6 JANUARY 1855, Page 21


ruesday, January 2.

P.vereanestirs DisSOLTED.-Sha)ler and Co. Manchester, silk-manufacturers- Crawford and Co. East India merchants ; as far as regards A. Colvin-W. and J: Clark, Devizes, butchers-Miller add Carr, Eastcheap, attoniies-Howes and Bat- ten, Mark Lane, commission-agents-Chapman end Moore, Old Bond Street, hatters -Partridge and Co. Liverpool, commission-merchants-Fiuchand Shepherd, Moor- gate Street, attornies-Webb and Gundry, Bristol, chemists-Partridge and Porter, Great Try, Essex, lessees of Hoe Farm-Forbes and Co. London, Eastlndia agents; as far as regards W.14. Leith-Tonge and Co. Liverpool, ship-valuers-Hargrave and Evans, Manchester, tailors -Amies and Co. Manchester, manufacturers-Acker- mann and Co. Strand, printsellers ; as far as regards F. Ackermann-Hill and Sons, Great Winchester Street, Russia merchant's ; as far as regards J. klill -Robins and Warry, New Inn-Wright and Co. Golden Square, atternies -Cook and Wil- liams, Princes Street, Hanover Square, tailors-Smith and CO. Queen Street, Cheap-, side, wine-merchants; as far as regards IL Lewis-Staniland and Co. Bouverm Street, attornies-Russell and Cloves, Leek, sills-manufacturers-Staniford and Elliott, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, ship-brokers-Kingsford and Co. Canterbury, attor- Dies; as far as regards II. Kingsford-Price and Co. Birmingham, glass-manufac- turers-Leech and Co. Liverpool, merchants -Midgleyand Denby, Selby, brewers- Semen and Co. Manchester, merchants ; as far as regards C. Semon-Semon and CO. Bradford, Yorkshire, merchants-Brodribb and Coates, ,Liverpool, tea-brokers- H. and E. Cox, Glasshouse Street, Westminster, butchers-Hall and Brown, Li- verpool, alkali-manufacturers-Butterworth and Co. Great Dover Street, shoe-ma- nufacturers; as far as regards R. Muckleston-Howe and Greene, Liverpool, brokers-Francis and Sons, Nine Elms, Battersea, and elsewhere, cement-manu- facturers ; as far as regards C. Francis-H. and C. Swan and J. Sears, Eal- ing, brick-makers-Harris and Dixon, Coal Exchange. coal-factors-Tyce and Womack, Norwich, cabinet-makers- Gregson and Co. Austinfriars; as far as re- gards S. G. Fell-Leyland, Brothers, Halifax, worsted-spinners-Bell and Co. Blackburn, cotton-manufacturers-RatelifF and Anderson, Broad Street, liatclir, plumbers-Hecht, Brothers, Seething Lane' merchants-Staton and Bloor, Bestow- ton, Cheshire, silk-throwsters -Steele and Smith, Bath, chesnistsPenn and Co. Aston, Birmingham, paper-manufacturers-Gray and Gilson, Hounslow, iron- mongers-Barlow and Aston, Manchester, attornies-Trower and Maas, hop-mer- chants-Padbury and Johnson, Surrey Row, Blackfriars Road, card-manufacturers -Goudehaux and Co.-Dale and Co. Darlington, brick-manufacturers ; as far as regards D. Dale-Brown and Co. Swan Street, Kent Road, floor-cloth-manufac- turers; as far as regards J. Brown-Laurence and Co.; as far as regards P. Care- nove-Campbell and Co. Port St. Mary's, Spain, vvine.shippers-W. and T. Tomlin- son, Liverpool, corn-merchants-Shaw and Gaunt, Bratuley, Leeds conductors of an academy-Morley and Swinscow, Glamford Briggs, LincoliAire, furriers- Leonard and Co. Easton, Bristol, coal-miners; as far as regards W. Boult-Siddall and Sons, Dewsbury, timers; as far as regards H. Siddall-Fraser and Laidlaw; Aberdeen.

