • . :

llayti-Otoylk.pA'snildp item, 940,

10.43', 1,1;15, .1824. • ' • • • Holland-Death of William the Second, 268. States-General, 890.

• Itaty„-;Flight of Grand Duke of Tus- : 'cams, 159, 173. 366; return, 726. Fall :1•,cols.T, 819, 822. Duke of Parma and the ecclesiastical orders, 890. Naples-Negotiation respecting Sicily, 5; hostilities, T2,3(36, 460, 483; conirtita- tion, 242.

Nicaragua-Ship canal, 1155.

Prussia-Opening of the Chambers, 195; the Frankfort constitution, 388 dis- missal, 411. Refusal of the imperial crown, 318, 911. Imperial German constitution, 509, 531, 678. Opening of the Parliament, 746, 820; the consti- tution, 917 ; German question, 1034. Rome-Excitement about the " Costi- tueate," 5. Dissolution of the Chambers, 31. Address from the Pape, 53. A Re- public, 152, 173. French expedition, 411; attack on Reines 436, 438, 460, 506, 531, 556, 510, 607; surrender, 629, 653; sub- sequent proceedings, 678, 701, 746, 842, 890. Papal government, 772. Garibaldi's escape, 772. Pope's proposed institu- tions, 912.

Russia-Emperor's address to Bishops, 556. Sandwich islands-French attack, 1129. Sardinia-Resumption of war, 268; de- feats of Charles Albert, and abdication. 293, 295, 315. Insurrection in Genoa, 315, 337, 366. Execution of Ramorino, 506. Peace with Austria, 819. Elec- tions, 1202.

Spain-Relations with England, 31. Es- cape of Cabrera, 268. Arrest of the Conde de Montemolin, 337. Turin; 506. Ministerial crisis, 1010, 1034, 1057. Turkey-Refusal to deliver up Hungarian refugees, 913, 939, 963, 1013, 1034, 1065, 1129,1154, 1179, 1224.


Queen's visit to Ireland and Scotland 722; return, 917, 934. Illness of the Queen Dowager, 942, 1006, 1030, 1054, 1078, 1102, 1126 ; death, 1,150, 1155, 1174. Indisposition of the Queeh, 1006, 1030. Sir. Pearson on prison discipline, 2, 50, 74, 102, 124. The revenue, 11,319, 633,967. Church movement, 26. Tooting asylum -cholera, 27, 50, 75, 102, 363. Prince Albert v. Strange and Judge, 50, 125, S09, 530, 868. Reduction in army, 106. "Scene" between Sir F. Thesiger and the Chief Baron, 106. Court of Alder- men-gaol regulations, 124; disqualifi- cation of aldermen, 240. Annual meet- ings, 125, 363, 409, 434, 459, 482, 503, 530, 578, 652, 1175. iVakley v. Healey and Cook-libel, 148. Brown v. Lord A. Conyngham -Galway Railway, 148. Charge of perjury against the Marquis of Chandos, 149. Sale of an Indian cadet- ship, 171, 409. Common Council-Smith- field, 194,961, 1150, 1198. British Mu- seum, 195. Railway meetings, 195. Central Protection Society, 218. Navi- gation-laws, 2:50, 290. Deputation to the Premier on Irish railways, 244, 293. F.ast India Company's dinner to Sir C. Napier, 266. Mr. Shore's imprisonment, 266. Mr. Hudson's railway doings, 270, 3139, 341, 365, 389, 412, 434, 462, 654, 656, 679, 798, 1012. St. Martin's-in-the- Fields Parochial Association-coloniza- tion. 290. Burning of the Olympic, 290. Lord Mayor's dinner to Ministers, 387. Fraud on a clergyman-Queen's chap- lainship, 388. Meeting of the New-Rea- laud Company against convict settle- ment, 390. Protection meeting in the City, 409. New Middlesex Pauper Lu- natic Asylum. 434. Outrage on the Queen, 481,565. Metropolitan Financial Reform Association, 481. Bethnal Green churches, 482. New Zealand Company's annual meeting, 503; National Society, 529, 579. Deputations to Ministers on the Factory Act, 533, 551. Merchant Tailors festIval, 554. Peace meeting,

554. Cholera, 557, 578, 581, 655, 679 702, 725, 749, 774, 775, 798, 838, 848 867, 869, 895, 896, 915, 916, 942, 964 955, 988, 1012, 1036, 1059 Registrar- General's report, 1038. Scottish Society fête, 579. City Corporation meeting on Irish lands, 583, 603, 628. City elec- tions, 605, 627, 651, 703. City Shriev- alty, 6035 Dinners by the Lord Mayor, 604, 651.698. 790, 982. National Asso- ciation for Protection of British Indus- try, 604. Meeting on Irish distress, 605. Commission of Sewers-plans for drain- age, 605, 699,790, 935 ; proceedings, 722, 814. Libel-Duke of Brunswick v. the Weekly Dispatch, 605. Alleged lunacy- the Agapemone, 605. Court of Queen's Bench-Duke of Buckingham and his eon, 628. Trial of Prince Grauatelli, 652. Dinner at Greenwich on Colonial Re- form, 675. Sleeting at the London Ta- vern on Hungary, 698. Meetings on Hungary, 722, 814; metnorlal, 821. Ox- ford credit, 742, 83S, 887, 983. Marriage of Lola Montes, 742, 769, 862. Parlia- mentary and Financial Reform Associa- tion, 768. Murder of Mr. O'Connor, 775, 790, 799, 815, 823,83e, 863. 887. 910,936, 1006, 1033, 1054, 1060, 1078. The Board of Health and parish guardians, 816,

862, 869, 886. City Board of Health- sanatory arrangements, 862, 886, 982. City Sewers Commission.- operations, 862; 31r. Simon's report, 1054, 1102. Death of Chartist prisoners by cholera,

