Mr. Cardwell addressed his constituents at Oxford on New Year's
Day, and made% speech, on which we have commented else- where. The very bad and erroneous sentence in it as to the one " undisputed " point in the Jamaica controversy was elicited by a
question from Captain Fane, who indulged in 4 very silly and violent tirade against theparty in England who had called for justice for those many wretched negroes who were by the confession of the Jamaica papers whipped and shot, if not hanged, without any pretence of evidence against them in Jamaica. Captain Fane had no doubt "that his right honourable friend would be able to show that the Government had not been coerced by that party which, by flaming advertisements and by ranting speeches, worked upon the morbid feelings of an Exeter Hall audience until they gained a-few faint cheers, which they multiplied and magnified in their organs into the voice of public opinion. These would-be philaafrorsists were the most dangerous party in England." We were Megillmirers of the Exeter Hall meeting, and at the time expressed our feeling that the speakers spoiled their case by their feebleness and vio- lence. But as for dangerousness to the nation, men like Captain Fane, who cannot stifle for a moment, even for the sake of bare justice, the rising iu their stomachs at any cry for justice to such creatures as negroes, are far more dangerous, and what is worse for them, far more criminal.