The Christians of the East seem positively crazy with antipathy
to the Jews. Just at this very moment, when one of the heaviest weights in the scale against them is the resentment of the cosmo- politan race, the Mayor of Baslui, in Moldavia, has ordered the expulsion of all Jews. That order, carried out by the mob, of course involved confiscation of property, and a long journey in winter, during which many of these unfortunates died of cold and hunger. The Austrian Government has interfered energetic- ally, and the order will be rescinded, but nothing can induce the Roumanian Parliament to treat the Jews as fellow-subjects, or to give Jews who penetrate into the interior ordinary protection. They assert that they take to forbidden trades, yet virtually refuse them permission to live by any other. The proof, however, that the motive is religious or race prejudice is that the laws extend to English, French, or Austrian Jews, who want to be simple traders.