863, 887. Intramural interments, 886. City prison at Holloway, 910. Decision on the power of the Board of Health to close a burial-ground, 910. Hop-duty, 917, 936. New arrangement at the Post-office on Sunday, 917, 934, 961, 965, 983, 987, 1011, nse. New Mayoralty, 934, 1060. New Com- mission of Sewers, 961, 982. Cobden's meeting against wag-loans, 961. Ac- cident in a Sewer at Pimlico, 965, 983, 1007, 1032. Opening of the Coal Ex- change, 982, 1030, 1037. Exposition of Industry in 1851., 982. 1156, 1202. City Registration Court squabble, 982. Sup- ply of water, 983, 1056, 1175. Bishop- ric of Llandaff, 983, 988. 1006, 1037. Customhouse inquiry, 1013. Peace meeting, 1031. Homceopathic treatment -trial for manslaughter, 1032. Meeting on railway audit, 1054. Delaileld's bankruptcy, 1054. Thanksgiviug, 1058, 1078. Return of Ross, 1058, 1084. Law Amendment Society-law school, 1078. Artesian wells, 1102. Bethnal Green dispensary, 1108. Freehold Land So- ciety, 1126. Land-tax assessment, 1134. Consecration of new Bishops, 1150. City Gas-consumers Company, 1150, 1174. Meeting of female slop-workers, 1150; of tailors, 1175. Church of Eng- land Self-supporting Village Society, 1150. Memorial to Lord J. Russell on Hungary, 1156. The Artillery Company, 1174. AssociaBon for improving the Dwellings of Working Classes, 1175. London municipal franchise, 1181. Royal Agricultural Society, 1198. Liberal dinner at Cockermouth, 2. Mail- robbery on the Great Western railway, 3, 29, 52, 29.2. Bradford entertainment to Mr. Roebuck, 8. Financial reform meeting at Manchester, 27. Murders at Wymondham, 29, 291, 295, 313, 388_ Elections, 52, 75,125, 149. 171,271, 313, 364,530. 699, 723, 743, 769, 916, 839, 911, 1227. Agricultural distress, 52, 149, 194, 313, 335, 364, 388, 530, 555. Lancashire Public School Association, 75, 313, 1176. Charge of forgery against goldsmiths at Bath, 76, 336. The Peel school at Tam- worth, 80. Free-trade banquet at Man- chester, 103. Liverpool National Con- federation for eqoiteble adjustment of Taxation, 103. Changes in University examinations at Oxford, 149. Railway accidents, 149, 984. Devonport Orphan's Home, 172. Baron Platt's attack on the Berkshire magistrates, 194. Lewes bribery, 267. Malt-tax meeting at Lewes, 291. County expenditure, 291, Murders, 292, 314, 341, 677, 723, 792, 889. Libels against Lord Leigh, 314. Sheffield election, 317, 334, 410, 413. Dinner to Cobden at Wakefield, 334. Financial reform meeting at Leeds, 340. Great Grimsby Docks, 364. New farm- school of the Philanthropic Society, 410. Poisonings, 411, 460, 482, 723, 743, 750, 776. Freehold Land Society, 530. Br- tannin Bridge, 579, 1152. Lincoln Peni- tent Females' Homes, 653. Royal Agri- cultural Society, 677. Portland break- water, 699. "Siege operations" at Chatham, 699. Agricultural meetings, 723, 917, 936, 962, 1008,1081,1085, 1127, 1134, 1177, 1200, 1203, 1222. Hungary, 723, 743, 769. Employment of paupers on a farm, 743. Benefice of Bishop- wearmouth, 749. Harris v. Colonel Fox -bill-dIscouuting, 770. Conduct of the Chaplain of Coventry gaol, 798, 821. Cumberland and Westmoreland Agricul- tural Society-Lord Brougham, 816 East Cumberland, B&B. Thais of Lieute- nant Graham and Master Elliot, 817; Commander Pitman, 817, 840, 864. Royal mucks Agricultural Association- Mr. Disraeli's speech, 863. British Ae- sociatIon for Advancement of Science,

864, 838. Dinner to Sir G. Grey, 888. Banbury Agricultural Association, 896. National Reform meetings, 936, 984,

1013, 1157 Leeds Redemption Society, 937. Cruikshauk's speech at Harrow- gate, 337. Hinchford Club-Mr. Dis- raeli's speech, 949. Buskinghamshire Ascociatiou for the Relief of Real Pro- perty, 1033, 1151. Society of Arts de- putation at Manchester, 1055. Leeds Mechanics Institution-Sheffield Athe- naeum: Roebuck's speeches, 1055. West Surrey Protection meetang, 1080. Free- hold Land Societies, 1081. Reigate Pro- tection meeting, 1151. New examina- tion-statute at Oxford, 1176. Banquet to Manchester Members, 1176. Mr. Cobden at Leeds, 1199t Bradford, 1203. Bishop of St. David's Lecture at Car- marthen, 1200, 1227. Decision on re- lays in factories, 1223. Peel's address to his tenantry, 1225.


Peculations of landowners at Carlow, 3. The poor-law, 3, 29. 76. The Colleges, 29. Mr. Duffy'a case, 29, 33, 53, 149, 172, 267, 316, 336, 365. Writ of error- State prisoners, 53; appeal in the Lords, 434; sentence, 530. Royal Dublin So- ciety prize distribution, 76. Elections, 172, 531, 937, 963.1008, 1082. Rate-in.: aid, 194, 241, 267. Riot at Crossgar, 267, 292. Suffocation in a steamer, 292. Death of Dr. Crotty, 336, 482. Distress In the West and South, 365, 504, 771, 775, 817, 937. The Queen's visit, 629, 700, 722, 744, 749, 766. Collision at Dolly's Brae, 677, 746, 869, 889,896, 919; removal of Earl of Roden from the ma- gistracy, 963,985, 1033, 1056; Mr. Ber- wick's report, 1008. Ballingarry pri- soners, 703. Irish bog-peat,79$. Strange occurrences at Templemore, 771. Re- cantations of Repeal papers, 771, 840. Reappearance of the Nation, 840, 865, 912. Dr. al'Ilale's pulpit eloquence, 841. Cholera, 841. Furtive retnoval of crops, 848, 938, 985. The Dublin Corporation address to the French people, 8635 At- tack on Cappoquin police-station, 889, 911. Mr. Scrope on Government works and workhouse relief test, 912. John O'Conuell's Repeal movement, 937, 963. Lord Waterford's tenantry. 935. Com- missioners of Encumbered Estates, 1008, 1128,1227. Parliamentary relieffor agri- culture, 1033. Martinestates,1056. Pau- perism in the South-west, 1082. National Conference, 1103. Progress of the Practi- cal Instructors in Agriculture, 1103. Re- port of the "Grand Lodge of Ireland," 1152, 1178. Mr. Carlyle in the Nation, 1153. Protection meetings, 1201. Lord Cloncurry's political opinions, 1227.


Increase of poor-rates, 30. Financial Re- form, 104, 580, 606, 653, 98.5, 1104, 1128. Flood at Inverness, 104, 128. Catas- trophe in a Glasgow theatre, 172. Edba- burgh Apprentice Schools, 194. Dum- fries Ragged Schools, 242, Mr. Macau- lay at Glasgow, 267, 293. General As- semblies, 504. Poor-law, 505. Pre- miums for cleanliness in Glasgow, 505. Queen's visit to Balmoral, 767, 775,782, 517, 841, 865, 890. Freedom of Edin- burgh presented to Sir J. Duke, 772. Education, 933. Freedom of Aberdeen presented to Peel, 985. Greenock meet- ing-Mr. Thompson on the forty-shilling freehold scheme, 1153.


Opening of the Session, 98, 106, 122. Acoustics of House of Lords, 265. Af- firmation bill, 362, 528, 583. Agricul- tural burdens, 193, 238 ; relief, 214 distress, 455. Arctic expedition, 551. Army and navy estimates, 262, 486, 502. Army benefit societies, 696. Aus- tralian constitutions, 529, 625, 675. Bakehouses, hours in, 672. Ballot, 480. Bankrupt law, 527, 696. Bishopwear- mouth rectory, 264. Brazil slave- trade, 384. Bribery at elections, 170, 218, 719. British colonial system, 360. British Guiana, 695. Budget, 582, 602. NICHOL{ Ayres and Monte Video, 650. Burials in metropolitan churchyards, 697. Business of the session, 554. Canada, 413 ; rebellion losses bill, 454, 502, 551, 558, 574. Capital punishment, 407. Ceylon insurrection, 289, 720. China, our intercourse with, 625. Cholera In London, 649. Church-rates, 239. Civil contingencies, 502. Clergy relief, 170, 240, 480. Coffee and chicory, 433. Colliery inspection, 625. Colonial de- spatches, 193; government, 479, 598; Office, Parliamentary arraignment of, 166. 193 ; replies, 264 ; policy. 312, 720. Conduct of business, 122. Convict emi- gration, 148; transportation, 21 6 ; to free colonies, 287. Corn-dutys SSC/- County rates and expenditure; 553. Crown tenants, 193. Cruelty to ani- mals, 389.

