6 JANUARY 1877, Page 9


THE world is still waiting for the Turkish answer. On Tuesday it was understood, through a telegram from Constantinople published in the Telegraph, and obviously inspired, that the Turkish Delegates had on Saturday forwarded to the Diplomatists counter-propositions, refusing to concede an International Com- mission, a foreign gendarmerie, an amnesty for the insurgents in Bulgaria, the appointment of Christian Governors-General, or in fact, anything in the shape of guarantees. On Monday, Lord Salisbury bad an interview with the Grand Vizier, in which the dangers of this course were strongly pointed out, but Midhat Pasha would make no concession whatever, and declared that the Sultan would trust in God. It was arranged, however, that the Porte should send in a final answer on Thursday, and also arranged that if it were unfavourable all the Ambassadors should depart, General Ignatieff in particular applying for a war-steamer to take him away. The intelligence made a profound sensation in all European capitals, and was everywhere accepted as involving a certainty of almost immediate war.