General la Marmora has succeeded in forming a new Ministry,
but exclusively from his own aide of the House. Lanza refused to join, and the new Minister of Finance, Scialoja, is a Neapolitan, originally a professor of political economy, but for many years past connected more Or less with the Exchequer. He is not believed to be a very strong man. General Pettinengo, the new Minister at War, has probably been selected because be will obey the Premier's orders, and S. Chiaves, the Minister of the Interior, is the well known Turinese advocate. He is said to be an able man, and his appointment indicates that the King has begun to look beyond the bureaux for ministers. The Cabinet, as a whole, is fegarded as mediocre, Scialoja is said to have already endorsed hisiredecessor'il objectionable taxes, and a combination of the Left, Left Centre, and Clericals can at any moment overthrow it.