Danish war, 240. Derby day, 481. Dol- ly's Brae collision, 674, 680, 696,719. Dutchies of Cornwall and Lancaster, 171.

Election bribery, 385. Emigrant-tax, 129. Finaucial retorm, 190. Foreign policy, 362. French and English navies, 675. French intervention at Rome, 457, 552, 558, 602. 675. Further reform, 526 Furtive legislation, 674.

Highways management, 625. Hades sn's Bay Company, legality of, 625. 'laud-

ion's (Mr.) explanations, 458. Hungary, 437, 694, 721.

Indian army, thanks to, 385. Insolvent members, 148, 265, 290, 528, 598. In- ternational arbitration, 550. Ireland, drainage in, 437; education in, 408, 577; encumbered estates, 481, 553, 602, 674 • evictions In, 535; free transfer of land in, 359 ; income-tax in, 240; pauper la- bour in, 433; poor relief in, 535, 602, 623, 647, 655, 674, 702, 718 rallwaY from Athlone to Galway, 647; re- demption of, 382; state of, 695; right in, 170; transportation for son, 553, 576, b82, 602. Irish cattle sheep stealing, 409 ; church tempo- ralities, 646 ; distress, committee on, 123, 152 ; and its causes, 455, 486; votes for, 123, 147, 368; returns, 408 • emi- gration, 455 ; fisheries, 147; habeas cor- pus suspension. 123, 128;146, 170, 174; loan for improvements, 413; Parlia- mentary voters, 147; poor-law, 129,

191, 197, 215, 456 ; 289, 294, 310, 312, 389, 408, 437; relief, 358. Italian refugees repelled from Malta, 721. Italy, 262, 680. Juvenile offenders, 649. Landlord and tenant, 240, Land-tax, 265. Law amendment, 148. Limerick va- cancy-O'Brien, 463. Limited partner- ship liability, 433. Lord Chancellor, absence of, 602. Marriage with deceased wife's sister, 170, 408, 413,578, 62.5,698. Medical officers, honours for, 578. Mercantile marine, 648, 680. Ministers-money, 289. Mis- cellaneous estimates, 508. Naval estimates, 245, 294. Navigation- laws, 146, 222, 238, 270, 289, 360, 382, 430, 463, 478, 552. Newspaper report- ing in Parliament, 433, 437, 481, 554, 679. Nova Scotia, 286.

Out-door paupers, 193. Ordnance esti- mates: reduction of expenditure, 647,761. Palace Court, 673. Paris, English visits to, 171. Partition of parishes, 192, 317. Parliamentary oaths-Jews, 169, 174, 433, 456, 553, 598. People's charter, 624. Pilotage, 696. Poor-rates, equali- sation of, 577. Prison discipline, 457, 601, 631. Privilege: reporting speeches, 409, 463. Protection of women, 486, 601, 698. Public business, 312, 626, 675; ex- penditure and taxation, 432; libraries, 240; parks, 502; roads, 147, 192, 359. Queen, outrage on the, 478. Ragged school pupils and emigration, 697. Railway accounts audit, 625; adminis- tration, 432; system, 406. Rapid and imperfect legislation, 718. Rating of stock-in-trade, 674. Real property trans- fer, 217. Reduction of public salaries, 670. Revision of taxes, 672. River Plate, 385, 720. Roman Catholic pre- lates in colonies, 124 ; relleS 124. RUB. sla and Turkey, 264. Savings-banks, Irish and Scotch, 289, 389, 409. Scotch marriage law, 648. Scot- land, English Episcopalians in, 481; ii- tIes of religious congregations in, 697. Sicily, British intervention in, 217, 389. Slave-trade suppression, i69; Persian Gulf, 702. Smithfield market, 673. Smoke prohibition, 649. Spain, 608. State of the nation, 622,631, 650. Stock- port, administration of justice in, 290. Sunday travelling on railways, 312, 385. Supply, 152, 245, 407, 528, 655, 671, 672. Tooting pauper establishment, 147. Trans- ference of land, 148. Triennial Parlia- ments, 480, 648. Tweeddale (Marquis of), charge against, 263. Van Diemen's Land, government of, 650, 721. Vancouver's Island, 575, 608, 675. West India petition, 720. Prorogation of Parliament 721. Lord Clarendon's report on the state of Ireland, 124.-The Irish Members and Lord John RnaseU, 362.-Despatches from Earl of Elgin to Earl Grey, &c. 458.-Report on British Guiana, 528.-

Als• Linton's petition on foreign administra- s ton, 581.-Mr. Adderley's resolutions on the Australian colonies bill, 626.- Slave-trade Committee report, 630. atatistics of the Parllamentary Session 1849, 721.

Attendance-Accounts. House of Com- mons, 1849, 958, 988.

Parliamentary Statistics: Printed Papers, 1065; The Time-table, 1118. Private Bill Legislation, 1181.

TOPICS OF THE DAY, A Child Beaten to Death by a Father, 562.

Acoustics of the House of Lords. Scene of Friday last, as it probably occurred, 417. Admiralty (the) and Colonel Wright, 370. After Midnight, Dawn, 298. Agitation, Licensed and Unlicensed, 154. Agriculture-Self-Destruction of Indus- try, 1063. Algeria, French Colonization of, 563. Anti-Slave-Trade Movements, the Coming Change in, 110.

Art Ministering to Religion, 659. Australian Constitution - Constitution- Making by England, 537. Austrian Constitution, the, 249; Victories In Hungary, the Key to, 442. Bankruptcy of Statesmen, the, 175. Belgravia, Law in, 947. " Bermondsey Tragedy, the," 849; Con- demned Sermon as it was Acted, 1088. His Blender of Sir C. Wren, 1138. Bouncing Ben, 199,

Boy Candidates for Transportaton, 586. British Laputanism, 35.

British Repudiation, .1183. Budget-Making. 610- California! What then? 1194..

Canada Question MO 4044,0T'297!

England in the West, 439; Canada, 499; Delegates from Canada, 511; Canadian Annexation, 1040. Cape of Goad Hope, the, versus Lord rers Convict-Colonists. 899.

using by Wholesale, 1233. Ceylon-Lord Grey's Model Colony, 83. Cholsra, Effective Measures against, in Hamburg and Dumfries, 133; Masked Ignorance, 851; A Public Fast or Thanksgiving Day, 852; A Parting Glance at the, 993. Christmas, 1206. Church (the) to be Converted, 1184, 1204. ' Citoyen " versus "Monsieur," 970. Clairvoyance and its Tests, 612. Cloaca Maxima, the, 636. Clothing Colonels, the. 36. Coal Exchange Opening-Tbe Pageant on the Thames, 1039. Cobden's (Mr.) Last, 969. Colonial Office Practice, 250; Colonizing I 1089.