Rsexemers.-HENRY NEWBY, North Place, Kingsland Road, builder, to surrender Jan. 8, Feb. 12: solicitors, Budg,er and Collins, King William Street ; official as- signee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings-awn:me Fiume KENNEDY, West Cowes, chemist. Jan. 10, Feb. 24: solicitors, Whitaker, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; Stokes, Cowes ; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street-DAVID LEODESDORF, St. Martin's-le-Grand, commission-agent, Jan. 17, Feb. 25: solicitor, Reed, Iron- monger Lane ; official assignee, -Nicholson, Basinghall Street-JOHN OVERIMR4, Frederick's Place, Old Jewry, woollen-warehouseman, Jan. 10, Feb. 23t 'solicitors, Linklaters, Sise Lane ; Winterbotham, Stroud ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers -Tiromes RICHARDS, Riclice Court, Lime Street, wood-dealer, Jan. 13, Feb. 16: solicitor, Wells, Founder's Hall; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street-611nm Simon. Bristol, cabinet-maker, Jan. 12, Feb. 12: solicitor, Salmon, Bristol; official assignee, Hutton Bristol -Jos:anion Poazurr, Battley, Yorkshire, worsted-spinner, Jan. 26, Feb. 2i: solicitors, Waren and Co. Halifax: official as-. signee, Young, Leeds-No:Plume HART, Liverpool, butcher, Jan. 15, Feb. 5: solici- tor, Dodge, Liverpool; official assignee, Cazenove, Liverpool-Tnolias WADSWORTH Macclesfield, silk-dealer, Jan. 17, Feb. 7 : solicitor, Norris, Macclesfield-, official. assignee, Fraser, Manchester-THOMAS Tnoisesox, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, victualler, Jan. 9, Feb. 22: solicitors, Ludlow and Co. Bedford Row ; Hodge and Berle, Newcastle; official assignee, Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

DIVIDENDS.-Jan. 25, Cassaigne, Salisbury Street, Strand, wine-merchant-Jan. 23, Hopkins, Cambridge, brewer-Jan. 25, Winter, Brighton, schoolmaster-Jan. 25, J. and W. T. Purdy, King's Lynn, builders-Jan. 24, Lightfoot, Stockport, grocer- Jan. 24, Bate, Manchester, baker-Jan. 23, Hadland, St. Helen's, Lancashire, glass- manufacturer-Jan. 24, White, Ormskirk, Lancashire, builder-Jan. 23, Sanderson, Liverpool, ship-brokers-Jan. 26, Barrett, Stourbridge, butcher. Caterzeiceres.-2b be granted, unless cause be shotcta to the contrary, on the day of meeting. -Jan. 23, Bois, Fenchurch Street, merchant-Jan. 23, Banks, Little Queerr Street, Holborn, engraver-Jan. 24, Davis and Eaton, Kingston, builders-Jan. 24, Wade, Northampton, leather-seller-Jan. 24, Brown, Winchester, carpenter-Jan. 25, De Russett, Birchin Lane. merchant-Jan. 2.5, Brett, Portsea, grocer-Jan. 25, Tuson, .Harley Street, boarding-housekeeper-Jan. 25. Rimer, Gravesend, cigar- merchant-Jau. 25, Batley, Davies Street, Berkeley Square, hotel-keeper-Jan. 23, Matthews, Newent, Gloucestershire, hallier-Jan. 25, Godfrey, Taunton, coach- maker-Feb. 1, Smith and Simpson, Burnley, iron-founders-Jan. 24, Deane and Youle, Liverpool, merchants-Jan. 18, Dangniac, Wolverhampton, druggist. DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS.-THR, High Holborn, ironmonger ; first div. of la. 11d. on Wednesday next and three subsequent Wednesdays; Edwards, Sam- brook Court, Basinghall Street-Allan, Coleman Street, merchant; third div. of 3,141. on Wednesday next and three subsequent Wednesdays ; Edwards, Sambrook Court —Le Grand, Lambeth Walk, grocer; first div. of Is. 10d. on Wednesday next and three subsequent Wednesdays; Edwards, Sambrook Court—Dods, Arthur Street West, London Bridge. hemp-merchant ; first div. of 4s. on Wednesday next and three subsequent Wednesdays; Edwards, Sambrook Court—Bell, Liverpool, con- fectioner ; first div. of qd. on Wednesday, Jan. 10, or any subsequent Wednesday; Morgan, Liverpool—Anstey and Walton, Birmingham, drapers ; first div. of 28. 7d. any Thursday ; Christie, Birmingham—Parker, Southport, Lancashire, hotel-keep- er; first div. of 4s. 8d. any Wednesday ; Morgan, Liverpool.

