11R. BRIGHT on Wednesday addressed his townsmen at Roch- dale upon Reform. His speech; upon which. we have com- mented elsewhere, was long, and delivered throughout in the tone of one who felt himself amicus curia: of the present Government. He discussed not so much what ought to be done as what a Cabinet would be able to do, and admitted that replesentation shOuld in- clude not every man, but every class. Towards the close of his speech he recovered something of his old energy, spoke out frankly on the murder of Gordon at Morant Bay, accused Mr. Cardwell of weakness in waiting so long before he thought of inquiry into the massacres, and severely blamed Lord Russell for trying to tempt Lord Stanley to his side. Lord Stanley was no doubt " liberal and just on all matters which do not menace his order," but Mr. Bright took the invitation to him as an acknow- ledgment that the " old Whigs were nearly worn out," and sug- gested that even if "all the Whigs were comfortably deposited in Westminster Abbey" a Cabinet would still be possible. West- ax =luster Abbey ? Why Westminster Abbey? In Wit emintrg we bury old Whigs in the House of Peers.