Colonial Policy, 801. Colonial Reform, the Sum of, 1231. Colonial Reformer, a New, 226. Colonial Relations, Commission on, 585. Colonies and Placehunters, 131. Colonies, Farewell to the, 1109; Minis- terial Adoption of the " Municipal Sys- tem" for the, 1136. Commercialism Erring from Itself, 1207. Commissioners of Sewers-The Hunted Department, 705. Communism Amongst Us, 611; The New Political Heresy, 704; They of Little Faith, 752; Practical Discussion" of Communism, 827; The Common Sense of, 873. Congress of 1850, the, 826. Convietism, the Times in Defence of, 177; Who should Keep our Convicts? 248; Convictism sent Home, 1160. Correctional Discipline, Conflict of Opi- nion on, 657. Credit, a Query Respecting, 261; Facti- tious " Credit " and its Friends, 611. Criminal Court, the Drama of the, 1017. Criminals, Sympathy with, 392. Daily Costume, 971. Delafield's Entire, 1065.

De Lamartine's (1,L) Confidence, Denoue- ment of, 779. De Minim's, 827. Derby Day, the, 489. Disraeli's (Mr.) Last, 968. Drainage, its Effect on the Climate and Soil of the United Kingdom, 1160. Electric Light, the, 36.

England a la Fiorentino, 562.

English against Arab, 1138. English Sisters of Charity, 586. Etiquette of the Criminal Courts, 900. Events that Never Happen, 1065. Exchequer Court Affair, the, 138. Excursion Train, the, 874. Exposition of 1851 (the) and its Exigen- cies, 1159. Factory illyatem, the Flaws of the, 12; Short-time and the Relay System, 177. "Failure of Justice," 728. Fall of the Leaf, the, 871. False Record of a True Judgment, 226. Farmers and the Free-trade Storm, 465. "Financial Reform "-The Quest of the True Budget, 11. Fishponds Lunatic Case, the, 13. Foreign Policy, Our, 703; Our Foreign Impolicy, 751. France, State of Affairs in, 539; " Le Parti de France I Sauver," 1062. Frankness better than Cunning, 84. Freehold Laud Project Measured, 1135. Funerals, the Common Sense of, 1232. Future, the, 488. Generous Discipline, 850. Gough, Lord-The General in the Pun- jaub, 224. Grey, Lord, a Useful Lesson to, 273; and Mr. Adderley as Constitution-Makers, 633.

Growth of the Metropolis, 1015.

Hanging, Public or Private ? 1111. Mentes, Ten-per-cent Delusion, the, 681. Her Most Gracious majesty. 777. Hinds, Dr.-The New Bishop, 920. "Honour" and its Ministers, 638. Hooton Hall, Sale of, 1119.

House of Commons Dialectics, 273. Hudson-The New Hudson Testimonial, 344; Hudsonistas, 915 ; Iludsonism, 658; The Horrid Hudson, 682. Haman Goods, 900. Humboldt's Birthday, 898. Hungary, the National Cause in, 225; For What are the Hungarians Fighting? 220; The Commercial Policy of, 274; Officers in the Hungarian Army, 322; Position of, 416.

Inconsistent Verdicts. 298.

India, On the River Navigation of, 754. Indian Mail Contract, Renewal of the, 61. Invitation to Revolutionaries, the, 657. Ireland-Irish Poor-law Reform, 110; Cruel Kindness ; the Irish National Schools, 182, 195; The Premier's Plan for, 176; The Irish Disease, 226; Whig and Tory Treatment of Ireland, 320; Ireland and Sir Robert Peel, 343; Irish Weakness, 441 ; Irish Want and English Alms, 465; The Court at Dublin Castle, 754. Irresponsibility of Ministers, 153. Italian Affairs, State of, 200.

Jamaica and Guiana, Progress of Discon- tent in, 345.

Lang (Dr.) and Mr. Godley, 1208. Law, the Treachery and Tyranny of the, 35; Opprobniums of, 274. Law Schools lof England, the Spurious, 1089; College for Lawmaking, 1110. "Liberal" Love of Titles, 730. `Wed (Miss) at Fault, 371. Dole Monter, 1041. -Louis Philippe on Government, 85L Love I la Mode, 754. Macready Riots at New York-The Offen- ded Republic, 512. Mahon on Music, 321. Maize, 417. Mansionhouse Magnificence, 993. Manufacture of Paintings, 900. Mechanics' Institution, the, 417. Medical Administration, 825.

Mercantile Credit and Trade Morality, 945.

Mettray, Breaking Up of, 61. Military Expenditure, 392. Ministerial Programme for Next Session, 1087.

Ministry, the-Our Ministers, 319; Tri- umph of. 681. Mock Assassination Nuisance, the, 488. Model Department, the, 801. Modern Lapidation, 176. Morning Chronicle (the) on the State of the Poor, 1018. Mourning Amenities, 155. Music Schcol, the New, 753. National Debt, Can the, be Extinguished? 109. National Pictures, Renewed Threats of Destruction to the, 1233. National Responsibility, 826. Naval Assistant-Surgeons' Case, the, 729. Navigation-laws-Pillars of Hercules, 464. Needlewomen (the) and their Rescue, 1158; Political Economy and, 1183; The Great Woman Market, 1184 • Needle- women's Rescue-Ministerial Hopes, 1232.

Nelson-English Repudiation, 851, New Measure of Value, 683. New Year, the-its Horoscope, 1230. New York Miracles, the, 1209. Official Journalism, 803. Opera Administration, 465. Our Internal Tranquillity, 538. Griord Credit audItt.e.weert7178. Pbseyeewe•wiTnt is a Plaintiff's Court ? 200.

Palmerston (Lord), Apology for, 34. Paris Fashions for February, 108. Parliamentary Procedure-" Difficulties" to be Conquered, 108; A New Leaf Turned Over, 131; Progress in the Bet- ter Conduct of Business, 154; Conduct of Bills, 728; Policy for Next Session, 1016.

Party Crises, the Late, 536. Pasta and her Pupil, 393. Peace, the Guards of, 59; "Reduction of the Military Force," 225; Peace, 561; Peace very Cheap, 1039. Peerage, the, and its Corns, 299, Philanthropic Society-The Farm School at Renhill, 441; Redhffi and Mettray, 489. Phillips, Mr.-Morals of the Bar, 1137. Pillars of Hercules, the, 464. Pitman, Commander-The Anarch Tyran- ny, 826; The Recent Courts-Martial, 921. Platt, Baron, 37h Poisonings (the) and their Antidote, 465; The Poisonings, 753. Political Dining, 109.

Political Geology, 178. Political Indifferentism, 585. "Political Power "-Where is It? 920. Poor-law, the Confasion of the, 60; Whig Defence of the "Ineffectual," 84 ; A Point in Poor-law Ethics, 1112. Poor Man's Picnic, a, 635. Posting Facilities, 683. Post-office, Sunday at the, 946; and the Sabbath, 994. Practical Christianity, 850. Practical Measures, a Key to, 345. Poverty-Making Influences, 1111. Privilege of the Peerage, 13. Promotion-Seniority and Capacity, 248. Proper Names not Proper, 875. Public Health, 849, 898.