SCOTCH Sentriarrnerioss.--Readman, Glasgow, merchant, Jan. 12—Frazer, Girvan, merchant, Jan. 15—M`Farlatte, Glasgow, hearthrug-manufacturer, Jan. 10.

.Friday, January 5.

PAnrxxasaies DIRSOLVED.—Simon and Goldschmidt, Nottingham, box-makers — Abbott and Co. Wellington Street North, advertising-agents—Twigg and Co. Kiln- hunt, Yorkshire, earthenware-manufacturers—Bridgett and Deli. Great Garden Street, Whitechapel, sugar-refiners—Aspinwall and Son, Grosvenor Street, uphol- sterers—Briggs and Edwards. Leicester, stationers—Smith and Wilson, Leicester, hosiers—Lang and Co. Liverpool, and Lang and Co. Valparaiso and i-ima, commis- sion merchants; as far as regards G. Lyon and A. Jackson—Pennington and Jervis, Manchester, architects—Bromiley and Sons, Manchester, tea-dealers; as far as re- gards J. Bromiley—Wilcockson and Allen, Sheffield, clothiers—E. and T. Godwin, Winchester, auctioneers—Shaw and Dawson, Mortimer Street, auctioneers—Arnoore and Ward. Hastings, millers—Wolley and Clement, Bank Chambers, Lothbury, stock-brokers—Ryder and English, Birmingham, die-sinkers—Turner and Co. Huddersfield, woollen-cloth-merchants—Riches and Co. Uxbridge, attornies ; as far as regards T. II. Riches—Firth and Andrew, Sudebill, Manchester, eating-house- keepers—Osborn and Co. and Johnson and Co. Bourn, Lincolnshire, ironmongers— Groom and Shepherd or Groom and Co. Wombridge, Shropshire, maltaters—Seville and 'pew, Manchester, commission agents—Briscoe and Son, Wolverhampton, mer- chants—B. and T. Greaves, Glossop, brewers—Griffiths and Chidlaw. Birmingham, percussion-cap-manufacturers—Iligginbottom and Son, Nottingham, surgeons- Avison and Pritt, Liverpool, attornies —Brown and Pattersons, Greenhaugh, Northumberland, grocers ; as far as regards H. Patterson—Shaw and Heely, Birmingham, nail-manufacturers—Mitchell and Cock, Edgware Road,wool- len-drapers—Whitehead and Co. Rawtenstall, merchants—Addison and Heilbuth, Crutchedfriars, ship-brokers—Shepherd and Platel, Exeter, wine-merchants- Wreford and CO. Aldermanbury, warehousemen, and Leek, manufacturers; as far as regards W. Dustan—Wreford and Co. Leek, dyers—Beart's Patent Brick Co. Arl- sey, Bedfordshire ; as far as regards T. Pearce—Yates and Co. Liverpool, iron-mer- chants—Adam and Taylor, Liverpool, block-makers—E. and T. Mellor, Oldham, tanners—Stott and Co. Sulby Glen, Isle of Man, starch-manufacturers—R. and A. Bennie, Canterbury, linen-drapers—A. and S. Kirkpatrick, Liverpool, lath-cleavers —Bateman and White, Liverpool, ironmongers—Jackson and Shackleton. Black- burn, millers—Harrison and Pemberton, St. Relen's, Lancashire, timber-merchants —Pease and Sykes, Hull, commission agents—Ellis and Sons, York, lace-manufac- turers— Chapman and Page, Bishopsg,ate Street, hide-factors—Richards and Omm, Winterborne Abbas, Doroetshire, drapers—Wolff and Trampler. Hull, merchants— C. and J. Rawdon, Liverpool, merchants—Jackson and Co. Pudsey, Yorkshire- Wiggington, Woburn, Bucidnghamshire, coal-merehants—Salomons and Co. Man- chester, merchants —Whistler and Scrivens, Fenchurch Street, commission agents— Lee and Co. Huddersfield, cloth-finishers—E. and E. Foster, Cambridge, attornies —G. and F. Taylor, Shipley, stuff-manufacturers—Anderson and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, agents—Hart and Faxon, Dorking, surgeons—Lowth and Burgess, Lea- mington Priors, schoolmistresses—W. and R. Reynolds, Gloucester, ironmongers— Pemberton and Crawley, Whitehall Place, solicitors—Headlam and Langton, Liver- pool, insurance brokers—Docker and Minshull. Chester, booksellers—Rogers and Styling, Sheffield, painters ; as far as regards R. Styring—Elder and Co.; as far as regards W. Elder—ld'Clelland and Co. Glasgow, accountants.

