The terms on which the new French Loan of 20,000,000/. is to be issued have been published this week : it is optional to subscribers to take Four- and-a-half per Cents at 92f., or Three per Cents at 65f. 254., with deductions that would render them respectively equivalent to 891. 7c. and 637. 17c. The limit for subscribing in Paris extends from the 3d to 14th instant. It had been expected throughout that leading London capitalists would form lists amounting altogether to about 3,000,006!.' and on Wednesday a notice from Messrs. Rothschild was posted in the Stock Exchange, stating applica- tions could now be made to them, which must be accompanied with a de- posit of 10 per cent on the amount requested : a commission of k per cent on the stock apportioned will be !barged, and the exchange will be taken at 251. per 11. sterling. Messrs. Baring Brothers and Co. issued a circular that afternoon on similar terms, but with fuller particulars,-to the effect that through arrangements with the Societe Generale de Credit Mobilier in Paris applications will be received until three o'clock on Thursday the 11th instant.
of March next, and terminate on the 7th of August 1856,) on receipt of the QUARTERS ENDED amount on the 1st of each corresponding month, at the fixed exchange of 1/. per 251. without fuirther charge. If the amount inscribed by the Treasury of France should be less than that applied for, the surplus deposit will be returned. Applications for the Four-and-a-half per cent Rentes must not be less than for 9001.; and for the Three per Cents for not less than 7501. Rentes, or for multiples of these amounts. The following scale of calcula- tions was annexed- " Francs 900 Rentes 44 per cent are equivalent to 20,000f. capital, costing at 92 per tent 18,4001., or at the exchange of 251. per 11. sterling 7361.; on which the de- posit of 10 per cent is 731. 12s.; and commission of 4 per cent on 7361., if the whole i
be obtained, s las. U."
"Francs 750 Rentes 3 per cent are equivalent to 25,0001. capital, costing at 654 per cent 16,312f. 50c., or at the exchange of 251. per 11. sterling 652/. 10s.; on which the deposit of 10 per cent is 6M. 5s. ; and the commission of 4 per cent on 6521. 10s., if the whole be obtained, is 16s. 4d." 'Messrs. C. Devaux and Co. have since given notice that they also will re- ceive applications for the loan.
An impression has prevailed that the London subscribers will be numer- ous ; but this will in a great measure depend upon the margin offered be- tween the prices of the loan and those on the Bourse, the latter being highest at present by several per cents. The dealers in the English Market have been preparing against the Possi- bility of an over-abundance of Stock and an increased pressure for money., from sales and loans connected.with the new French issue ; which, combined
with great heaviness on the Park Bourse, and a fear that the existing stateTotals rs,assato of the French exchange and shipments on account of the loan will for a time ports-to he circulated of differences in the Ministry. The Funds have since ceding year. rallied ft; which hai, not beenmaintained ; and Consols close this evening at 905 f. Bank'Stoek and Exchequer Bills present. no alteration. QUARTER ENDED YEAR ENDED The average stook of bullion held in both departments of the Bank of England for the month ending the 25th November was 13,577,3501. This is an increase of 361,231/. compared with the preceding month, but a decrease of 2,033,9251. compared with the same time last year. The arrivals of gild and specie this week consist in 461,3531. from Australia, and 203,000/. from the West Indies. The shipments by the Tagus were large, amounting to 361,1127.; and comprised 48,343/. in gold for Alexandria and Hongkong, and 312,7691. silver for Penang, Singapore, Canton, and Shanghai. In Foreign Stocks, the transactions have been limited, but prices on the average have been supported; and Austrian„ Dutch, Portuguese, Russian
Four-and-a-half per Cents, and Spanish
has fallen Totals , are rather higher. Turkish Scrip 1,750,305 309,828 2,946,797 655,441„ In Railways, the dealings have been unimportant, owing to the doubtful position of toned& : the principal Shares in some cases are slightly lower, 'whilst others have been maintained. Great Western continue to show weakness, and have been done at 671. Great Northern have been in de- mand, and once reached 924 3; they have since receded. Foreign Shares are higher : Paris and Rouen bare improved 21., and Eastern of France and Northern of France 10s.
SATURDAY, TWELVE °Twee, The English Funds are dull this morning, at a decline of 4, caused chiefly by the bullion the Bank of England, which shows a decrease of 302,4471.0fttlioughlnona the present drain it was to _have been expected. 'Consols have opened today.for,private transfer' and are quoted for Money 905 4, and-for Account 904 4, Exchequer Bills4 7. The dividends will be paid to the the Bank on Tuesday next. . Foreign Stocks present no change, .,-Turk"tsh Scrip is 741 I. -Railways are a shade lower, and there is a disposition to effect saks-Caledonian, 001; Great Northern, 914' Great Vu estern„685-; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 731 ; "London and Nofth-NVeStern, 1004; Mittand„ 684; North-Eastern-Berwick, 741 ; South Wales, 29. - SATURDAY, Two °Twee. The English Funds have recovered since the morning, and Consols close at 904 4 and 905 4 for the Account. Exchequer Bills 47. In Foreign Stocks the only alteration is in Turkish Scrip, which is a shade better, being 744 5; the transactions have been at 744 4. Equador has been done at 4. . , The Railway Market has slightly rallied, but the dealers have been acting with Catt4873-Caledonian, 604; East Lancashire, 71; Edinburgh and Glas- gow, 555; -Great Northern, 92; Great Western, 684; Lancashire and York- shire, 735; London, Brighton; and South Coast, 107; London 'and North- Western, 101; London and South-Western, 835; Midland, 684; Midland, Birmingham, andrDerby, 414; North British, '31; North-Eastern-Berwick, 744; North Staffordshire, 13; Scottish Midland, 61; South-Eastern, SS'; -South Wales, 285; Eastern Counties Extension 5 per cent; No. 1, 4 prem. ; Ditto New 6 per cent Stock, .124; London and South-Western, Consolidated Thirds, 7-k'; Midland Preference, 44 per Cent, 14 dia. ; North British, 101; Dutch Rhenish, 64; Eastern of France, 314; East Indian Extension, 24; Great Western of Canada,. 164.; Great Luxembourg Constituted Shares, 24; Ditto Obligations, 24; Madras, 154; Paris and Lyons, 34; Zealand, 174. Mine-Mexican and South American, 64. Joint Stock Bauks-London Chartered Bank of Australia, 21; Union of Australia, 66. Miscellaneous- Crystal Palace, 2k ; North British Australasian, k'; Scottish Australasian Iuvestment, 14; Van Diemen's Land, 114.
3 per cent Consols
Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced New 3-per Cents
Long Annuities
Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock
Austrian 5-per Cents
Brazilian 3 per Cents Belgian 4i per Cents Chilian 6 per Cents Danish 5 per Cents
004 4
- 904 901 90 4 201 10 4 7 226 30 ex d. 81 4 ex d. 97 9 90 2 100 2 101 3
Danish 3 per Cents
Dutch 24 per Cents 60
Mexican 3 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents
Peruvian 4i per Cents
Ditto 3 per Dents
Portuguese 4 per Cents
Russian 5 per Cents Ditto 44 per Cents 85
Spanish 3 per Cents Ditto Deferred Sardinian 5 per Cents Swedish 4 per Cents
294 11
78 81 ' 1 es d. 91 2
69 71 48 50 40 2 ex d. 97 9
7 ex d.
18f 1 83 5
83 6