Public Libraries, 1063. Punjaub, What to Do with the, 83. Quarantine, the Doom of, 511. Queen Adelaide, 1158. Queen's Visit to Ireland, the, 634. Railway Gratuities, 12; Romance, 201; Gratuities to Railway Porters, 874. Reaction a Dream, 391. Reform Association, the New, 777. Reporting in the House of Lords, 322 ; House of Commons, 561. Revolutionists, the Lathes oS 1016. Road-making for Towns, 921. Roebuck, Mr-Friendly Hint to a Useful Member, 586. Rome, What was Staked at, 6311; Roman Welcome of the French, 659; Position of Rome and her Church, 872. Rush, the Convict, 344. Russell, Lord J.-Gad Habit in a Leading Statesman, 124; How the Russell Mi- nistry is Preserved, 224; Apology for Lord John's not Resigning, 370. Sarcasms of the Untaught, 1185. School for Criminals, 802. Scientific Dialogue, not by Mr. Joyce, 730. Scotland, the Church and the Vice of, 1090; Intemperance in Scotland-not Incurable, 1137. Session, the, 1849, 82; Results of the Session Just Closed, 727; Tellmot the Tale, 779; Friendship's Pillory, 802. Slave-trade-Friends of the Negro, 392. Smoke War, the, 683. Sovereignty and the Majority, 510. Sovereignty of the People, 634. Spirit of Evil, the, 992. State of Europe, 85. St. Martin's Baths and Laundries, 921. Strange Case of Pauperism, 947. Tenth of April, the-An Unwritten Arti- cle, 346. The Three Grasps at the Land, 1185. Thoughts at a Fire, 1137. Turkish War, the, 944. Urqubart's Last, 133. Vice of the Day, the, 59. Violets of Statesmanship, the, 898. Vital Air to the Miner, 1041.

Voting-Duties of the Commons, 968; The Apology Corroborative, 995; Power of the Constituencies, 1039. Ward, Mr., "Los Confidences" of, 415. Water, 872; The Water Question, 919; Supply. 946; Sources of Supply, 969; Administration, 994. Working Classes, Culture of the, 1208. Working to Some Purpose, 512.

11xcius8inun ParEas.

Obituary, 6, 77, 1058, 1106; Requisition to Archbishop of Canterbury for a meet- ing on education, 7; National expendi- ture, 7, 54, 78; Oa 1848,-Epitaph, 34; Sir F. Baring's appointment, 54; Was son's budget, 78, 195 ; Dockyard reform, 80; Naval follies, 150; Prohibited mar- riages, 152; Attalla of Canada, 368; Peel, 368; Blue Books, 507; TheWhigs and the Peelites. 533; Mr. John and the Stran- gers, 539; Sugat imports, 631; Britan- nia Bridge, 776; Brougham on the " Making and Digesting of the Law," 645; Italian Refugee Fund, 848; Lord John Ruseell and the Italian Refugees, 894, 014: Anglesey's letter, 894; Chlo- rine to extinguish cholera, 918; Sicilian despatches, 9411 Franklin's expedition, 941, 905; Horning Chronicle inquiry- industrial poor, 947, 1085, 1107; The French in Italy, 990; Mr. Homer and Mr.Stuart, 1011; Mr. Adderley's applica- tion to Earl Grey respecting convicts at the Cape, 1025; Collins's Disinfecting Powder, 1060; Dr. Lang's Remon- strance, 1085; Times and the Cape, 1106; Phillips's defence of Courvoisier, 1106, 1130; Dickens on private hanging, 1080, 1106; Ocens'onal discourse on the Negro question, 1131 ; Seat of Govern- ment in Canada, 1134; Early Alma- necks, 1204; Mr. Godley's Letter to Mr. Gladstone, 1205.


Addison (Dr.) on Healthy and Diseased Structure, 855.

Allies's France and Italy, 252. Auerbach's Vienna, 636.

Australian and Whaling Sketches, 302. Austria, Mr. Thompson's, 63. Barton's (Bernard) Life and Letters, 1042. Before and After, 783.

Bell's Wayside Pictures, 782. Bell's (Currer) Shirley, 1043. Bickersteth's Poems, 181.

Bigsby's Vie0112 of the Times of Old, 854. Brazil, Prince Adalbert's Travels in, 418. British Guiana, Eight Years in, 1235. Bryan's Dictionary of Painters, Poe. 739. Bunbury's (Miss) Evelyn, 662.

California, Four Months among the Gold- finders in Alta, 136; Revere's, 805. Campbell's Lives of Chief Justices, 1140. Canada, the Conquest of, 637; The Boil- grant Churchman ht 852. Canadian Life, Sketches of, 541.

Central America, Life In, 969. Chalmers's Prelections, 1043; Hanna's Life and Writings of Chalmers, 1186. Chamier's French Revolution of 1848, 1093. Christmas's as's Cradle of the Twin Giants,


Cloncurry's Personal Recollections, 971. Cochrane's (ISainte) Ernest Vane, 950. Colquhoun's Highland Wanderings, 902. Cooper's Sea Lions, 349.

Corkran's History of the National Con- stituent Assembly, 565.

Course of a Revolution, the, 877. Court Album, the, 1116. Craik's Romance of the Peerage, 349, 1045. Cunningham's Handbook for London, 589. Carson's Visits to Monasteries, 301. Davy (Dr.) on Chemistry and Tropical Agriculture, 445.

Day on Diseases of Advanced ISfe, 18. Dead Sea, United States Expedition, 612. Denison's (Lord Albert) Wanderings, 1162. Dennis's Cities, &c. of Etruria, ill. Dering's (Mrs.) Poems, 734.

Disraeli and Curiosities of Literature, 40. Dodo, the, and its Kindred, 493. Downing's Landscape Gardening, 780. Dry Leaves from Young Egypt, 444. Dudley's Anti-Materialist, 1094. Education, Progress of the Government Committee on, 88. Eighteen Hundred and Twelve, 374. Eliot's Liberty of Ancient Nations, 660. Emigrant Family, the, 229. Fairfax Correspondence, Conclusion 4498. Fan's Anatomy for Artists, 1021. Fergusson's Beauty in Art, 347. Fillan's Stories of the Two Rebellions In Scotland, 903. Forbes on the African Blockade, 158. Forbes's (Dr.) Physician's Holyday, 468, Forsyth's Hortenslus, 251. Foxton's Popular Christianity, 949. Francis's Stock Exchange, 1022. Frank Forester's Woodland Adventures, 303; Fian and Fishing of North Ame- rica, 924. Franklin, Weld's Life of, 901. Friends in Council, 258. Fronde's Nemesis of Faith, 228, 687. Genie's Ernesto di Ripalta, 854. German Travellers on North America, 904. Glles's (Dr.) Life of Alfred, 300. Grote's History of Greece. 202, 227. Guizot's Democracy in France, 38. Hakluyt Society Publications, 684. Hands not Hearts. 1192. Hay's Science of Proportions, 347. Head's (Sir George) Rome, 540. Reiland, Mrs., 807. Hoskyns on History of Agriculture, 732. Howard, Dixon's Life of, 828. Hudson's Bay Company, Fitzgerald on,929. Humboldt's Aspects of Nature, 948. Humboldea ( William) Letters to a Female Friend, 1067.

Hume, Letters of Eminent Persons to, 87. Humphreys's Ancient Coins, 1234. Hundertpfund's Art of Painting, 137. Hunt's (Mr.) Poetry of Science, 113; Panthea. 1115.

Hunter's Tract on the First Colonists of New England, 974.

Huntley's Peregrine Scramble, 112. Irving's Life of Goldsmith, 1164.

James's Woodman, 638.

Johnston's Experimental Agriculture, 974. Johnston's (A. K.) Physical Atlas, 1141. Kaloolah, 685.

Keepsake, the, 1116.

Kemble's Saxons in England, 14.

Xing (the) and the Countess, 709. Kirkaldy (Sir William) of Grange, 276. Knight's History of England during the Thirty Years' Peace, 277.