BAsseurrs.—HENRY ALBERT LINFoRD and Vilma-or RICHARDSON, Sherbourn Lane, tavern-keepers, to surrender Jan. 16, Feb. 15: solicitor, Pollock, Desborough Street, Belgrave Rued; official assignee, Johnson, BasinghallStreet—GEOBoe Muer, Strand, ironmonger, Jan. 13, Feb. 16 : solicitor, Shepherd, Clifford's Inn, Fleet Street ; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street—Geoacie JAMES Los, Chertsey, builder, Jan. 11, Feb. 6: solicitors, Jaquet, New Inn, Strand ; Lovett, Guildford; official assignee, Lee, Aldermanbury—Cuser.ss MARTON Caooxs, Church Row, Houndsditch, licensed victualler, Jan. 11, Feb. 6: solicitors, Trehern and White, Barge Yard Chambers, Bucklersbury; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court, Basinghall Street—James Weunt, Barnsbury Place, Upper Street, Islington, inn- keeper, Jan. 19, Feb. 13: solicitor, Reed, Ironmonger Lane, Cheapside; official as- signee, Lee, Aldermanbury—Wissism Bowmen, Windsor Terrace, Cooper's Road, Old Rent Road, hatter, Jan. 19, Feb. 13: solicitors, Turnley and Luscombe, Cannon Street ; official assignee, Lee, Aldermanbury—Roeser Tuomsos, St. John's Street Road, linen-draper, Jan. 19, Feb. 13: solicitors, Lumley and Lumley, Ludgate Street; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court, Basinghall Street—Wismam Thomas Arsnwirr, Blackheath, chemist, January 16, February 13: solicitor, Lan- due, South Square, Gray's Inn ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street— Davin LEOPOLD Lewis, Salters' Hall Court, merchant, Jan. 17, Feb. 14: solicitor, Cox, Pinners' Hall; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street—J..0SM DIOBY, Birch, Essex, miller, Jan. 13, Feb.24 : solicitors, Wire and Child, St. Swithin's Lane; Barnes and Neck, Colchester; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers—THOMAS BATkMAN MANNING, Deptford, iron-founder, Jan. 17, Feb. 24: solicitor, Nickoll, Essex Street ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers—HARRIET Josern, Merthyr Tydni, victualler, Jan. 17, Feb. 14; solicitor, Miller, Bristol; official as- signee, Miller, Bristol—WILLIAM HENRY SAITNDERS, Pontypool, grocer, Jan. 17, Feb. 14: solicitors, Bevan and Girliug, Bristol ; official assignee, Acraman, 13ristol—Jo- NATHAN WAILES, Dewsbury, scribbling-miller, Jan. 23, Feb. 13: solicitors, Scholes and Son, Dewsbury; Blackburn, Leeds; official assignee, Hope, Leeds—Owes THOMAS, Manchester, tailor, Jan. 16, Feb. 6: solicitors, Clough, Huddersfield; Rig- s= and Robinson, Manchester; official assignee, Pott, Manchester.

