6 JANUARY 1855, Page 12



The telegraph continues to furnish but meagre reports ; though some of those received are not without interest

" :Vienna, Friday Evening, January 5.—The following is reliable intelli- gence from the Crimea of the 20th of liesember. 'The Russians are taking up a position on the Alma, in order to ward off any attack upon Sebastopol. from the North ; probably a precautionary measure against the Turks at

Eupatoria." - • . • •

.".Trieste, January 3.—The Allied armies, suffering from cold, have no fire-wood. The Allies have taken three Russian guns. General Liprandi still occupies his position near Balaklava. "Accounts from Trebizond, of the 19th, state that the Russians have razedthe forts of Bayazid, and are closely watching the frontier ofPersia._ The heavy falls of snow which have taken place near Kars • render it very improbable that hostilities chn be resumed until the spring. The Russian garrisons of Sehamkoi and Anima will be, it i6 said, marched to the Crimea." " Vienna, .Fiiday, January. 4.—The' following telegraphic intelligence, received by theliiennaPrease from Bucharest, requires confirmation. Prince Stirbey is raising an auxiliary corps of 10,000 Wallachians, to aesiet the- Turks in their eperations ageinst.the Russians:" "Berlin, January 5.—Austria demands the mobilization of the Prussian army:. By the -military -treaty. of the 20th of April, Prussia hound herself to mobilize 100,000 men in thirty days, and 100,000 more in three weeks later. By a despatch dated December 24, the Austrian Cabinet has declared to Prussia that if peace were not assured by the -1st of January, or within a short period of that date; the moment Would have come for Prussia to fulfil her engagements.-- Austria has further declared tbarthereexists good reason for the mobilization of half of the federal contingents, and she has addressed • a communication to that effect to the Germanic :Diet., The semi-official journals of this day intimate that Prussia will not accede • to the Austrian demands. They further contest the fact -of the concentration of Russian troops in Gallicia, although it has been announced by their .own corre- spondents."