Knax's Ornithological Rambles in Sane:, 566.

Lamartine's Raphael. 64.

Landoes (R. E.) Fountain of Arethusa, 61. Undoes (E. W.) Loffiden, 253, Layard's Nineveh and its Remains, 37. Leonia Vermont, 757.

Lewes's Life of Robespierre, 179.

Lewis on Authority in Matters of Opinion, 396.

Life-Insurance Premiums and Policies, 515. Lindsay's Lives of the Lludasys, 875, 996. Lucille Belmont, 137.

Lyell's Second Visit to United States, 563. Lytton's (Sir Buiwer) Caxton& 973. MacFarlane's Glance at Revolutionized Italy, 372.

Mackay's Western World, 178.

hi'Lean's Hudson's Bay Territory, 1069. Maitland (Dr.) on Subjects connected with the Reformation, 419.

Marigold Window, the, 397.

Mayo on Popular SupersiltIons, 661. Melville's Mardi, 374; Redburn, 1020. MerrIfield's (Mrs.) Treatises on the Arts of Painting, &c. 347.

Mexican War, Jay and Willard on, 587. Milman's Horace, 39.

Minchin's Sybil, a Soul's History, 493. Montgomery's Christian Life, 17.

Murray's Andalucia, 1091.

My Uncle the Curate, 159.

Nelson, Pettigrew's Life of, 157.

Newman on the National Debt, 1189. New Plymouth, Account of, 830.

Nile Boat, the, 1188.

O'Byrne's Naval Biographical Dictionary, 731.

O'Connell's (John) Recollections and Expe- riences of a Parliamentary Career, 922. Ogilvie& the, 1000.

Oregon River, Ross's Adventures on, 324. Owen Glendower, 733.

Owen (Professor) on Limbs, 253.

Pardoe's (Miss) Francis the First, 1018. Passages In the Life of Mrs. Margaret Maitland, 1212.

Faton's Highlands and Islands of the Adriatic, 325.

Peter the Cruel, History of, 1211.

Pietas Metrics, 879.

Power's Sketches in New Zealand, 587. Ranke's History of Prussia, 86.

Reid's (Colonel) Application of the Law of Storms, 878.

Reid on Infantile Laryngiamus, 160. Rizzi°, 421.

Robertson's (Lord) Sonnets, 999. Roebuck's Colonies of England, 467. Rowe's Dartmoor, 731.

Rnakin's Seven Lamps, 707.

Russell (Dr.) on Epidemic Cholera, 686. Sand and Canvass, 64.

Scoffem on Manufacture of Sugar, 710. Seymoues Mornings among Jesuits, 491. Shirley, Bishop, 997.

Sikhs, Cunningham's History of the, 323. Simpson'a Lily of Paris, 830.

Sires China and the Chinese. 373. Smith's Hebrew People, 1163, Southey's Life and Correspondence, 1066. Soyees Modern Housewife, 831.

Stephen's Essays on Ecclesiastical Bio- graphy, 513.

St. John's (B.) Visit to the Oasis of Jupi- ter Amrnon, 348.

S. John's Tour in Sutherlandishire, 203. Saes Protestant Leader, 615.

. Taylor's History of House of Orleans, 804. Taylor's (Isaac) Loyola, 614.

Terry's Travels, lb.

Thompson's Irish Birds, 88.

Thomson's Lawy of Thought, 275. Titmarsh's Rebecca and Rowena, 1236. Tovrnsend's New South Wales, 395. Urquhart's Pillars of Hercules, 1234. Vaughan on the Age and Christianity, 588. Wakefield's View of the Art of Coloniza- tion, 135.

Wales by Sir Thomas Phillips, 923. Walpole's Four Years in the Pacific. 756. Walpole's (11.) Painting In England, 1113. Warburton'a Prince Rupert and the Cava- liers, 443.

Ward's (Mrs.) Recollections of an Old Sol- dier, 205.

Watson's Trevethlan, 180.

Webb's (Mrs.) Julamerk, 951. Werne's Voyage on the White Me, 514. Willmott's Journal of Summer-Time in the Country, 541.

Wise's Wanderings, 1139.

Woodcock's Scripture Lands, 708.


Abbott's Lives, 326, 470, 1166. Esthetic Papers, 639, Alisou's History of Europe. 303. Almanacks, 1023, 1046, 1071, 1117, 1143, 1166, 119., 12,3. Arabarvalla, 65. Ancient Geography, Puts's, 231. An- derson's Addresses, 807. Anglo-Saxon Delectus, 470. Annals of Diocese of Quebec, 590; India, 663. Ansted's Gold- Seeker's Manual, 114. Anthologia Po- lyglotta, 619i„ Antiquarian Gleanings,

446. Ap olcal Sketches, 1022. ArttIp, Ashburnham's Iieffit, II

Austria In 1848 and 1849, 1237. ,Aytoffit's Lays, 952.

Barotsa Range, 926. Bathurst's Georgics, 1070. Bengal Obituary, 1213. Milo- mania in the Middle Ages, 114. Bird's Lectures on Electricity, 1023. Blanc's Appel, 325, 398. Bohn's Library, 114, 445. Botany, 470. Bralthwalte's Poems, 926. Brampton Rectory, 65. Brewing 783, Britannia Bridge, 639. Bucking- ham's National Evils, 663. Burger and Brighton Leonora, 687.

Cadogan's (Lady A.) Book of Ruth, 1191. Canadian Gazetteer, 114. Cares Greece, 422, Carson's Exercises in Greek, 975. Chambers's Library, 326. Chancery Student's Guide, 1165. Chee- ver's Hill Difiiculty, 567. Child's Book of Ballads, 518. Cholera in Exeter, 734. Christian Scholar, 517. Christmas Sha- dows, 1213; Tyde, 1143. Coad's Me- morandum, 1070, Coal, 278. Com- mercial Class-book, 1046. Comparative Physical Geography, 1165. Confessions of a Hypochondriac, 567. Copyright in Design, 639. Correspondence of Schil- ler with Kilmer, 138. Court Etiquette, 567. Crayford, 832.

Danger of Superficial Knowledge, 41. Dan- iell's (Mrs.) Georgians Hammond, 231. Day's Poems, 1190. Dickens's David Copperfield, 422. Doctrines of Church of Rome, 1117. Dod's Peerage, 66. Doyle's Manners and Cvstoms of ye Englyshe, 1238.

Earp's New Zealand Handbook, 735. En- chanted Doll, 542. Encyclopaedia Me- tropolltana, 1117. England in the Days of Wyclif, 663. Episodes of Insect Life, 1190, Erasmus's Pilgrimages, 734. Etching, 1213. European Literature, Handbook of, 710. Exercitationes lain- bless, 1070. Exmoor, 326. Exodus, 687.

Facts and Reflections, 760. Fairy Tales, 784. Falck-Lebahn's Practice in Ger- man, 926. Family Failings, 398. Fe- male Poets of America, 278. Fichte's Works, 470. Finchley Manuals, 1023. Four Pilgrims, 1142. Francke's New Theory of Disease, 494. Fresnel and his Followers, 567. Friends and Fortune, 254.

Genius of Italy, 567. 4.111bint on Banking, 687. Gliddon's Otia Agyptlaca, 375, Golden Calf, 1045. Goose's Popular Bri- tish Ornithology, 66. Greeks, Manners and Customs of, 640.

Hall (the) and the Manor-house, 278, Stare's Sermons, 398. Healthy Homes, 832. Herman and Dorothea, 1045. Her- say's (Mm.) Double Claim, 1165. Hill's Voyage to Africa, 975. Hip-joint Dis- ease, 375. Hoblyn's Dictionary of Sci- entific Terms, 542. Hogg's Management of Infancy, 926. Holy Land Restored, 326. Holyoake's Public Speaking, 784. Humboldt's Cosmos, 182. Hunt's Book for a Corner, 114.

Illustrated Companion to Latin Dictionary, 41.

James's Works, 518; Cosur de Lion, 783. Jervis'e Poems, 398. Jews, 567. Jones's Matrimony, 1071; Fruits, 1191. Judith, 567. Juvenile Depravity, 254, 397.

Kelly's History of 1848, 254. KIllameY. Lakes of, 687. Knowles's Rock of Rome, 398.

Labour and other Capital, 254. Leaves from the Journal of a Subaltern, 615. Lechevaller, Declaration du Citoyen, 1165. Lectures on Medical Missions, 422. Lee's Poems, 926. Leech's Young Troublesome, 1238. Lift for the Lazy, 808. Lines and Leaves, 1237. Living Orators in America, 518. Lodge's Por- traits, 1071. Lucy's Half•Crown, 710.

Mabel Carrington, 446. Macaulay's Cha- racter of the Clergy, 542. Macculloch's Political Economy, 375, Magazines, 139, 664, 735, 760, 784, 1213,1238. Maginn's Homeric Ballads, 1238. Mallet's Edwin and Emma, 446. Manual of Scientific Inquiry, 590. Maps, 446, 590, 711, 926, 1046, 1213. Masonic Writers, 808. Me- diteval Geography, 952. Sherry-Mount, 398. Military Geography of Europe, 1143. Moderate Monarchy, 734. Moody's New Testament Expounded, 1142. Murray's Library, 616 ; (Sir J.) Electricity as a Cause of Cholera, 952. Musical Manual, 422.

Nash's Mansions of England, 711. Na- tional Library of Select Literature, 114, Navigation-laws, 41. Navy, Manning the, 326. New Zealand, Id.•Killop's, 926. Nicol's Mineralogy, 422.

Old and New Christian Churches, 1117. Original Ballads, 1213. Ornamental Glazing Quarries, 518.

Palenque, 663. Parlour Library, 230, Pao- sion Week, 303. Past and Future Emi- gration, 783. Poems, 279, 303, 326, 446, 470, 734, 1190. Poor Artist, the, 1237. Popular Rhymes, 470. Post-office Di- rectory, 1116. Prentice's United States, 422. Prescott's Works, 952. Pridham's Ceylon, 230, 278. Prints, 591, 784, 832, 976, 1046, 1191, 1213. Protestantism and Catholicity Compared, 494.

Reade's Revelations of Life, 114. Religi- ons Teachings, 1022. Responsibilities of Employers, 783. Revelations of an Or- derly, 1022. Reverberations, 494. Ro- berts's Egypt, 760. Rod and Line, 1046. Rothsay, Guide to, 590. Rough and Smooth, 1190. Royal Prerogative, 1046.

Sabbath, the, 616. Sanctuary, the, 590. Scenes where the Tempter has Tri- umphed. 615. School.books, 639, 711, 735, 808, 1022. Scrymgeour's Class- book, 975. Sepulchral Slabs, 926. Ser- mons, 138, 182. Sertom Eccleslw, 41. Seven Tales, 446. Short Conclusions

from the Light of Nature. 1170. Srr tiles Chronological Tables, 446. Sontag, 831. Southey's Commonplace Book, 494, 1116. Spiers's Dictionaries, 759, St. Andrews, 760. St. Paul, Life of, 494. Staunton's Inquiry-the word "God," 230, Stra- tagems, 832. Strayed Reveller, 231. Street's Frontenac, 231. Stud, the, 735. Studies of Sbakspere, 663. Swain's Eng- lish Melodies, 518. Swift, Wilde's, 114, 687. Swiss Family Robinson, 398. for the Times, 615. Tamer's Dic- onary,°unison's History of Scotland. 398. Tracts for the Chris- tian Seasous, 518. Treasury of Pleasure Books, 1143. Twice-told Tales, 398.

Uncle's Legacy, 1116. Use and Abuse, 231.

Vaughan's Essays, 138; Letter and Spirit, 1165. Vienna in 1848,518. Viking, the, 41.

Wakefield's Colonial Surveying, 1165. Waterford's (Lady) Babes in the Wood, 1191. Weale's Dictionary, 1117. Web- ster's Red Book, 1213. Week on the Concord, 975. White's History of Great Britain, 1070. Whitehead's Poems, 1070. Whiteside's Vicissitudes of the Eternal City, 639. Who's Who In 1849, 90. Woodcrofes Steam Navigation, 65.

Young's English-Greek Lexicon, 952,


Adelphi-Cocknies in California, 202; The Hop-pickers, 247; Who Lives at No. 9? 295; Devil's Violin, 439; Unwarrant- able Intrusion, 559; Webster's Royal Red-Book, 632; Mrs. Banbury's Spoons, 990; Sons of Mars, 1014; Domestic Eco- nomy, 1161; The Willow Copse, 1135.

Christmas Pieces, 1227.

Drury Lane-Opening, 1227.

Haymarket-Merchant of Venice, 9; Wel- lack, 33; Hamlet, 57 ; The Housekeep- er, 107; Othello. 246; Separate Main- tenance, 247; Brigand - Trumpeter's Wedding, 272; The Sphinx, 342; Mac- beth, 536; Strathmore, 583; An Alarm- ing Sacrifice, 657; As You Like It, 707; Bird of Passage, 870; Mr. Macready, 966; Lear, 1013; Guardian Angel, 1014; The Serious Fatally, 1038; Laughing Hyena, 1061; Othello, 1109; Loving Woman-King Rene's Daughter, 1204.

Kenney, Mr., 707.

Lewes's (Mr.) Debar, 247.

Lyceum-Who Speaks First? 33; Shave you Directly, 175; A Romantic Idea, 223; Hold your Tongue, 272; Seven Champions of Christendom, 342; A Wonderful Woman, 510 ; A Lady in Difficulties, 990; Methinks I see my Father, 1061; Delicate Ground, 1135.

Marylebone -Armand, 57; Virginia, 439; Witch Wife, 584; Velasco, 897.

New Strand Theatre-Opening, 369; John Dobbs, 391; Honesty is the Best Po- licy, 559 ; Hearts are Trumps. 727; My First and Last Courtship, 800; Katty from Connaught, 823; Where there's a Will there's a Way, 849; Reigning Fa- vourite, 967; A Family Party, 1087; King Rene's Daughter, 1182.

Olympic-The Headsman, 10; Brigands In the Bud, Si; Hemlock Draught. 130; Lost Diamonds. 183; The Woman-Ha- ter, 201; destruction by fire, 295; re- opening, 1228.

Princess's-Fair Pershin, 342; Life Guardsman, 1109.

Sadlees Wells-Honest Man's Fortune, 201; Calaynoa, 464; opening, 823; An- tony and Cleopatra, 1018; Garcia, 1182. Vauxhall, 536.


Autumn Music Meetings, the, 823. Birmingham Festival, the, 870.

Braham, 10.

Concert of Ancient Music, 296.

Concerts, 107, 439, 510, 584, 009,632, 657. Czerny's Practical Composition, 591. Drury Lane-German Opera, 438, 464, 487, 510; Jullien's Concerts, 1061. English Opera, 967. Handers Anniversary, 175, Hullah'e Concert, 487.

Italian Opera-Prospects of the season, 81, 130, 22 3 ; opening- La Cenerentola, 246; Jenny Lind, 272; Ernani, 295; Parodi, 319,341, 342, 369, 414 ; dramatic concerts, 342; ballet, 369, 559; reap- pearance of Jenny Lind, 390, 414 ; fare- well, 438; Alboni, 464; Semiramide- La Gazza Ladra, 487; Don Giovanni, 5 09, 535 ; Matrimonlo Segreto, 559; Lu- crezia Borgia, 584; Sontag, 607, 632, 656, 681, 706, 776; the Pas des Pati- nears in Le Prophet°, 609, 632; Don Pasquale, 602; morning concert, 726; preparation to close, 751; close, 800.

Jenny Lind's Concert at Exeter Hall, 318.

Jenny Lind's retirement, 391.

Judas Maccabeus at Exeter Hall, 33. Lincoln's (Mr.) Lecture on Purcell, 81. London Sacred Harmonic Society, 610. Music, 976.

Musical Upton, 296.

New Musical Publications, 18, 139, 784. Paris, Music in. 1038.

Philharmonic Concerts, 247,296, 369, 414, 464, 510, 560, 609.

Princess's Theatre-Mengis, 130; Fran- cesca Doria, 223 ; Opening-Don Gio- vanni, 944 ; Sonnambula, 967; Charles the Second, 1038; Mina, 1182.

Royal Italian Opera-Prospects of theses- son, 81, 152; opening-Masardello, 246; Linda di Chamouni, 342; Semiramide, 369 ; Barbiere di Siviglia-Lucia di Lam- merman, 391; Robert he Diable, 464 ; Huguenots, 487; Nozze di Figaro, 535; hfatrimonio Segreto, 609 ; Persian', 632; Le Prophete, 705, 726, 751 ; close, 800.

Sacred Harmonic Society, 130, 296, 610, 1087. St. James's-Opera Comlque, 57, II, 272, 391, 414 ; La Dame Blanche, 107; Zs- netts. 153; Richard Conn de Lion, 202; present to Mr. Mitchell, 584; Le Comte Ory, 584.

St. Martin's Hall, Music in, 1205. Wednesday Concerts, the, 610, 1014, 1061. Wilson, John, 727.


Ansdell and Frith's "Halt," 423. Auckland, Portrait of Lord, 232.

Ausoux's (Dr.) Anatomical Models, 327. British Institution, 161, 1117.

Carew's (Mr.) Death of Nelson, 1161. Cologne Cathedral, 327.

Copying Electric Telegraph, the, 522. Cosmopolitan Exhibition in 1851, 976. Diorama of Rosenlaul, 399.

Etty Collection at the Society of Arts, 568. Exposition de l'Induatrie Francalse, 1118. Free Exhibition, the, 327.

Humphreys's Botanical Illustrations, 327. Landseer s Sketches, 1118.

Layard's Monuments of Nineveh, 495. Lind. Portrait of, 423.

Napier, Sir Charles, Portraits of, 327. New Society of Painters in Water Coloure, 399.

Nile, Panorama of the, 735.

Panofka's Ancient Greeks, 664.

Panorama of Switzerland, 247; Cashrffire, 536.

Paolo Veronese's St. Philip and St. James, 664.

Patten's (Mr. George) Coin, 304. Petermann's Maps of the British Isles, 760, Prize Cups, 519.

Roman Monuments after the French Siege, described by an Eye-witness, 760. Royal Academy, Exhibition of the, 447.

470, 495, 518, 543, 591.

Royal Institution : Old Masters, 567. Scott, Mr. David, 232.

Sketches from Nature, 519.

Smyth's Sikh Guns, 18.

Society of Arts-DecoratIve Works, 231. "Staunton " Chess-men, the, 1087. Suffolk Street Exhibition, 326.

Water Colour Exhibition, 422.


A Case for Ecclesiastical Casuists, by as Old Soldier, 394.

Attendance in the House of Commons, by M.P., 990.

Book Exchange, by R. Noland& 10. Brooke's (Rajah) Doings In Borneo, by Philo-Aborigines, 1061, 1112.

Bulwer (Sir Henry) and the Hecate, by "Mother Carey," 1090.

Carlisle's (Lord) Nuisances, by X., 659. Change of Name, by an Attorney, 897. Chlorine Gas Experiment, by Witham Reid, M.D., 948; by William Herapath, 966; Note, 989.

Cholera, The Cause and Generation of, by F. C. Brown, 133.

Church's Mission, the, by M.D.S., 947; The Church Establishment, by E. A. F., 990; The Church and the Establishment, by M. D. S., 1014.

Clear Land-Titles for England as well as Ireland, by M. N., 560.

!Communism, by E. Horsman, 632; by Le- ast, 632; What is Communism? by W. S., 755; Political Economy and, by Henry Jeffery..825 ; by W. S., 871.

Convict Colonists, by a Colonist, 178.

Corn, Average Prices of, by J. W., 1228. Cries from Cape, by English Settler, 777. Emigration, Quiet Thoughts on,by X.,1182; the Case of Ireland, 1229.

English Inquisition (an) against Medical Heresy, by W. K. K., 1036.

Finance, by W. S., 10.

Foreign Policy, by W. J. Linton, 707; by Samuel Langley, 918.

France, on, 272; A Second Letter on French Politics, 296.

Influences of Capital in Retail Trade, by X., 1138.

"International Arbitration," by W. J Lhiton, 610.

Ireland, 10.

Irish Schools and the British Relief Asso- ciation, by H., 223. Italy, Parties and Affairs in. II.-The War, by Joseph Mazzini, 155; Ill-The National Party, 198.

Malta-Repulse of Refugees, by W. J. Linton, 799.

Mark Prison, a, by A. Maconochle, 58. Poisonings, How to Diminish, by P. H. Holland, 824.

Poor-law Administration, Faults in, Ac- counted for, by a Chairman of a Suffolk Union, 107.

Purchase in the Army, Plan for Abellah- lug, by Miles, 466; Abuse of, 560. Quarantine, by Audi Altemm Partem, 560; Quarantine Controversy, by B., 584. Railway Audits, by X. X., 1161.

Railway Porters, Gratuities to, by the Tra- veller by the Eastern Counties Railway, 897.

Redhlll Farm School, by S. Turner, 466;

and Mettray, by W. Gladstone, 513. Regent's Park, Encroachments on, by One of the Public, 751.

Sale of Encumbered Estates, by M. N., 394. Savings-banks, a Hint to Trustees and Managers of, by W. H. Porter, 1228. Scotland, Administration of Criminal Jus- tice in, by Indicator, 1061, 1112, 1229. Taxation, by W. S., 34; The Probate and Legacy Duties, by X., 58, 82; Metaphy- sics of: the National Debt, by X., 130; Local and General, by W. S., 346, 442. Universities, by a Fellow of a College, 824. Wason's Budget, by Rigby Wason, 110. Woods and Forests Committee-Mr. Gore's Evidence, by X. X., 966; Inquiry ef Ufa

Sessloa, by F., 991, 1014.