Divinasna.—Jan, 29, Smith and Ashby, Great Coram Street, linen-drapers —Jan. 29, B.. and J. W. Crichton, High Street, Newington Butts, upholsterers—Jan. 30, Clapham, Farringdon Street, victualler—Jan. 30, Maynard, Chelsea, butcher— Jan. 26, Humphreys, New Wharf Road, Caledonian Road, engineer—Jan. 26, Boum- field, Roughway, Tunbridge, paper-manufacturer—Jan. 26, Newton, Dover Street, milliner—Jan. 26, Pirnie, Noble Street, carpet-manufacturer—Jan. 26, Staples junior, Eloham, miller—Jan. 26, Wildbore, Wisbeach, hotel-keeper—Jan. 26, Jenkins, Dept- ford, builder—Jan. 29, Elkington, King's Heath, Worcestershire, brick-maker—Jan. 30: Foulgham, Burton Joyce, Nottinghamshire, braid-manufacturer—Feb. I, Fow- ler, Abergavenoy, grocer—Jan. 26, Skaife, Keighley, corn-miller—Jan. 26, Wigney, Huddersfield, wine-merchant.

CERTIPICATI/L— 7b be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of sneeting.—Jan. 26, Hart, High Street, Wapping, corn-dealer—Jan. 29, Todd, Cle- ment's Lane, Lombard Street, merchant—Jan. 29, Bennett, Hart Street, Bloomsbury, artists'-brush-manufaeturer—Feb. 2, Baker, Newport, Monmouthshire, carrier—Jan. 30, Thomas, Gloucester, stationer—Feb. 19, Scriven, Birmingham, builder—Jan. 26, Dyson, Huddersfield, draper—Jan. 26, Barlow, Leeds, hatter—Jan. 27, Hawkins and Needham, Sheffield, knife-manufacturers—Jan. 27, Rodgers, Sheffield, newsman— Jan. 26, ltowbottom, Halifax, boiler-maker--Jan. 27, Wales, Attercliffe, Sheffield, innkeeper—Jan. 30, RIding, Donington, linen-draper—Jan. 30, Holbrook, Notting- ham, joiner.

D ECLA RATI OMR or Drvinsens.—Yates, Finsbury, and Westmoreland Wharf, City Road, Umber-merchant; first and final div, of ad. on new proofs, Wednesday next and three subsequent Wednesdays; Lee, Aldermanbury—Corpe, Limehouse, tavern- keeper ; second and final div. of 90. Wednesday next and three subsequent Wed- nesdays; Lee, Aldermanbury—Smith, Gravesend, bricklayer; first div. of Oid. Wednesday next and three subsequent Wednesdays ; Lee, Aldermanbury—Wright, Brighton, chemist ; first div, of lid.Wednesday next and three subsequent Wed- nesdays; Lee, Aldermanbury—Bateman, Southampton Buildings, agent ; third div. of 2 3-16d. Wednesday next and three subsequent Wednesdays ; Lee, Aldermanbury —Griffis, Woodbridge Bridge, underwriter; first die. of 9s. 10d. Wednesday next and three subsequent Wednesdays ; Lee, Aldermanbury—Tapling, Wood Street, carpet-warehouseman ; first div. of 5s. 6d. any Tuesday ; Pennell, Guildhall Cham- bers— Ashlin„ Eastcheap, corn-factor; third div. of 5d. any Tuesday ; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers—Jesse, Basingstoke, corn-factor ; second div. of 4s. Jan. 11, and three subsequent Thursdays ; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street—Stocken, Wallum Green, brewer; third div. of ls. Jan. 11, and three subsequent Thursdays ; Stans- fold, Basinghall Street—Harris. Liverpool, merchant ; second die. of 6id. Jan. 8, or any subsequent Monday ; Bird, Liverpool.

Semen Seueserrnenosta.—Wilkie, Bothwell, Hamilton, joiner, Jan. 18 —Blackett, Glasgow. coal-merchant, Jan. 16—Watson1 Auchinleck, Jan. 11—Robertson, Morn- ingside, Edinburgh, cattle-dealer, Jan. 17: